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Posts posted by CincyBillsFan

  1. 1 minute ago, BuffaloBaumer said:

    Only good teams can overcome three turnovers and horribly timed penalties and still win. Man was that a painful game to watch though.

    The O line penalties were brutal.  On that one drive after the Chargers had cut the lead to 21 - 16 the line had 2 bad penalties in a row that cancelled Allen throws for 1st downs.  Had we gone down and scored a TD that drive it would have likely been game over.



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  2. 12 minutes ago, DapperCam said:

    Harty really screwed us in this one. Special teams has been killing us all year. Lost us the Broncos and Jets games off the top of my head. Want to say Bass missed some which ended up losing us games too but I can't remember.

    The Chargers only TD came after his fumble that gave them the ball at our 32.  The worst thing about that fumble is that he was going backwards losing yards before he coughed it up.



  3. 50 minutes ago, Scott7975 said:



    Very insightful - a great interview. 


    It also reinforces my sense that we're looking at a very different Allen then the one we saw through the first 10 games.  The whole concept of "low positive" is gone.  I could be wrong but I doubt that Allen discovered that idea on his own.  Low positive sounds like something the Bills organization introduced him to in their efforts to transform his style of play.



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  4. 1 hour ago, Dan said:

    Fair point.   LOL. I even second guessed writing that sentence.  Kyle may not have been as good with it…  I was trying to imply that we didn’t need one of the best QBs in the league because the run game was Cooking!  But, it’s definitely a fair point… having the threat of Josh keeping it and running is just another wrinkle to make defenses pause.


    I guess ideally we can beat up a couple easy teams here, but play a much more balanced game - mixing it all together making upcoming coaches have to prepare for …everything. 

    It's another reason to give Brady credit for this new and long overdue way to use Allen in an offensive game plan.



  5. 1 hour ago, Beck Water said:


    Well, not quite.  You note it yourself in your next sentence.  One of the reasons why Dallas struggled to cope with that power run stuff, is that 1) their attention was divided between Cook and Josh....you could see it on several plays, they were worried about what Josh could do to them as a runner, OR, 2) if they threw all their chips into stopping the run, they feared the Josh Allen Air Show.

    When I watch the highlights of Cooks big runs I often see one or even two Cowboys shadowing Allen even after he handed off the ball.  The Cowboys really were terrified of Allen and overcompensated big time to contain him.



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  6. 13 hours ago, JohnNord said:

    What “evidence?”  There’s past of what you said that I can agree with but most of what you wrote is opinion and conjecture disguised as “overwhelming” evidence.     

    If read the reporting from people like Tim Graham and everyone else in the Buffalo beat. Allen was very close with Dorsey and supported him as OC.  It was reported that Dorsey was his “first choice” verbatim.  In fact, when Dorsey was fired, Graham referred to the move as proverbially grabbing Allen by the facemask and telling him to get his ***** together.  

    I’ve always disagreed with the notion that Dorsey was just a puppet to McDermott.  If you read and believe the Ty Dunne article, McDermott had little involvement with the offense and spent most of his time on defense.  I’m sure he did emphasize protecting Josh more in the offense but I don’t think he was as involved as you do.  

    I feel Dorsey’s offense was his attempt to evolve Josh into high percentage pocket passer to beat Cover 2 shell and then to take the deep shots when opportunities presented themselves.  Josh did fine.  Dorsey just wasn’t very good at play calling.


    Here is the question - if McDermott and Beane were so hell bent on Josh not running in Dorsey’s offense, why would they just abandon it when Brady took over?  

    I agree that Allen & Dorey were close and that Allen supported Dorsey being hired as OC.  But IMO that is a long way from Allen demanding that Dorsey be hired.  I believe that for a number of reasons this was Beans & McD's preferred option and decision


    The obvious things that I have seen are Allen's emotions under Dorsey and after Dorsey was fired.  They have significantly changed as has his style of play.


    I read the transcript of the McD NFL channel interview and it was clear that McD was setting the strategic direction of the Bills offense and how Allen was expected to play going forward.  In order for Bean to properly manage the Bills CAP (pushing Allen's money out) he would have been very supportive of this idea as he will increasingly depend on Allen having a long career (> 10 years) playing at an elite level.  


    Again, I don't think McD was calling plays or sweating the details of each offensive game plan but by all accounts he was setting the strategic goals for the offense and those included curbing certain aspects of how Allen played the game. Dorsey was trying to execute against McD's strategic vision of how the Bills should play offense and handle Allen.


    My guess is that McD/Bean abandoned their restrictions on Allen running and other aspects of their offensive operation in the face of not making the playoffs and keeping their jobs.  Perhaps Pegula played a role here? But even if their jobs were safe I credit McD & Bean to be astute enough to be flexible when it was obvious their goal for Allen & the Offense wasn't working.





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  7. 3 hours ago, finn said:

    My understanding is that McDermott hired Dorsey largely because Allen pushed hard for him. That was a mistake. I wonder if McDermott was uneasy with his decision at the time. 

    I also wonder if Beane drafted Kincaid instead of LaPorta because Allen pushed for him. Not saying it was the wrong choice necessarily, but it crossed my mind that McDermott and Beane may be bending over backwards to please Allen, possibly against their better judgment. 

    That was my initial understanding to but the comments from McD during the pre- season and during the season made me think that McD wanted Dorsey and that Allen at most had veto power. This is a very different thing then Allen advocating for Dorsey.  My sense from McD's comments is that he wanted an OC who was on the same page as he was with respect to how to use Allen and how the offense might compliment his defense.


    I believe that the clear change in Allen's playing style during this season when Dorsey was in charge, changes that were telegraphed by McD in interviews during the off season, was Dorsey trying to run the offense with McD/Bean demanding that Allen be exposed to less hits.  After Dorsey was let go and Allen had one of his signature runs against the Jets he jumps up and screams enthusiastically "I'm f#### back!".  It was clear to me that Allen was chaffing under the Dorsey/McD restrictions he was asked to operate under.


    We all saw that Allen was joyless and seemed to have the weight of the world on his shoulders trying to execute the O according to the McD/Dorsey plan.  Then Dorsey is gone and McD has a come to Jesus moment and Allen is allowed to return to his old style of play and now he's smiling and acting like the Josh Allen of old.  The evidence of this is plain to see and overwhelming.



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  8. 4 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    I agree on the second point. But Josh missed him on the first throw. It bounces 3 yards infront of McKenzie. That was a QB miss. Isaiah's head is round when the ball is halfway there. It just falls short. 




    Some context please - wasn't Allen and Dawkins the ONLY Bills players that were on the field for EVERY offensive snap in the sauna like conditions where almost every other Bills player spent time on the sideline suffering heat stroke?  When Allen missed on that pass it was near the end of the game and one can only guess how little he had left in the tank at that point.



  9. 1 hour ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    There was some narrative early in the season that Allen was surrounded by bums. Josh is our best player and a top 3 qb but can we finally argee that there is legit good talent on this offense? 

    - one of the most improved (and honestly one of the best o lines in the nfl)

    - a top 5 receiver 

    - a top 5 rb who is breaking out big time 

    - a 1st round TE who is emerging as one of the best receiving TEs in the nfl 



    obviously, Allen is the star but can we finally admit this is a really good group around him? How many groups are better? SF, Philly, Miami, and maybe Detroit? 

    Actually that was not the narrative.  The narrative was that among the top teams contending for a Super Bowl the Bills were deficient in their O line and play makers.  That beyond Diggs the Bills had a lot of average to below average talent in the offensive skill positions.  No one is calling an "average" NFL player a bum.  But hen you compare the Bills WR group to say Miami's, or the Eagles, or Dallas or the 49's or the Bengals you get an idea of what the narrative was.


    The other part of the narrative was that the Bills focused a disproportionate amount of their FA resources and draft capitol over the last 5 years trying to build an elite D.  This has led to what many of us think is a talent deficiency on the offensive side of the ball when COMPARED to other top playoff contenders.




  10. 1 hour ago, BillsFanSD said:

    I also hate it when Allen lines up under center and fakes that he's going to run a play, just to see if he can trick the defense into jumping offside. 

    Yep this is a great point.  It's downright devious to fake like you're going to run a play knowing full well you're not going to run a play.  How dishonest and unsportsmanlike can you get.  



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  11. 4 hours ago, VW82 said:


    But more to the point, Josh doesn't deserve MVP. Like it or not, his hand-picked OC got fired mid-season. Our signature win of the year (Dallas) happened because of our run game and defense. Meanwhile, Josh has had some high profile bad games/plays.


    Allen did not hand pick Dorsey to be the OC.  At most he gave the thumbs up to the PROMOTION from within.  Everything we've heard over the last month swirling around the McD controversy is that McD was the guy who most likely pushed for Dorsey to be promoted.  He saw it as a chance to better coordinate his idea of the offense/defense playing complimentary football.


    And the Bills win's over Miami & KC were also signature wins.



  12. 2 hours ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    For any Bills fan to be upset with it is even more puzzling.  


    It's a lot less puzzling when you realize that they're not Bills fans but trolls looking for any angle, no matter how weird, to take a shot at Allen.



    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  13. 1 hour ago, QB Bills said:

    Threads like these really expose the homers on the board.


    His flopping is an embarrassing tactic that, no, not every QB utilises. In fact, he's in the minority of guys who do it. We all love the guy, but that doesn't mean he can do no wrong.


    My fear is a "boy who cried wolf" scenario in the playoffs where a legit late hit goes uncalled. You can only embarrass the refs for so long before they start looking the other way.

    No this thread exposes the desperate lengths some posters on 2BD will go to throw shade at Allen.  Of course when critiquing Allen over his "flops" is the best you guys can do then we know that Allen is playing great as are the Bills.


    BTW, I'm all for the flopping. How is Allen flopping any different then a defensive lineman who when being held throws his arms up in frustration begging the ref to throw the flag?



    1 hour ago, TBBills Fan said:

    Keep it up Josh. Take the yards any way you can get them

    This is the sentiment of a true Bills fan.  Not sure where the complainers are coming from.



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  14. 3 hours ago, UKBillFan said:

    To be blunt, if the Pro-Bow was selected today then the three AFC QBs would be Jackson, Tua and Mahomes. Josh may get the reserve spot, though Stroud be awarded that instead.


    If he isn't in the top three AFC QBs he won't be in the MVP conversation. And if the Bills change their style to implement more of a run game then that could affect his chances sooner. But winning is the priority, though Josh has the ability to drag himself into contention.

    I disagree.  Leading the AFC in total TD's would put him right in the mix of those three for the Pro Bowl.  In fact it would be areal hard decision to exclude even one of Tua, Mahomes, Jackson & Allen.  You can make a strong case for all of them.




  15. 12 hours ago, Bubba Gump said:

    Mike Tirico just said, "a magical play by Lamar Jackson". Umm, Likely made the catch in double coverage, not Lamar you clown. That play is 100% magical by the TE. Good Lord. 

    In fact that throw should have been intercepted.  It was a nice play but the effusive praise for Jackson there by Collinsworth/Tirico (play of the year!!!!) was way over the top.  Allen makes guys miss in the backfield a couple times per game completing passes down field a lot less risky then that throw. Heck yesterday on the great catch by Diggs Allen shrugs off a blitzer and on the run gets the ball to Diggs.





  16. 3 minutes ago, stevewin said:

    Watching the highlights - was reminded one big play was when Diggs actually fumbled going down for 1st down catch, but the Bills got up super fast and ran a play before it could be challenged.  How many times in my life I've screamed "Snap the ball! Snap the ball!!!!" in those situations to no avail.  That was huge heads up and fast executon to get that play off - and I daresay good coaching/preparedness.


    Snapping the ball before they found out it was a fumble may have been the biggest under the radar play of the game.



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  17. 10 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    He threw well actually too.  Anyone catch a count on drops?  I had 2.  Cook and Kincaid.  I give Kincaid a pass on one of them, would have been a tougher catch if I recall.

    And don't forget Davis losing the ball on that bomb.  I've seen a lot of WR's this weekend that would have located and caught that ball.



    2 minutes ago, Ya Digg? said:

    Oh Gabe-just another disappointing performance. Was talking with a couple of friends and we were all really angry that Gabe really did nothing on that deep ball to him. Yes it was under thrown, but he didn’t fight to try and slow up to catch it or draw a PI. It barely landed behind him too, seemed like a really poor effort 

    That exact throw is caught by an awful lot of NFL WR's. 

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