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Everything posted by Jerboski

  1. Why call that route with that player at this part of the field.... has almost zero chance of working
  2. That's the problem with Sean, he is a good guy and builds a good locker room but he doesnt have the killer instinct.. he is more safe and play not to lose than go for the kill
  3. If mcdermott wants a high powered offense you better get out of this kids head and let him play aggressively... if coach Thinks he can win a title with a 20 to 24 point offense he is mistaken
  4. This they are 3 games over .500 right now, it's not like we are the jets or dolphins... yes, allen needs to hit big throws and the offense in general needs to be better. Yes, we need to stop the run but good god its years 2 with our QB, can we at least give them the end of this season and into next season before we start saying they are a failure We have picks and cap room next year with another year for Allen to digest and improve, maybe we even get a new OC.. things arent perfect but far from a failure
  5. Everyone celebrated the Oliver and Edmunds pick and I believe cody ford as well, now we are questioning his ability?
  6. I absolutely can't stand the defense we call when the game is on the line, soft zones it's just pathetic
  7. Need to get some pressure and get out of the soft zone
  8. Man he has to start hitting those wide open deep balls, game changing play
  9. Third and 3 and we run a bomb to Beasley... why? Just have him run his little cut play and get the first
  10. Edmund's is a fast dude why does it take him forever to get to the ball on those stretch runs
  11. The defense is getting smoked, not the offense problem
  12. Leave it to buffalo to let Baker have his big game this year
  13. The Knox throw should have been caught, hit him in the hands
  14. Bad drop by Knox followed by a terrible pass to a wide open brown
  15. Right down the field, what the hell happened to this defense... they are terrible now
  16. Jesus christ man you have to be kidding me, gore again This team is lucky they are playing the schedule they are because they are a 6 win team honestly Can barely beat the sorry ass skins with haskins on his first start
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