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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Hope you are right. I try not to throw around the bust word too carefree. But Epenesa and Ford look terrible so far. Add Moss and you have some pretty big misses for Beane in the early rounds. I am surely in the minority but I think Ford with a new coach may have a chance to resurrecting his career. Its still more likely than not he is a training camp cut or trade for a low round pick. But he has shown enough in practice to start at RT and both guard spots. Maybe just maybe he can improve enough to at least be interior depth. As for trades, Hughes for what was given up has to be #1. In Bills history, Coussineau, Bennett and Diggs trades were franchise changing/defining deals as well.
  2. You mean talented ones? We have had enough of the Zimmers and H. Phillips. Talent wins championships and Gilmore if healthy is a top 10 CB in this league. All that said, I think I would take Joe Haden on a 1 year deal and a rookie #1 draft pick at CB as a better use of resources and long term cap management. If you are one of those posters that feel WR or RB is a bigger need in the early rounds (and there are good arguments to make for that strategy), then Gilmore on a 2 year deal makes more sense
  3. He wasn’t overrated. He was underrated by this fan base. He may have wanted out but if he wants to come back it would be a quality signing
  4. No. Take BPA in one of three positions- CB, WR, and OT in the first three rounds, in no particular order
  5. Except Hughes is better than Basham, Lawson, and Epenesa still. He is still a quality player. I understand thus happens all the time and predicting when older veterans decline is as difficult as predicting which young players will improve However Epenesa looks like a complete bust and I would take Hughes back and cut Epenesa in a heart beat.
  6. Oh c'mon. You can't use that argument. Using your logic then taking a 6th round QB often yields multiple SB winners. There are so many things that need to happen to win a SB. Nobody would ever want their pick back if it yielded a ProBowl level player. Your argument would seem to suggest if they just choose a different position that they would be equally likely to be a ProBowl level player. The stats suggest otherwise.
  7. TO said he was un-retiring. Everything makes sense now.
  8. I didn't want Darnold. He never looked comfortable at USC when he was pressured. Rosen was my #2 after Allen.
  9. I'd be fine with an OT in round 1-3 and a C/G in round 5. Boettger was never good. He will probably miss the entire season anyways. Ford looks like a bust and at this point seems more likely to get cut than be a significant contributor. But I suspect they will give Ford all kinds of opportunities with a new OL coach to get better.
  10. Do you trust this coaching staff to play the best players? Took 10+ weeks and multiple injuries to get Bates in the lineup. Davis was getting minimal targets for much of the season. Moss and Singletary were getting equal reps. Gilliam is allowed to play. McKenzie disappeared for large stitches of the season. Basham is inactive most of the season while we watch Epenesa suck all year. Not saying I think Stevenson will break out this year. But I wouldn't dismiss the possibility.
  11. I would have taken Wagner on a 5 year $50M contract and traded away Edmunds for a 2nd round pick. That clears $12.5M in cap space to accommodate the cap needed for Wagner, probably netting than about $3M this year. The combination of moves upgrades the MLB spot, and adds a 2nd round pick. Oh well. Maybe we get our wish and they trade Edmunds on draft day When did you hear it all season? He was a non factor all year.
  12. I can't recall the game but I remember him taking a hard shot to the chest last year. Wasn't the same the rest of the year. Again, as someone else posted, it doesn't matter. They needed to save money to fix the defense and it was time to move on from him. Now if Davis was a bust, it would have been a different story perhaps. But with Davis looking like a very good WR (I know he does not play in the slot), Diggs being amazing, and playing more two TE sets, it made total sense to move on from Beasley. I'm not even convinced McKenzie will fill his role. My hunch is they will add another WR in the draft. They need cheap talent on the offensive side of the ball. For 2022 I would still like to see Sanders back on a one year deal.
  13. I like Jackson more than most on this board. But if I was the Ravens I would do what Dallas did. I would let him play on his 5th year guarantee and then tag him. That is two more years to determine if he is a long term fit. History would say guys that run this much just don't last. He is not built like Allen. He is a better QB and passer than most on this board give him credit. But I don't think he is an elite passer. He is an elite talent but not an elite QB. I'd pay elite money on the franchise tag for a year but I would not commit long term dollars. I would take my chances on letting him walk and find another guy in the draft or free agency in the future. As for QB money in general, I really think the NFL needs to create a salary cap system that allows teams to pay the QB or perhaps any one designated player, as much as they want and then the other 52 count against a smaller cap amount. The current system punishes teams too much for actually succeeding in the hardest thing in all of professional sports - find an elite QB via the draft.
  14. While it may not matter to people viewing the games. Wouldn't it make a big deal in terms of tax revenue? One would think state sales tax would flow to the respective state based on location. I walked the bridge in Niagara Falls all the time. I wasn't even aware you could walk on the Peace Bridge. FYI my grandfather was a crane operator and helped build the Peace Bridge
  15. Probably would depend on how you define great. I think it would be near impossible for guys like Jackson and Murray to survive the style of football played from the 70’s until the early 200’0’s. Then again those defenses never saw the speed and running ability of some of these QBs. Accuracy numbers are higher now but I think those numbers are inflated because of the number of WR screens and easy completions QBs get now including the shovel pass and little touch pass they do on Jet sweeps.
  16. Agree with Parsons. You can find a WR anywhere. Elite defenders not so much. LT play in the NFL has really fallen off. I cant think of one young guy that I would even consider. At one time Orlando Pace, Walter Jones, and Jonathan Ogden were all playing at the same time. Joe Thomas then kept up the amazing run of left tackle play. Four of the best to ever play. Is there anyone now even close to those guys????
  17. Great discussion. I understand the logic and points made by the folks choosing to defer. And they are all valid points. I get the emotion of taking the ball and going out to win the game like in the past. At first I said take the ball, but reading the whole thread I'm changing my mind to defer.
  18. Football is a team sport. Both teams get to play offense and defense. Coin flip in regular season has not been a predictor of outcome for several years now. Oddly still a benefit in the playoffs. Unclear why. Now with this rule the coin flip loser assuming they play offense second knows what they need to do. They know how many points they need for win or tie again and it makes the entire possession 4 plays not 3 to keep the chains moving.
  19. I think what I like about DJ most is he seems to just speak about the player. Where McShay and Kiper as well talk about value in the draft. I understand the concept they are talking about but I think they play it up too much. No one cares if you get a great talent in round 1, 2, or 3. Just get the talent. Maybe DJ does that too and I mostly read his stuff as opposed to watching him. Perhaps there is some bias that way too.
  20. I can't get past Mayock and his praise for JaMarcus Russell. He was very polished when he spoke on TV and seemed to break things down well for the viewer.
  21. From an entertainment standpoint I think Kiper is still the best. As for content, I'm leaning towards Daniel Jeremiah these days. Perhaps Bucky Brooks as a close second. My least respected will always be Mike Mayock. That guy to me was all soundbite and no substance. And I thought that before he was a total failure as a GM. What do you all think?
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