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Everything posted by 0017

  1. What are you talking about we won that game and blind ref took it away on a blind side block!!!!!!! ???????
  2. Absolutely terrible!!!! Cost us the game no doubt! They were looking at each other and neither one left there feet it was “a block” that’s it.
  3. I’m happiest for my 10 year old son who lives and dies with every win or loss, he’s been a bills fan since he was born but really got into the games at about 6 years old and he cried a lot back then. I even had friends saying they were going to report me to CPS for making him a bills fan? But now it’s all paying off and he can’t contain his happiness, we live in Northern California and there is a lot of niner fans around, but he wears all his bills gear to school everyday (has a bills lunchbox!) now he wears it with pride! It’s really freaking awesome!!!!!
  4. That makes Perfect sense, I know the bills will not try to lose, in fact I think they will win, but then thinking about making the playoffs at 12-4 and having to travel on the road and no rest week, it’s a recipe for 1 and done in the playoffs. Really hope that’s not what happens!!!
  5. It’s never great to lose to a division opponent heading into the playoffs, but we have almost no chance of winning the division, so why not take the L and rest our starters against the Jets the following week!?! That way we head into the playoffs rested and ready!
  6. Phillips, white, Edmonds, also what should be the backbone of this team for the next ten years!!!
  7. Give credit to Pittsburgh there, they are playing great defense! I’ll take the 3 points!
  8. I think he’d be a great addition to the RB room, we need a offensive spark!
  9. I read it was finalized just not announced, probably because it’s game day.
  10. https://www.miamiherald.com/sports/nfl/miami-dolphins/article236713788.html sorry should have included it?
  11. Team has not been revealed yet, but drake did not travel with team to Pittsburgh. ? Bills?
  12. What a joke of a game!! That defensive holding in the end zone was atrocious!!!!
  13. But playing for the jets? Wide open Sam hits him in his hands!! Damaryius thinks to himself would BIll Belichick be ok with me catching this? He attempts to catch the ball like he’s Petting a really soft kitten, and oh darn the ball hits the ground, but deep down he’s ok with that, he has done his job!
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