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Typical TBD Guy

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Posts posted by Typical TBD Guy

  1. I realize the humorous intent here, but it's pretty crude nonetheless.


    FWIW, people ARE living much longer. Pretty sure the current oldest living person on earth is an American @ 120yrs. and counting.


    Still have a ways to go before challenging Adam's 960 some years, though..


    So don't get your hopes up.


    And I'm pretty sure you are completely wrong about that one.


    By all means, people, please keep the jokes coming at Ebenezer Wilson's expense. He doesn't deserve one iota of respect from Bills fans. It's bad enough that he has been one of the most incompetent owners in pro sports for the last 51 years, but what should really p!ss you off is that he refuses to take steps to ensure the team stays in Buffalo.

  2. I make sure to click on every Kelsay thread, always hoping that some poster not named "NaPolian8693" will jump in at some point to provide some acceptable explanation for why Kelsay received this 4-year $24 million contract.


    Maybe none of us properly understand the nuances of the SOLB 3-4 position? Maybe none of us have been in the Bills' locker room and therefore can't appreciate Kelsay's "leadership" skills?


    My current theory, at this point, is that Ralph Wilson and/or any of Overdorf/Littman/Brandon/Nix/Gailey pushed for this extravagant contract extension as a giant "F U" to Schobel for his offseason shenanigans. Sounds juvenile, doesn't seem fiscally prudent, and certainly doesn't make football sense...but seriously, folks, I have no other plausible explanation.



  3. There are numerous reasons why Bills fans shouldn't root for their team to lose:


    1. Luck is staying in school next year.


    2. Mallett is way too immobile and will get destroyed behind Buffalo's OL for the next 1-2 years (or more, going by our team's history of building the OL).


    3. Locker sucks.


    4. No guarantee the Bills will draft wisely with that #1 pick.


    5. Don't want to go down as the third team in modern NFL history to go winless in a season.


    6. Can't stand the thought of being swept by the Pats, Fins, and Jets (although likely).


    7. Never hurts to start building a winning attitude within the franchise.


    8. Wanting to see a lot of the young unproven guys do well (Brohm, Spiller, Steve Johnson, both Nelsons, Bell, Levitre, Wood, Urbik, Carrington, Troup, Maybin :lol:, Ellis, Moats, McKelvin), and winning often goes along with this many players performing well.


    9. The more the team loses, and the longer the losing continues, the more the franchise's future in Buffalo is put in jeopardy....probably the most important reason.


    10. You're...um...a Bills fan.

  4. LS Ethan Albright - Chargers

    LS Jon Dorenbos - Eagles

    LS Ryan Neill - Chargers

    QB Todd Collins - Bears

    QB Trent Edwards - Jaguars

    RB Joique Bell - Eagles

    RB Willis McGahee - Ravens

    RB Sammy Morris - Patriots

    RB Xavier Omon - Jets

    WR Sam Aiken - Browns

    WR Andre Davis - Texans

    WR Terrell Owens - Bengals

    TE Derek Fine - Texans

    TE Robert Royal - Browns

    T Jason Peters - Eagles

    T Langston Walker - Raiders

    G Derrick Dockery - Redskins

    G Richie Incognito - Dolphins

    DE C.J. Ah You - Rams

    DE Ryan Denney - Texans

    DE Anthony Hargrove - Saints

    DT Justin Bannan - Broncos

    DT Ron Edwards - Chiefs

    DT Pat Williams - Vikings

    LB Alvin Bowen - Jaguars

    LB Marcus Buggs - Bears

    LB Blake Costanzo - Browns

    LB London Fletcher - Redskins

    LB Mario Haggan - Broncos

    LB Nic Harris - Panthers

    LB Takeo Spikes - 49ers

    CB Nate Clements - 49ers

    CB Jabari Greer - Saints

    CB Antoine Winfield - Vikings

    S Jim Leonhard - Jets

    S Lawyer Milloy - Seahawks

    S Pierson Prioleau - Saints

    S John Wendling - Lions

    S Coy Wire - Falcons


    Make that 40 ex-Bills still playing in the NFL....


    RB Marshawn Lynch - Seahawks


    EDIT: Make that 41, I must have missed our 2008 7th rounder:


    CB Kennard Cox - Seahawks

  5. This is a great thread, johnnyb.


    When NFL free agency began, CB Nate Odomes was one of our very first free agent casualties. Since then, we've been perpetually burning first round draft picks to replace our top CB's for whom we refuse to pay market value: Jeff Burris, Thomas Smith, Antoine Winfield, Nate Clements, and now Leodis McKelvin.


    Similar problem at another skill position, RB, which began when we tried to replace the aging Thurman Thomas: Antowain Smith, Travis Henry, Willis McGahee, Marshawn Lynch, and now CJ Spiller.


    We've been arguing the pros and cons for each of these personnel decisions since this message board's inception, but the fact remains that very high draft picks have been used disproportionately on the skill positions like RB, WR, CB, and S at the expense of the OL and DL.


    And for the most important skill position of QB, we've been using a lot of precious draft resources to replace Jim Kelly: Todd Collins, Rob Johnson, Drew Bledsoe, JP Losman, and most recently Trent Edwards. I realize that these QB busts have been, in large part, due to poor scouting and such. Nevertheless, one wonders how the Buffalo careers of some of these guys might have been different had the Bills invested more 1st and 2nd round draft picks on quality OL players. Confidence is, after all, one of the most important factors in a young QB's development. It's hard to get in a productive habit of reading pro defenses and making accurate throws when running for your life 1 second after the snap.


    Just something to think about when next offseason rolls around...

  6. LS Ethan Albright - Chargers

    LS Jon Dorenbos - Eagles

    LS Ryan Neill - Chargers

    QB Todd Collins - Bears

    QB Trent Edwards - Jaguars

    RB Joique Bell - Eagles

    RB Willis McGahee - Ravens

    RB Sammy Morris - Patriots

    RB Xavier Omon - Jets

    WR Sam Aiken - Browns

    WR Andre Davis - Texans

    WR Terrell Owens - Bengals

    TE Derek Fine - Texans

    TE Robert Royal - Browns

    T Jason Peters - Eagles

    T Langston Walker - Raiders

    G Derrick Dockery - Redskins

    G Richie Incognito - Dolphins

    DE C.J. Ah You - Rams

    DE Ryan Denney - Texans

    DE Anthony Hargrove - Saints

    DT Justin Bannan - Broncos

    DT Ron Edwards - Chiefs

    DT Pat Williams - Vikings

    LB Alvin Bowen - Jaguars

    LB Marcus Buggs - Bears

    LB Blake Costanzo - Browns

    LB London Fletcher - Redskins

    LB Mario Haggan - Broncos

    LB Nic Harris - Panthers

    LB Takeo Spikes - 49ers

    CB Nate Clements - 49ers

    CB Jabari Greer - Saints

    CB Antoine Winfield - Vikings

    S Jim Leonhard - Jets

    S Lawyer Milloy - Seahawks

    S Pierson Prioleau - Saints

    S John Wendling - Lions

    S Coy Wire - Falcons

  7. How many times does this question need to be asked? The correct answer is the NFL should be dead to you if the Bills leave. If you can pick another team then you were never really a fan to begin with.


    :thumbsup::worthy: All that really needs to be said in this pathetic thread. The lack of loyalty here to the Queen City and to WNY sickens me at a very visceral level. Too many football fan Benedict Arnolds and Ralph Wilson apologists around here for my liking.

  8. So basically, we're supposed to THANK Ralph for the team moving to Toronto?! Is this some sort of ieatcrayonz type of thread? I'll go ahead and take the bait...I cheer for the Bills because they represent the city of Buffalo. When they no longer represent my city, I no longer support the franchise. Buffalo and Toronto may be geographically close, but the people and the culture and the values couldn't be any more different. The day that I cheer for the Toronto Bills is the same day that I cheer for the Toronto Maple Leafs. And the day that I cheer for the LA Bills is the same day that I cheer for the LA Clippers/old Buffalo Braves. Most Bills fans feel the same way as I do.

  9. So, apparently "honesty" is being negative.


    And "True Statements" are clearly statements of opinion.


    Wizard, indeed.





    His analysis is evidently as shallow as his personality.


    All he really did was assemble and regurgitate all the hackneyed, negative talking points from this message board: QB's suck, Evans is overrated, tackles suck, Hangartner sucks, Stroud is old, Williams is too small to play NT, Kelsay sucks, Maybin sucks, Poz always gets injured, etc...


    But to top it all off, he resorts to objectifying women as nothing more than their sum physical beauty, rated on a quantitative scale for our convenience.

  10. Kelsay Close to Extension Deal


    I really hope this doesn't turn out to be true. How can anyone at 1 Bill Drive not see the same things that we all see? He can't cover anyone, he can't rush the passer without a hand on the ground (and even then, isn't very good), he's small, slow, and easily pushed around. I don't care that this band of losers keeps voting him their captain. If anything, that's incentive to get rid of him. This is the team that's been largely indifferent about losing for most of Kelsay's tenure. If that's the kind of leadership he's providing in the locker room, count me out.


    And for anyone queuing up that old chestnut, "they get paid to evaluate football players, you're just some armchair GM," here's my response: Yes, Nix et al are professional evaluators of talent, and yes, I'm an amateur. And yes, they have access to the coach's film, and know what Kelsay's assignment was on every play, and can watch practice, so they have a lot more information than I do. BUT! They are bad at their jobs, possibly incompetent. I'm not impressed by anyone's professional status unless it appears to be legitimate. If I was hired as the Bills' GM, I think the team would probably lose every year. But guess what? It already loses every year! I'm sorry, but you can't appeal to authority when that authority is a laughingstock around the league.



    Agreed. Look at how this pathetic defense responded today under Chris Kelsay's "leadership." On top of that, he's terrible in pass rushing, terrible in coverage, and mediocre in run defense.


    Vet minimum? Sure. I can deal with that. $24 million? :cry: Nix needs to be fired. Or better yet, Wilson needs to sell the team now to Kelly's group.

  11. Scoe will be in the slot for 3 and 4 reciever packages. Im just concerned with him in their on running plays. Im sure gailey has thought this over.


    Two things:


    1. Fitz is much more mobile than Trent, so this does "slightly" minimize the blocking importance of the #2 WR.


    2. I'm wondering if Spiller is now going to be the de facto #2 WR in the offense's core playbook. It would certainly be a creative way of getting our most athletic player on the field more.

  12. Uh no you are wrong across the board. OKC is Bigger than Tulsa which is Bigger than Buffalo.


    No I'm not. For one thing, I said "about" the same size. OKC is 44th largest metro area, Tulsa is 53rd. Buffalo is 50th, and Rochester is 51st. See for yourself before you get a major case of redass over this:




    My point is that the Bills are in real danger of leaving for LA or Toronto after RW dies, but not for small markets like OKC.

  13. Just stop yourself. The Bills are only profitable because they don't have any good players to pay large contracts to and are subsidized by the larger market teams. The NFL can move this team to Oklahoma City and double the profit.

    It is just a fleeting heartbeat away.


    Um...no, actually. OKC is about the same population size as Buffalo, believe it or not. No one is going to buy the franchise plus deal with the relocation fee plus deal with building a new stadium just for frigging Oklahoma City. The Jacksonville disaster proved that there is a limit to the NFL's success in smaller markets. The only cities that pose a danger to the Bills moving are LA and Toronto.

  14. but...but..he's in the HOF!


    The usual pieces of **** on this message board will come to Ralph's defense, saying that he's a great man and that we Bills fans should be lucky he never moved the team and that we should be grateful for the 50+ years he gave us as the moving vans pull into OBD. Just you wait. They'll be showing up any minute now...

  15. It will be all of the above. I think the NFL steps in and has something to say about moving.


    You mean like when the NFL stepped in and prevented the Browns from leaving Cleveland? Come on, Ice, you know better. The only things keeping the Bills from moving after Ralph's death are Ralph and the economy. If there is an ownership group willing to pay for a new stadium in LA or Toronto, the Buffalo Bills are gone.

  16. People love to kill the messenger on this one, but everything goes back to Ralph Wilson. For those of us who aren't 30+, the Bills have been nothing but a disappointment for the past 10 years. I'm 22 years old and haven't missed a game since Bledsoe's first season. Sadly, those first 3 seasons are the best memories I have regarding the Bills.


    People seem to forget that not everyone was there to witness the 4 straight Super Bowls. The same people wonder why the young people who post here are so pessimistic, well to be honest, that's all my generation knows with this team. Some posters have their memories of Kelly and Thurman tearing it up, my generation has the Cleveland and Dallas game on Monday Night, the Patriots game on Sunday Night, and the end of the season Pittsburgh game in 2004. I have seen the Bills beat the Patriots once over the past 8 years.


    During my lifetime, Ralph Wilson has shown no interest in running a successful organization, and until he does I will have no respect for the man. I do have to give him credit though, the man has been selling the fans a bag of sh*#t for the past 10 years, and people are buying it up like it's gold. That's all I have for now....I don't want to upset those who think I owe Ralph my first born child for keeping the team in Buffalo all these years.


    These 10 years of futility (2001-2010) are nothing compared to the 20 years (1967-1986) that some of the older Bills fans had to endure. The one common denominator in this has been Ralph Wilson, perhaps the worst owner in American pro sports history if it weren't for Lou Saban and Bill Polian. His ultimate legacy won't be that of a cheap and incompetent owner, however; it will be his refusal to secure the future of the Bills in Buffalo.

  17. As bad as Green looked, can't give up on a player after one game.

    Give it another week before you start moving linemen around.


    The problem with your argument is that Green has sucked beyond last Sunday. He sucked in preseason. He sucked with the Raiders. He generally sucks in life (criminal record of being a wifebeater). He sucks.

  18. As they say on ESPN, "C'MON MAN"!!!


    It's obvious?!!


    If he's not strong enough to handle LG, you're going to throw him out at RT, which is your power tackle?? C'Mon Man!!


    Agreed. Keep Levitre at LG, which is his most natural pro position. I think having a larger player at center and a more competent player at LT might help Levitre out some. I also don't know how much blame Levitre gets for last Sunday's performance. Do any of us, really? Do we know everyone's blocking assignments on every play? I sure don't. And it didn't help anyone on the OL to see Edwards not challenge the Dolphins' secondary, which meant 8 (and occasionally even 9) guys stacked at the line for most of the game.


    In my opinion, by the end of the season the most appropriate line (based purely on long-term starting potential) would be:


    Wang - Levitre - Wood - Urbik - Meredith


    Hangartner is a career backup, and Green/Howard/Bell won't even be in the NFL two years from now.

  19. No, actually stupid people put words in my mouth. I very well know Libertarians don't get elected. I also know why. For as bad as the voters are they would never be that stupid. Paladino hasn't been elected either Darin, you moron, he won a primary. I also know Libertarians are responsible for nothing. They are worthless and their ideas childish, just like Paladino


    Please elaborate. Which ideas do you find childish?

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