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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. Kincaid displaying a poor understanding of WNY weather.
  2. We’re playing well, why Davis is still number two WR is beyond me.
  3. Rapp with a dumb play, but Martin was even dumber.
  4. Agree, same for me when I tuned in. Not that the Houston Texans have real fans anyway, but it also seems like a slap in the face of Texans fans, considering Houston moved to Nashville. It seems more appropriate to save for a different week.
  5. Not long ago people were talking up the Bears GM. I thought all their moves were terrible, but the experts told us that Poles was brilliant.
  6. How many sacks can Keenum and Levis take between them?
  7. Never be optimistic about Zach Wilson, ask any Jets fan, but I get your point.
  8. True, but Alex Smith seemed more athletic. He was a decent runner, while Levis looks like a mediocre pocket passer. Smith got through some rough patches using his legs.
  9. To be fair, many of the “worst” teams aren’t much worse than the huge pack of wild card contenders.
  10. Will Levis doesn’t look like he wants to help us much this week. Nice Monday Night against Miami though.
  11. The Jets are definitely a train wreck, that’s why I can’t wait to see Wilson on another team. I think he’ll be terrible anywhere, but we’ll see. If anything I think being a Jet has given him a free pass he might not deserve.
  12. I saw some Zach Wilson love around here the past week. Can we finally all agree this dude isn’t an NFL QB? He isn’t good, and he’s too small to stay healthy imo.
  13. Agree, if anything it brings Joe Burrow’s status his top level into question. I realize Burrow is really good, but maybe he’s given too much credit.
  14. I wish I didn’t feel a Mullins pick coming here.
  15. That’s actually a good call be an official. Thanks for the help from the Vikings D though.
  16. Since McVay there was a run on hiring young thirty something coaches. Many of have worked out, some haven’t, but I think fans, owners, and media started to falsely assume that every hot new coaching candidate would be a smashing success.
  17. Wow, just saw how ugly the Jets Texans game is. I wonder if they’ve halted production of CJ Stroud’s hall of fame jacket.
  18. I think you accidentally summarize the issue I have McD. Andy Reid was considered a terrible game manager before he met Patrick Mahomes. McD already has Josh Allen, where is there to go from here? Andy Reid went to a Super Bowl with Donovan McNabb. McD is getting nowhere with Josh Allen. Andy Reid may be overrated for all I know, but it’s the QB who took him places. If one believes McD can evolve like Reid, Allen must not be the QB I think he is.
  19. To be fair, it’s Pickett’s second year. There’s not much you can do in season to upgrade. I might agree with this point if they don’t look to improve next season. However, short of an epic trade, or really good draft position, upgrading the QB position isn’t easy.
  20. I agree, but we don’t how much Tomlin had to do with drafting Pickett unless I’m missing something.
  21. I see Steelers fans online calling for Tomlin to be fired. What a spoiled fan base. This is a 7-5 team with no QB, and it’s not necessarily Tomlin’s fault they’re still looking for a QB.
  22. I really don’t have words for any of this. There’s simply too much drama surrounding the team at this point. It doesn’t matter when you win, but it seems detrimental now.
  23. I don’t think the Bills would ever be as bad as the 70’s and parts of the 80’s. The league has too much parity/mediocrity, and very few teams have extremely poor records these days. Teams are more likely to stumble towards a .500 record at the end of the year. This season has been exactly like many of the drought years record wise, but we have Josh Allen at QB. I’m not convinced this season could have gone more poorly with anyone in charge.
  24. I hope you’re right, I’ve always believed Syracuse had potential to land most Northeast talent with the right people in charge. My concern is most Syracuse fans and people in the know seem quite negative about SU landing any talent. The Syracuse fan boards are overwhelmingly negative about Syracuse being able to recruit any better than a MAC team. I’m not sure where that comes from.
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