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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. However, any doubts about Schmeck's partisan intent ended Monday when, as Raw Story reported, he appeared on Steve Bannon's podcast, where he rebutted the earlier reports he was not a Trump supporter. He also declared, "Donald Trump is my president and he should still be president right now." Schmeck then added the lie, "The election was 100% stolen. So, I just want to make that clear." So dude lied about being Trumpette, had clear political motive for his speech on a Christmas tradition (Seems like a pretty big war on Christmas to me) , and is now having people say bad things about him so he whines about it. Stop supporting this snowflake.
  2. Whataboutism. We’re looking at this specific case. This specific guy saying freedom of speech doesn’t mean he should have any consequences. The snowflake complaining isn’t getting crap from journalists… yea they’re using first amendment rights to discuss him. Hopefully he gets fired.
  3. I hope everyone here is sick of these right wing snowflakes that can’t live with the consequences of their actions. Party of personal responsibility my ***. https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/27/opinions/lets-go-brandon-schmeck-obeidallah/index.html But even worse than the cowardice of being PC when it comes to political insults is that Schmeck is now doing the cliché conservative move of saying he's being unfairly criticized because people have slammed his "joke." Schmeck complained to The Oregonian about threatening calls he received after the livestream, saying, "now I am being attacked for utilizing my freedom of speech." Aww, poor "victim" Schmeck. Apparently, he thinks he should be able to tell Biden to basically go f**k himself while on a family friendly holiday call, but no one should be able to take issue with his actions. Sorry, that's not how freedom of speech works. If you want to troll a president to apparently make others on the right happy, you can expect criticism. If you don't want criticism because you are painfully thin-skinned, then don't say "Let's go Brandon" on a live Christmas Eve special. It's as simple as that.
  4. Please list in your own words which provisions of HR 1 are unconstitutional and why. You can cite Supreme Court cases on the unconstitutionality for your arguments too, but knowing how dumb you are, you don’t need to and can stick with “because I said so” or something random tweet.
  5. Merry Christmas! on this joyous day with a new year approaching. Im sure we can all hope for: 1. Bodily choice whether it’s abortion or vax 2. Getting rid of people who hate religion such as the Islamophobic comments we are hearing in Congress to the max 3. Let’s get rid of the flags and symbols, like statues, in this country where the flags and symbols represent people who got their ass kicked in a war and we’re told hey, you don’t belong here any more 4. Let’s get rid of people who try to overthrow this government while everyone says hey 45 we don’t want you anymore These Christmas wishes will create a better nation. So let us hope and pray that these come to fruition. Let us all thank god that he said Trump, you’re not a person to run this nation so my will says Biden (who also sucks) is better. Thy will be done. Praise God for his choices.
  6. Don’t know how to take this. I assume you’re in CA so the point you’re making is you’re so dumb due to the CA system that you can’t read the stats presented that CA isn’t the worst?
  7. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/economy/latest-weekly-jobless-claims-fall-199000-lowest-level-1969-rcna6594 Latest weekly jobless claims fall to 199,000, the lowest since 1969!!!
  8. This board should really shut me shut down. It’s basically a pathetic 5 person circle jerk that got so mad when they had opposing ideas they just formed their own board anyways. Shut this board down and let them jerk themselves there.
  9. They’re really sad people when you sit down and think about it. There are so many posts on the board back then about how he didn’t mean things. Can you imagine these idiots if Biden posted coveffe or however he spelled it.
  10. @SoCal Deekcome on and throw down here!!!! You’ve been better than those 2! Stick to your pride!!! I don’t like thinking bad about people but B-boy posts like 20 right wing articles a day. His posts obviously show he’s not smart so let’s say he has a reading level of 20 mins an article. Plus another 15 mins to try ID where that article belongs on the board. That’s 35 mins an article. So each day he spends 700 mins minutes reading garbage and then posting it here. That’s almost 12 hours a day. Lets say I’m off on how quick he can read and respond by half. That’s 6 hours a day on this board or preparing to post random articles on this board. After doing that math… I kind of feel like we should have an intervention for Bman or anyone else that posts as much crap.
  11. I will! REPORTER: The neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. TRUMP: Excuse me, they didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.
  12. How anyone, R or D support Gym Jordan after hiding what he did is so terrible.
  13. He is comparing what you think a successful Presidency was to what you think an unsuccessful Presidency is. Your idea of a good President vs. a bad President isn’t his ideals, his deficiency in logic, him wanting to be a dictator or not. I’ve seen enough of your threads, or should I say your quotes, to understand the only thing you want in a President is an (R) next to his name. If Biden ran as an (R) you’d love him. You wouldn’t care what he ran on, you’d care about that (R). We can see that with all these Trump-idiots, there’s not a single Bush Republican that would support that fool.
  14. Don’t deflect. Just say you’re an idiot and move on.
  15. The ADL lists it as a hate sign in their Hate on Display database: https://www.adl.org/hate-symbols They're not a left wing extremist group.
  16. Which part trips you up? 1) the board shouldn’t support white supremacy or 2) the board shouldn’t allow people to post pictures of white supremacy signs?
  17. Its questions asked. It’s not my fault he has no balls. I didn’t it proved guilt or not. It was an interesting line of questioning and shown that Republicans really suck. A democrat would have helped the guy. Let’s talk about B-Man and his white supremacy stuff. It was an interesting thing from the trial I found. If he cared about people his med pac could have saved lives but it didn’t
  18. Understand what you’re trying to defend….. but I’m sure you do
  19. I did not call Eddie Murphy a white supremacist. The sign he’s making is now years after he made filmed that. I’m sorry you’re an idiot but please try to keep up with the grown ups. A post was made saying how the sign is a white supremacy sign. He doubled down with a gif with the same sign, why are you defending a white supremacy sign. While your SAT score is probably below 200 please look at yourself and understand he posted that gif knowing it was a white supremacy sign So you’ve read multiple posts where that sign has been demonstrated to be associated with white supremacy and so you thought hey wow I should post this. I don’t know if you’re an idiot or well yea you’re an idiot. Id like to propose a ban again…. The guy knows this is a white supremacy sign and posts it again
  20. Wow. You’re so woke! I didn’t say it’s racist. I said B Man was explained that the Okay sign is seen as a hate sign. So Kyle flashing it could be shown as a sign as hate. Knowing the okay sign is deemed a hate sign decided to post a gif showing that hate sign. I don’t know know what to say to get out your ass cuz it’s really weird that’s where you go with things but ummm get your hand out of it? Sorry I’m just copying you on it. Why don’t you post a white supremacy gif too!!!
  21. Call a spade a spade … defend if you want. You proved your colors. Wow.. I don’t know if you’re an idiot or just play one of TV. He knew what he was doing after the post before talked about the sign being a white supremacy sign. and yea it’s Eddie Murphy but he did that before these asses changed the meaning. Let me make this very clear to all that decided to reply. The original post was saying hey this is a racist sign. B-Man doubled down and posted a racist sign. Im 100 percent ashamed of anyone here who doesn’t call it out for what it is.
  22. I’ll add… I don’t want to tell you how to live your life…. But you’re defending a guy who was told the OK sign is a white supremacy sign and replied by posting it again. That’s what you want to defend?
  23. Yea cuz he replied to a post about the sign being a white supremacy sign with the same sign and they’re totally unrelated. Get your head out of your ass and call out hate when you see it. Read the thread you know what he did and why did it. I feel shame for you that this is your response.
  24. While not modded this post should get him a ban. 1. My post brought to attention that the okay sign that Kyle flashed is a white supremacy sign. It’s literally listed as a symbol of hate: https://www.npr.org/2019/09/26/764728163/the-ok-hand-gesture-is-now-listed-as-a-symbol-of-hate 2. He doubled down on it and posted it again. B-Man knew what he did. He shares a white supremacy symbol yet again. Ban this guy. Not taking any action at all is akin to saying this webpage supports white supremacy.
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