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Ethan in Cleveland

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Posts posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. 1 hour ago, Process said:

    $10M per, not worth it. He completely fell off towards the end. Get some young blood in here. 

    100% agree. He was a good signing for last year while Miller wasn't able to play. He really faded late in the season 

  2. Puke! Puke! Puke!

    Beane is really off his game now.

    This guy is terrible!!! If Miller was healthy he would have been a healthy scratch most of the season. 

    This is way worse than the Cam Lewis signing. 

    I hate hate hate this move 

    • Vomit 1
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  3. Don't like the Cam Lewis contract

    I would have kept Morse but I'm fine moving on from him.

    I know I'm in the minority here, but I always thought White was overrated.  I'm happy we are getting rid of that contract. Sad for him but he needed to go.

    Other than that I have no issue with any of the moves Beane has made. Very impressed he got Miller and Knox to rework their deals. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. Don't understand extending Dawkins. Obviously I don't have all the contract details. I'm sure it saves them cap this year. I just wouldn't tie my hands to him for that many years. He's been up and down for the last few years and has never been elite. 

    That said he has mostly been healthy and many LTs play well into their 30's. 

    Hope it was the right move and I will give Beane benefit of the doubt on this one.

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  5. Really liked Davis while he was here. More than most on this board. However, he is not worth a second contract but that doesn't mean he was not a good player. 

    They can and must do better at WR! 

  6. WTF, how is this guy given a contract??? He's barely above PS talent. 

    He could be replaced with any street free agent or 7th round draft pick.

    Complete was of cap space.

    First terrible move of the off season for Beane

    • Disagree 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. I love Knox. 

    I still think he had been criminally underused by our OCs. 

    He has all the tools to be just as good as the elite TEs. Yss his hands are gross at times. But his run after catch is very good. 

    Truly hope they find the magic of the two TE set next year. It can be lethal especially with a viable run threat from the OL and Cook


    • Like (+1) 8
  8. 1 hour ago, JerseyBills said:

    Our 2 OTs will be FA next year. Our CB1 as well. 

    I'm warming up to grabbing C in rd 1. Should be able to get the top 1

    Last year I would have agreed with you. I thought OT or C would be top priority.  Fast forward to now and I think Dawkins and Brown are fine at OT this year and we can get by at C with McGovern. 

    The priority is WR and DL for this draft.

  9. 10 hours ago, TheyCallMeAndy said:

    I think so too, but it’s a huge positive if they can find a way to get under the cap without it. 

    What is the positive? The cap will go up in the future. Other expensive players like Miller,Knox, and Diggs will come off the books in the next couple of years. 

    Very few other elite players to have to pay in the immediate future. 

    Must make moves to win now!

    Nobody that was released with the exception of Morse will be missed. And they have a viable plan to replace Morse. 



  10. Diggs is still elite.

    Josh missed him when wide open on deep shots several times late in the season including the Steelers playoff game.

    Yes he had that horrible drop in the KC game.  I love Allen but his deep ball is inconsistent at best. 

    You have to wonder if he caught that and scored a TD with the defender falling down, would there be any Diggs decline talk at all.

    All that said, Bills need to draft at least one if not two WRs. Bills thought Davis was going to be elite after the KC playoff game and it just never happened.  

    They must get younger and bigger at the WR spot. 

    A great QB should be able to elevate average WRs, but an elite WR will also make life easier for Josh. 


  11. 9 minutes ago, Einstein said:



    And Taron isn't "elite" in my opinion. He is top 5 at his limited position, but I have trouble labeling that elite. I know one can make the argument that if you're top 5 at any position, then you're "elite". But I wouldn't call a top 5 long snapper "elite" either.

    Nickel corners play well over 50% of all defensive snaps on almost every team.

    Taron was 89% last year. 

    His position is hardly limited. 

    Nickel is far more important than a 1 tech DT, an off ball LB, or even your safeties.


    • Agree 1
  12. It's an interesting post.

    I would have Diggs and Cook included in your elites for Buffalo. Douglas is right on the cusp of elite too.

    After that, the OP premise is correct with many good players like Dawkins, Kincaid, Oliver, and Douglas. Benford and Bernard look well on their way to being very good just need a bigger sample size. 


    Of course we lack an elite HC. 


    But though I refuse to call Beane a genius, he probably is a top 5 and therefore elite GM


    One last point, an elite QB probably makes up for 5-10 other elite guys. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. Watson is so incredibly bad. He has played two halfs of decent football. Other than that he has been absolute garbage. 

    I can think of only one other QB that missed as much time as he has and came back to be decent. That was Vick after prison not coming off iniury and he had Andy Reid. 

    These Browns fans are still clamoring for Flacco to come back. They think he was actually good

    He had the highest int rate in the NFL last year. He single handedly lost the playoff game for them. 


    16 minutes ago, dpberr said:


    I think Watson is in Operation Quiet Quit.  Just sit back, go through the motions and collect the checks with the "let's not get ourselves killed out there!" mentality.  I doubt he will ever play a full season for the Browns simply because he has no desire to do so.

    100% agree. All he has to do is avoid getting suspended and he gets paid. 

  14. 53 minutes ago, Steptide said:

    Not speaking of draft picks in particular, just signing re treads. Harty, sherfield, sanders, John brown (to some extent). Let's draft some good receivers. I'm not opposed to getting a guy in free agency or via trade, but I want a guy who can have an immediate impact. Sign a guy like D-Hop and I'll be excited. He can come in and immediately make a difference in the offense 

    Brown and Sanders were solid players for us. Harty and Sherfield were terrible. No argument there.

    I would be perfectly fine if they drafted two WR if they had gotten a 3rd round comp pick. 

    Now I say veteran WR and first round WR.

    Veteran safety and rookie Edge and DT. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, Matt_In_NH said:

    That was 23 the chart i posted was for 22.  I just think the injuries are overblown.  Because tte white was injured we end up with a hetter player.  Lineal Joseph helped fill the void at dr before jones came back.   Milano was a huge loss.  But when someone throws around “epidemic” when it is not true it needs to be questioned.  The offense was super healthy last year, priobably as good as you could hope as you spelled out.  

    Agree. White getting hurt is a plus and a minus. Douglas looks good and is far cheaper. That said White was playing well to start the year. 

    Injuries just give the McD supporters an excuse. He had defensive collapses in the past with healthy squads too. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Matt_In_NH said:

    confirmed another case of someones gut feeling/ excuses with no useful factual information. 


    For instance, for 2022 when the Bills were supposedly had an epidemic of injuries (your words)...the Bills were actually had among the least games lost due to injury.  



    Numbers don't tell the full story here.

    It is true very few games missed on offense. I think the only starters to miss time were Knox and Davis and those were only a handful of games.

    On defense they lost arguably their best player at each level of the defense. Losing Milano 13 games plus playoffs was heartbreaking. Add the cluster of injuries at the LB spot and the impact was felt.

    All that said, and as you point out overall as a team they were healthy especially on offense. 

  17. 8 minutes ago, Gunsgoodtime said:

    How can anyone expect something to happen that has never happened?  That's a much better question 

    We've never had a top 3 QB in the league

    Anything short of a Lombardi is failure 

    No more moral victories

    No more successful seasons just making the playoffs.


    People's minds have been poisoned by 17 years of losing. 


    When you have Josh Allen you should expect to win the SuperBowl 

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