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Posts posted by JGMcD2

  1. I can’t get behind putting Dak in the top 8. 

    He’s gifted so much talent every year and the team underachieves. Yes, he puts up eye popping numbers, but they’re usually in a shootout or down and he’s trying to mount a comeback...  which he doesn’t do often... 9 4Q comebacks and 15 GWD? 

    A top 5-10 QB has to elevate their team... I don’t think Dak does that... I think he’s lifted up by Zeke, a great offensive line and a plethora of receiving weapons... just my opinion. 

    The team as a whole was held back by Jason Garrett and now will be by Mike McCarthy IMO. He underachieved with Rodgers who is one of the greatest ever... he will do the same with Dak.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Back2Buff said:


    What is he fine at doing?


    I know he is everyone darling with the way he came into the organization, but you have to look at his play recently.  He is not an impact player.

    I didn’t realize that the box score is where impact players are found. 

    I bet that’s how all of the high-end, progressive organizations find impact players... someone should let Beane know. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Logic said:

    I don’t know about “frequently”. 

    He did so on the John Brown TD, yes. I can’t recall any other instances. 

    While the Jets brought extra rushers frequently, I’m not so sure they employed many zero blitzes.

    Got it. I tend to speak in hyperbole which causes me some issues online lol


    I could’ve sworn during the Cover 1 breakdown they said he beat it a few times but just highlighted the Brown one because it was the most apparent instance. 

    The All-22 going up late this week meant I didn’t get a chance to look at it myself. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Logic said:

    1. Any team quarterbacked by Ryan Fitzpatrick is never to be completely counted out. Yes, he can throw four interceptions in a game, but he can also throw four touchdowns. We've all seen it happen many, many times. Jekyl and Hyde. Which one will we see?

    2. I was there in Orchard Park last year when the winless Dolphins were beating the Bills halfway into the third quarter. It took a miraculous Tre White interception and a 98 yard scoring drive to put the Bills out front, and it was close until the very end. Since then, the Dolphins have gotten better. I realize the Bills have gotten better, too, but I can't pretend like I didn't see the Phins and Fitzy stomping a mudhole in the Bills for more than a half of football.

    3. We are without our two starting linebackers. The oppositions running game and tight end are good enough to take advantage of that lack.

    4. I disagree with the notion that their cover guys "should not be a match for Diggs and Brown". Byron Jones very effectively limited Diggs the last time these two played. Xavien Howard is now fully healthy and should be able to cover John Brown with at least some success. Brian Flores is a good defensive mind.

    5. The Bills, until they prove otherwise, are still susceptible to being beat by Zero Blitzes. The Dolphins will employ them frequently.

    6. It's the NFL. Any given Sunday.


    The announcers mentioned, too, that the total lack of fans cause the wind to act a little differently, too.

    Bottom line: I'm not panicking on Bass.

    And unless I missed someone signing him, Hauschka is still sitting out there on the market, waiting to be signed. If Bass DOES turn out to be a cataclysmic failure, just bring Hauschka back in. But we're not there yet.

    Didn’t Josh frequently audible into the correct call against zero blitzes that Greg Williams had dialed up last week?


    The most notable one being the John Brown touchdown? 

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  5. 2 hours ago, BullBuchanan said:

    Because I think he was at best average at drafting, not just in Buffalo, but Indy too. The best 2 players he ever drafted were consensus #1 overalls in Bruce and Manning. Give him credit for Getting Andre Reed in the 4th round. He built those teams in a pre-salarycap era largely by paying Jim Kelly the highest salary ever for an NFL player.

    Essentially, I think a lot of Polian's success was luck of getting franchise QB's and elite talent at the top of drafts. And the fact that neither the Bills nor the Colts won anywhere near as much as they should have is the result of his weaknesses. He had a ton of mid round picks that never even ended up playing a game. Granted, there was a lot more rounds in those days , but if he didn't need the picks he should have done something more valuable with them.

    Edit: I think the fact that he didn't build the Bills on a salary cap in Buffalo, and that he was unable to build a balanced team in Indy under a cap is further indictment.

    I think it's a pretty hot take to say that Peyton Manning was the consensus #1 overall pick. There was a ton of debate between Manning and Leaf.


    In hindsight Manning was a surefire pick there, but at the time it was not clear cut at all. There were numerous people who believed that Leaf would be an absolute stud.

  6. Gosh, some of these posts drive me insane. 

    The reason you extend McDermott is because it shows faith in the program and the people here. It creates stability and in no way complacency... because until you win it all... you’re fighting every day to do so. That allows McDermott to work knowing he’s got the faith of his bosses. Imagine know your boss truly believed in you... you’d be so much more productive on a day to day basis. It’s scientifically proven. 

    As for his past decision, yeah there have been some bad ones. But nobody knows the inner workings behind them. He made the decision and he’s learned from all of the bad ones in some way shape or form. Heck, he’s screwed up big time and gotten the team to remain resilient despite his mistakes. The believe in him and they love him. That means more than using a timeout at the right time... the belief and love translates during practice, games, team activities on every play and every minute. That’s what makes the guy special... he has a growth mindset. 

    I knew he was special and the team was special when Josh + some of the guys and their wives were out and realized it was McDermott’s birthday. They stopped their dinner and sent him a video. There is a genuine love for each other. I don’t think folks realize the importance of feeling like a person in a professional sports organization... especially as a player. They are always looking over their shoulder... to know they’re loved is the most important thing you can provide them. 

    We have one of the best coaches in the league and he wants to be in Buffalo. He is Buffalo. Enjoy it please, before you’re looking back in 20 years wishing we could capture the same aura. 

  7. 10 hours ago, krf139 said:

    Can we wait for this guy to play in a game and produce before we start buying into this marketing stuff?

    Just think it’s a cool quote... it’s not marketing stuff when fans create it themselves. 

    If I asked the Buffalo Bills to make a shirt and do a whole campaign around “Business Decisions” that would be a different story. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. This probably doesn’t need its own thread BUT things are slow around here... so why not?


    I think a Zack Moss “Business Decisions” shirt would be amazing. I’d love to see if some savvy graphic designers could put something together. 

    For those that don’t know the backstory on this, here is the quote... "I finish all my runs in a fashion so that the next time they do try to make a tackle, it's a business decision," Moss said

    • Like (+1) 4
    • Haha (+1) 4
    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  9. 16 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Interesting!  Thank you for finding this.  Two key take-aways for me is that Miller evidently had a relatively mild case, but needed to take a total of 17 days off from training!!!!!  He thinks everyone needs to be tested every day.    Also he thinks that people could attend, if they are spaced out. 


    Q: You play a cardiovascular sport that requires conditioning and burst. What concerns do you have about long-term lung damage?

    A: Taking 17 days off and then trying to get back into it, I really feel it. I still feel my lungs trying to get back in shape. It’s just all the wear and tear that it puts on your lungs. I’ve got asthma on top of that, so to try to run with asthma and then try to run after the coronavirus, that’s what I think some of the shortness of breath comes from. (....)

    Q: The NFL is bracing for team facilities to reopen and seems to be charging ahead as if the 2020 season will happen as scheduled. If you were the commissioner, knowing the severity of the virus’s effects, how would you push forward?

    A: If I was Commissioner Miller, I would take notes from the other leagues that are starting up before us. We got soccer coming up in Europe, and they’re going to do mass testing. That’s what we have to do. Every day we need to test all the players. It’s got to be part of the routine.

    If one person gets this and it goes undetected, then that’s eight. Let’s say [Broncos wide receiver] Courtland Sutton gets tackled and he has the virus. Now you got the other team; they have the virus. I want to make sure all the players and all the staff and everybody coaching and everybody in the front office gets tested every day.

    Also, if a stadium holds 65,000 people, they might cut it down to about 16,000 people and [spread people] out across the stadium. Everybody is going to have spaces to watch the game. Then you can get some of the real-life feel back, the real-life football back. (.....)

    Q: Hundreds of people work at NFL team facilities. Would you be nervous to go back to work right now?

    A: Yeah, and everybody’s got to stay masked up. I want to be safe. I want to make sure I can still deliver football to the fans, but I want to do it as safe as possible. I'm not cutting any corners when it comes to that.



    Von Miller also has asthma... so I’d bet that was in a factor in it take 17 days for him to get back into the swing of things. 

    Everyone is going to be different. I’ve heard from people in the NFL Offices that the season is going to go on and they will have fans in states that allow it. 

  10. 23 minutes ago, Joe in Winslow said:


    Not sure 2 is accurate. He didn't exactly light the world on fire last season.

    We could turn this into a debate on ability too... if you’re judging a guy off of 1 season you’re definitely jumping to conclusions. 

    You’re also definitely basing things off of stats... because if you watch his technique and noticed how disruptive he was... you wouldn’t be making this comment. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  11. 26 minutes ago, LOVEMESOMEBILLS said:


    Quarantine wouldn't be just for the person infected, you don't have to look past the WH situation right now to see that. It would be for any player and any personnel that came within close proximity of the infected player. That list would be extensive once you include all teammates & coaches, doctors, trainers, reporters that they were practicing against, anyone near their locker, anyone they were close to in the training rooms, weight rooms, film studies and that doesn't include the players from the team you just played against. Experts believe you may be most infectious a few days before symptoms show or before you would test positive. The NBA closed down quickly once the first player tested positive. 11 total players, from 7 teams, tested positive in an 8 day stretch from March 11th-19th.


    Results from Major League Baseball's participation in a nationwide COVID-19 antibody study were made available Sunday. 

    Per Bill Shaikin of the Los Angeles Times, the study of 5,603 MLB employees returned 39 positive results (0.7 percent). 

    MLB Network's Jon Heyman noted none of the people who tested positive have died from the virus and it's the largest national antibody study to date.


    The 400+ people I reference at the facility includes all staff... I would know... I was at those facilities. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Don Otreply said:


    Its more than just game day,  think of this scenario, if a teammate you were working out with yesterday tests positive a couple days later...   

    There’s been little to no spread amongst players in Major League Baseball, outside of the reported cases. 

    You had over 400 people packed into facilities and locker rooms during Spring Training. Living in the same hotels... there was no spread. No players with symptoms. 


    Professional wrestling is going on... they’re swearing and bleeding all over each other... nobody has contracted it. No wrestlers with symptoms. 

    The number of professional athletes who have contracted COVID is tiny. If someone gets it, you remove them. 

    Here is the definition of quarantine...

    a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed.


    It’s people who have been exposed to infectious or contagious disease... not all people... what we’ve been doing isn’t quarantine. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Mickey said:


    Dude, that is not how anyone I know handles their trips to the grocery store. 

    Not how I handle mine either...  but that’s what I see every time I’m out. 

    Cloth masks aren’t doing a thing... the second it gets moist from your breath you’re going to be susceptible to spreading germs. Because the masks exists to stop the spread of germs, it doesn’t actually protect you from anything. It’s just an immediate shield from coughing and sneezing... but if a person is considerate, they’d cover their mouth/nose normally.

    Have you been through a checkout line? The person in front of you touches the pin-pad... I bet you also touch the pin-pad, and it goes on. It’s not being wiped down every time. 

    You don’t think someone has picked an item up and decided they don’t want/need it and put it back only for someone else to pick it up? I’ve yet to see employees running out to sanitize an item that was touched/replace it on the shelf. 

  14. On 5/4/2020 at 4:43 PM, SoTier said:


    I think that the GMFB crew discussed what it takes to be a backup QB just last week in reference to Andy Dalton being released.  Basically, successsful backup QBs -- Foles, Fitzpatrick, McKown etc -- are capable of checking their egos for the good of the team.   A lot of failed QBs, especially first rounders, can't do that because having mucho self confidence is a pretty much a prereq for NFL QBs so they don't make it as backups.



    I think Trubisky's problem was that he  didn't improve and even regressed when team's figured out his tendencies.  I think I heard or read somewhere during last season that some of the Bears' coaching staff were concerned that he wasn't "getting it", which seems to suggest, at least to me, that he wasn't getting better at reading defenses or recognizing coverages etc. 



    I think that after Brandon was fired, the Pegulas gave Beane the kind of control of the team that most GMs have -- nobody was hired to replace Brandon in regard to the Bills (don't know about the Sabres).  He wasn't subservient to both Brandon and his money guys in the front office and subservient to the HC like Whaley.   Beane's emergence as a strategist really began after the end of the 2018 season.  Before that, he seemed to be scrambling to fill immediate holes and "make do" with very limited resources just as Whaley had done.  Sharing a philosophy for the team with McDermott makes the relationship work even if McDermott is an equal. With a different HC it might not work so well.

    I would disagree that Beane didn’t emerge as a strategist until the end of 2018.


    He didn’t just randomly become one overnight... he’s always been one. When he got to Buffalo he began to make immediate strides towards the plan that we seeing come to fruition today.

  15. 2 hours ago, apuszczalowski said:

    I think of moneyball in Baseball the same way. it worked great for the A's when they were the only ones doing it, but once other teams started adopting it, those teams start doing the same and the demand starts going up for those players and it just swings the market in a different direction. It works great when your one of the few doing it, but it gets harder to do when everyones trying it.

    You’re 100% right. That’s why if you’re the best at your craft, like a Bill Belicheck, you start to see when things are going to zig and you zag.


    Sports are cyclical, people think it’s a pattern of upward growth. Instead you go through the phases of rebuilding, competing and declining. Being able to stretch out that competing cycle by reinventing yourself is how you stay on top. 

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