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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. Hey if your happy with what you saw on the field tonight from the offense good for you. I’ll hold him to a higher standard so we don’t end up one and done in the playoffs. But you just go ahead and be happy with how this offense operates...
  2. I think it’s just to cute. How many times do you run Gore wide before you realize he not quick enough? It didn’t just happen tonight for the first time , and you don’t trust Allen to throw it in the red zone all of the sudden? He must of got an earful on the next possession and let Allen do his thing. We knew points would be a premium and he did a terrible job.
  3. His decisions in the red zone were a joke, almost cost us. His conservative approach at the end did the same. He doesn’t trust Allen , he’s killing us...
  4. Don’t care what anyone says, great to win but.... Daboll better get his ***** together, he’s killing us...
  5. Could be, but we could finish 9-7 and out of the playoffs due too poor execution and poor play calling.. I don’t think the Pegulas would do anything drastic, not sure what our head coach would do, probably nothing, but it would really put the pressure on for results next year...
  6. We’ve given away two or three wins so far from not being prepared, he needs to figure it out this week or play offs are getting dicey. Missing them would be a crushing blow to the process. We should have beat New England the first time, really should have beat Cleveland and quite frankly should have beat Baltimore. We should really fighting for the division from a position of strength, if they have learned from their mistakes it will be ok, if they haven’t, then this season goes down the tubes quickly....
  7. Not sure he will learn, he seems to in spurts but then regresses into stupidity. He got to get a better feel for the game and also prepare himself and the players for a heavy blitz. Almost two years now and he has no answers...
  8. But you are trying to play it off as it was all Allen's fault. It may have been, or maybe Daboll doesn’t have this offense prepared to handle this all out blitz. I think it’s the latter or he is too stubborn to change when things aren’t working until late in a game...
  9. This take is about as bad as it gets. You have no idea but you’re trying to play off your BS take as fact. The only thing you got tight is we don’t know. He just as easily could have been calling out the right protection, improving the routs etc... Horrible...
  10. Jeez, I have to block another one. Oh well the experience just gets better...
  11. Should have thrown a pass to the gunner
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