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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. Yep, they are completely censoring anyone who doesn’t kiss their big fat asses. It’s really a joke.
  2. That “other” site is dead after the election is over. Their guy is a loser and they will be left with 10 nutbars sitting around saying “but, but, Obama.”
  3. He’s both places because he needs the extra attention just like Trump.
  4. Good job over there! I made one comment and all the losers went on attack. Ann and TYTT threatened me. TYTT told me to STOP JUST STOP! Don’t even respond to me just Stop! I responded with “Go ***** yourself.” Those ***** clowns took their ball and went home and don’t want to hear from anyone with a different view. Love it that they are about to be proven wrong. losers! 😂😂😂😂
  5. If Trump can declare a victory while losing, anything is fair game!
  6. Stop your trolling. We don’t allow that here. Get in line with our opinions or we will ban you! Thank you Ann
  7. Hey, all the nutbars went to the other site. Do you want the link?
  8. Probably the same nutbar on the “other” site saying this was all a setup by Trump and that he needed to document it and people will be going to jail. He says “Trump wins....take it to the bank!” 😂😂😂
  9. What kind of a loser does it take to be beaten by Biden? Can you imagine?
  10. I can’t wait to use “but, but, Trump” for the next 4 years!!! 😂😂😂
  11. Don’t tell the conspiracy nutbars that created that other site. 😂😂😂
  12. Looks like Covid killed Donnie after all.
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