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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. I had two thoughts, and this was one of them. The second is, what is Dorsey's fastest track to a HC opportunity? I think Buffalo will get him more exposure, quicker.
  2. Could have used holding once Or don't even rush anyone. I think 2 would have been the right number, but rushing nobody is better than rushing 4.
  3. Maybe mentioned above, so sorry if this is a rinse and repeat. I can't help but to go back to our 2nd and 3rd drives of the game, after we came out with our 1st drive with aggression and motivation to win this game. We went for it on 4th down twice on that drive and set the tone for the rest of the game. Then we follow that drive with two of the most conservative play-calling drives that we've done all season. Why was that? I knew we were leaving points off the board in those drives that were going to hurt us later in the game.
  4. Daboll points or at a premium here fella. Pretty aggressive play calling on the 1st drive. Then we go all the conservative?
  5. Yes, yes we are. 9 flips ago the odds were really against him doing so. Today, it's 50%
  6. Pressure on you or on the team LOL I think the more pressure will be if the Rams beat the Goat in the early game. The pressure for the visiting teams to sweep this weekend will become unbearable.
  7. When you say compounded probability you are taking the multiple flips together. I'm talking about one flip always being 50/50. For example, the odds of heads with one flip is 50%. The odds of getting heads two times in a row is .5 x .5, or .25. We're gonna have to agree to disagree...and I'm right.
  8. The odds of going 10-0, at the time you start the first flip is different than the odds of each individual flip. Each individual flip remains at 50%, LOL what are we doing? Shouldn't we be cooking up some vittles?
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