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Typical TBD Guy

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Posts posted by Typical TBD Guy

  1. Fact of the matter is that Whitner is well regarded around this league as a very good STRONG SAFETY, as opposed to FS or CB which he has been forced to play numerous times in his career. Dumb fans and internet tough guys look at his interception stats and declare him a bust, but interceptions aren't the best measure of a strong safety's effectiveness in most defensive schemes.


    Furthermore, he has played 4 seasons behind a front 7 built in the Dick Jauron mold. It's hard for any strong safety in this league to excel at their job when they are the same size as the OLB's and are constantly having to navigate around the fallen bodies of teammates not big or strong enough to hold their own at the point of attack.


    Also, it should be noted that Whitner was dealing with injury issues for most of last season.


    No, Whitner shouldn't have been drafted #8 overall. And no, he shouldn't have guaranteed the playoffs in 2008. And yes, he probably should have seen the twitter wrath coming. But to say the Bills are just as well off or even better without him is asinine.

  2. I'm at mcfaddens right now. Levitre,Edwards,brohm are playing beer pong.


    Levitres bday party


    This news makes me so angry. These guys aren't supposed to be having fun during the offseason. They should be working out, watching game film, and drinking protein shakes non-stop. If I read about the beer pong results on their twitter pages, my head will explode.

  3. Your roster predicts 5 rb's make the team but you only have 4. Only 5 corners seems a bit light but I assume you went that way considering we will carry more LBs this year.


    All those 2nd year guys are gonna be cut huh?


    He meant to type in the number 4, as you can see he still has 53 players.


    5 corners is not light but rather normal for an NFL team...Dick Jauron has brainwashed you.


    I agree that he has too many 2nd year players cut.


    I'd only make the following 6 changes to his roster, with the obligatory acknowledgement that of course it is difficult to predict the roster before training camp even begins:


    Stupar instead of Matthews...Stupar is all hustle and might be our best blocking TE

    Guerra instead of Gaddis...need a second fully healthy lineman who can play center, Wood doesn't count

    Ellis instead of Kelsay...too early to give up on Ellis, Kelsay is waaaaaay too slow to play LB

    N. Harris instead of Coleman...too early to give up on Harris

    C. Harris instead of Youboty...see above comment

    Lankster instead of Corner...thought Corner was beyond terrible last year

  4. Well since you know the story so well I guess you must know me. :) I ended up hooking up with my friends ex f-buddy who he hadn't been talking to for about 6 months and who he treated like crap. They were never really ever together. Right after that I met my fiance and settled down a lot (a lot changes between 25-27, or at least it did for me). I grew up a lot and settled down, thought I was starting a new chapter in my life. Guess it wasn't the case.




    My apologies for assuming RayFinkle had the correct version of the story.


    Take care of yourself.

  5. the only other city that comes to mind quick is San Antonio. Would Vegas ever receive consideration?


    I doubt either are viable, top-32 NFL cities (they may get expansion franchises many years from now).


    In terms of population, Buffalo is actually bigger than both of those cities when you incorporate the nearby Rochester metro area. Neither San Antonio nor Las Vegas would even place among the top 75% largest NFL TV markets at the moment.


    In terms of corporate support, San Antonio and Las Vegas are better but not by enough to justify the added fees of relocation and stadium construction/upgrades, on top of the initial franchise purchase price. The deep economic recession will only continue to diminish this comparative advantage over Buffalo.


    Furthermore, the great Jacksonville experiment proves that you can't just plop an NFL franchise down in any small market and expect automatic fan support. Just like Jacksonville will always be a college football town, I suspect San Antonio would remain a Cowboys town and Las Vegas a frivolous vacationers town. Buffalo, on the other hand, is approaching three solid generations of loyal fan support (even though the most recent generation has known only futility).

  6. It's pretty obvious to me that the NFL wants 2 teams ASAP in LA and 1 in Toronto. Since expansion is off the table, any loyal Buffalonian should be ROOTING for the Rams to relocate to LA. I'm also rooting for the Chargers to go to LA and the Jags to Toronto. Once these 3 relocations are achieved, I believe the most financially viable choice for any prospective post-Ralph Bills owner would be just to stick with our beloved city.

  7. It really is as bad as saying blacks are not intelligent enough to play QB or that whites are not agile enough to play the skill positions. Treat people as individual cases, not as statistical probabilities. In the case of Ralph Wilson, age isn't the reason for his incompetence at managing the football side of his business. Ralph's been screwing things up in that area since he was in his 50's.

  8. How many linemen does a team normally carry? It seems like keepers would be:










    That's 7, if we add an LT that's 8. Sounds like too many...do any of these guys have trade value?


    The standard around the league is 9 (5 starters + 2 interior backups + 2 backup tackles). The Bills kept 8 this year, but would be wise to stick with 9 given all their injury and depth problems.


    I agree with you regarding the 7 players you highlighted as keepers, though it's painfully obvious that we are weak at tackle. That's why I'd love to see Nix go LT followed by RT in the first two rounds of the draft. It's time to stop screwing around and get this 15+ year problem area resolved once and for all. Once we have a solid OL, we can start properly evaluating QB's, coaches, RB's, WR's, etc.


    Keep an eye out for Bryan Bulaga, the LT junior from Iowa. I actually think he has the potential to be the best LT in the draft, even better than Okung. Plus his work ethic and attitude are very similar to that of Levitre, Wood, and Butler.

  9. I just have a feeling the HC hire will not be someone the majority of the Bills nation will agree with or like. Just a feeling...


    There are only 3 candidates that the majority of Bills fans will approve:


    1. Bill Cowher

    2. Brian Billick

    3. Marty Schottenheimer


    Anyone else would be the same old repackaged **** from Ralph Burns and Russ Smithers.

  10. i would prefer a 4-3 but instead of having 1 gap tackles , id rather have 2 2 gap tackles with size and power.... not quick and small 1 gappers.... basically the scheme the ravens ran in 2000


    i also prefer big strong linebackers and if they have great sub 4.8 speed then that just adds to it.


    At this point, I just hope Buddy Nix will draft the best players available regardless of the "system" we choose to run. We passed on Haloti Ngata and took John McCargo...a classic case of drafting for the "system" that has blown up in our face.

  11. Nice post.


    If you look at teams like the Pats* or the Saints, they have the personnel to mix it up and play either scheme, which strikes me as effective.


    e.g., why not run a 4-3 base, but go to a 3-4 in obvious pass-rushing situations, with guys like Maybin and Schoebel rushing as OLB's?


    But even in obvious pass-rushing situations, there will be instances where one or both of the 3-4 OLB's will have to suddenly drop back in coverage. I suppose this is my main problem with any sort of part-time or full-time conversion to the 3-4: can our current DE's learn to effectively drop back in coverage as OLB's? This question is geared toward anyone who has been carefully following Schobel's and Kelsay's play over the years, as well as Maybin and Ellis from their college days.

  12. The consensus on this board seems to be that running the 3-4 would be greatly preferable to the 4-3, but won't doing so require a tremendous amount of roster gutting and contract eating (particularly among the DE's)? Given the major problems we already have at QB and OL, would it be wise to add so many more problems to the list? Couldn't we just run a non-Tampa 2 version of the 4-3 instead and go after reasonably sized LB's?


    I'm more of the football philosophy that good coaches make the playbook fit the personnel. If these coaches insist on having to do it the other way around in order to succeed, then it's only a short matter of time before the league figures your system out. There are still plenty of NFL teams that run the 4-3 with success, and my contention is that the 2010 Buffalo Bills can still aspire to be a playoff team if the front office sticks with retooling our current 4-3 instead of a complete overhaul for a 3-4.


    Having said that, let's take a look at the current DL's and LB's on the roster. There are 24 in total (7 DE, 7 DT, 10 LB), counting guys from the roster, practice squad, and IR:


    The * denotes players I believe the Bills have cap space tied to that is of some significant size.

    The ^ denotes players I believe the Bills have made a development commitment to and should not necessarily be given up on (without some sort of trade, at least).


    DE Aaron Schobel - *

    DE Chris Kelsay - *

    DE Ryan Denney

    DE Aaron Maybin - *^

    DE Chris Ellis - ^

    DE Jermaine McGhee

    DE Marcus Smith

    DT Marcus Stroud - *

    DT Kyle Williams - ^

    DT Spencer Johnson - *

    DT John McCargo - ^

    DT Corey Mace

    DT Lonnie Harvey

    DT Rashaad Duncan

    LB Kawika Mitchell - *

    LB Paul Posluszny - ^

    LB Nic Harris - ^

    LB Keith Ellison

    LB Chris Draft

    LB Marcus Buggs

    LB Ashlee Palmer

    LB Jon Corto

    LB Josh Stamer

    LB Ryan Manalac


    So that's a total of 11 players from the front 7 that must be seriously considered before a complete transition to a 3-4. Can Stroud, Williams, Johnson, and McCargo play as 3-4 DE's? None seem to have the size to play NT (and McCargo may not have the ability/desire to play anywhere in the NFL). Can Schobel, Kelsay, Maybin, Ellis, and Harris play as 3-4 OLB's? Can Mitchell and Posluszny play as 3-4 ILB's?


    These are questions that I'd like the 3-4 proponents to answer.


    Also, does anyone have the contract details on these guys? The poster known as "clumping platelets" hasn't updated his salary cap page in almost a year.

  13. Good


    Now Don't cry when he picks up HIS team, and moves them somewhere where he can actually turn a decent profit


    Seriously, if he is such a problem, go find a team that hasa better owner that you can cheer for, or, take a gun, put it in your mouth, then pull the trigger.................


    Quit crying over stuff you can't control. Having an NFL team is not a right, its a privilege. No oe is forcing you to be a fan or to cheer for a specific team. The NFL is a buisness, and Buffalo is not a place where this buisness can thrive, especially with a new owner who is going to have debts in order to pay for the team


    Or better yet, apuss, why don't you take your own advice here so we don't have to keep reading your "Bills can't survive in Buffalo" drivel? You've made it quite clear now that you despise the city of Buffalo and its fans, but trust me when I say the feeling is mutual on our end. We Bills fans have every right to criticize Ralph's ownership skills (how can anyone possibly argue otherwise?!) while at the same time being thankful for his starting and keeping the team in Buffalo.


    And for what it's worth, outside of L.A., there simply are no credible markets left in North America where Ralph or a new owner can make a better profit than in WNY. Not even Toronto, due to its sh!tty football fanbase, its lack of a viable full-time NFL stadium, and the whole CFL territory complication...not to mention the substantial relocation fee, the veto power of Goodell, and Schumer's influence over the anti-trust deal. Ralph is fortunate that his stadium was publically funded. And he's fortunate to be in a location where the fans will sell out games despite not making the playoffs all decade. Only a small handful of NFL markets would do the same.

  14. Nothing breed happiness like the Big Apple! :lol:


    49. New Jersey

    50. Connecticut

    51. New York



    Seriously, almost every state in the top 20 has one thing in common: No big cities. Now look at the states with Boston, DC, Philly, Chicago, LA, NYC, etc. Depressing indeed.


    A lot of those states near the top also happen to have the lowest high school and college graduation rates. Ignorance is bliss?

  15. So when do we get to walk around buck naked?


    Do we even need government laws against nudity?! :thumbsup:


    For one thing, 99.9% of sane people will continue to wear proper clothing anyway due to body shame, weather conditions, wanting to be taken seriously at their places of employment, etc...


    But do you now want to start banning short skirts, low-cut blouses, speedos, etc. that already leave little to the imagination?


    And shouldn't we - a society ostensibly run by adults - start to move beyond giggling and blushing about the human form?


    Enough with this digression. I still want an explicit explanation for why allowing gays to marry is going to ruin my own heterosexual marriage....<crickets chirping>...

  16. Tonight the over venomous Dykster Rachael Madcow had this dude Richard Cohen on her show. He wrote "Coming Out Straight". Apparently he saved alot of homosexuals from ruin and she did what she could do to try to marginalize him. It was interesting to watch her get offended while not directly showing her gaydom. (is gaydom a word :thumbsup: )


    That "venomous dykster" :thumbsup: marginalized Cohen because the idea that humans willingly choose their sexual orientation is preposterous. Anyone with a rudimentary science background (or just plain common sense) could debunk such a claim. Science and logic, however, are generally beyond the scope of low-IQ redneck bigots like yourself.

  17. Nope. This is not oppression, it is a societal rule, a limit. Like I said, it can't be a free-for-all. This isn't about freedom. People still have the freedom to be gay and do what they want, just not get married. Just like you may not go down the road doing 85 when the speed limit is 55.


    Rules my friend. Social mores... Without them there is chaos.


    From Wiki:


    Mores (singular mos) is the Latin term for societal norms, customs, virtues or values.


    Gay marriage is not the norm and should not be recognized. People not states set these values and a bulk of the people in the US agree with my take... That it should not be recognized. Again, I am not closeminded to say things will never change, but not the way people seem to be going about it.


    Your highway speeding example is not at all analogous to gay marriage. The former is a legitimate safety threat to others; the latter has absolutely zero bearing on the lives of those not getting married. The United States should not be a country where laws are set according to social mores, but rather according to what prevents individuals from encroaching on the life/liberty/happiness pursuit of other individuals. And I'm still waiting for one of you redneck bigots to explain how exactly letting gays marry will ruin the marriages of heterosexuals...

  18. I could care less about religion- those lesbians and gay boys kissing give me the creeps. I don't care what they do at home-just don't shove it in my face. Yeah I am a redneck mule Skinner but a "marriage" that has to go to a 3rd party to have children is a farce.

    Form a LLC and call it what you will- just don't call it a marriage.


    :D Your candor is duly noted. Well at least you're not hiding behind religion.

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