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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. How about all the staffers that packed this stuff for him without his being involved? Are they being charged? They are the ones that caused the spillage after all. No accountability!
  2. I guess we should be thankful for the 1.6M. The new scheme would have been good for 1.825M without anything being automatically triggered. Good work US Senate!
  3. I don’t proclaim to understand but it seems that the modern left, as exemplified by a handful of melodramatic sorts on this board, wants the exact opposite of this. Free thinking is not virtuous to this sort of person.
  4. I didn’t know who Wil Wheaton was before this but he seems like he might be entertaining to follow. Good lord.
  5. Can one of the board’s left-leaning members explain why this is?
  6. And using RoundyLogic™️ that leads to rotting in hell. Brilliant. You should ask for money back from your masters program. You got screwed.
  7. Right. So by this “logic” could one say that Putin has Biden on the mat and be as equally correct as you believe yourself to be? You would be better off admitting “Biden has Putin on the mat” was, as is common to say these days, inartful
  8. How long has Biden had Putin on the mat? How many have died while Biden has had Putin on the mat? How many will still die while Biden has Putin on the mat? They are all trick questions. Sadly, Putin is not on the mat no matter how much you would like to give Biden credit for having him there. There’s no end in sight.
  9. Attrition = Biden has Putin on the mat. You either don’t really know what “on the mat” means or you got caught up in over exuberant fanboi-ing. You should consider making your points without the cheerleading or billstime “gqp” routine. Incredibly lame.
  10. I’m sorry for quoting you twice on this but will you please tell us how this is so?
  11. Right. Everyone can see it. The end of the war is nigh! good heavens
  12. It’s got nothing to do with a “movie narrative”. Do you believe the trigger warning before Blazing Saddles (as captured in the tweet; doubt you bothered to watch) is meant for conservatives? Seems unlikely. Do you think it’s necessary? If so, who is it directed to?
  13. oh, Canada 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽
  14. Wishful thinking. Trump flat out broke people. They will be “but Trump”ing for decades.
  15. One of those segments that LOVES being lied to has spent the last three years believing there is no border crises, as stated by our leaders in Washington. Only now, in Feb 2024, be told by our commander in chief “We need to fix the broken border system. It is broken.” Don’t you feel sorry for all the dupes that have been lapping it up? Me too.
  16. At least in the minds of the dumbass liberals on this board. Disagree with them on any topic and you are any one or several of nazi/racist/homophobe/transphobe/ maga/putinlover. The level of “thinking” is……something. I went to HS in El Paso. Suffice it to say that as a whitey, I was in the minority. I’m still buddies with a crew and none of my Latinx (they just refer to themselves as Mexicans) pals are on board with a border rush that has never before existed to this degree.
  17. Look at you providing something to think about (minus climate change being a reason) instead of distilling it down to a childish, idiotic comment about brown people. Nicely done.
  18. Thank you for outing yourself as someone unable to express yourself soberly. I imagine you believe that if the millions of immigrants crashing the border and straining resources all over the nation were white Euros, everyone would just look away. Childish thinking in the extreme. Hardly surprising though. Without manufacturing racism you probably don’t have much to hang your hat on.
  19. Pretty sure I am in the same age group as him. Makes me feel a mix of sadness and embarrassment for him.
  20. https://news.gallup.com/poll/609776/democrats-lose-ground-black-hispanic-adults.aspx Of particular note The Democratic Party's wide lead over Republicans in Black Americans’ party preferences has shrunk by nearly 20 points over the past three years. Democrats' leads among Hispanic adults and adults aged 18 to 29 have slid nearly as much, resulting in Democrats' holding only a modest edge among both groups. A simple question (that will obviously go unanswered) for the board’s leftist contingent: Why?
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