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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. Rodgers is a mannequin… It’s time I think …
  2. The most important games are always the ones in the next few weeks… Probably because we don’t know the result yet would be my thoughts as to why..
  3. Not the only reason… It’s hard to be optimistic about him though … That contract … sheesh… what an albatross
  4. Our team rarely stops the other team from scoring 2 when they attempt it... would love to see some stats on this since the McDermott era began.. seems like the other team converts 80% of the time...
  5. Least he has left the Cards well positioned for the future at QB…
  6. Isnt there a vaccination they can get or something?? 😑🤐
  7. Lol… you say day drinking like it’s some type of crime or something..
  8. Im actually feeling sorry for Brissett.. having to play with these guys
  9. Thought that was the Bills with their successes in the 2nd Round..
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