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Posts posted by RocCityRoller

  1. don't forget this team has R Streater, and Malachi Dupree on the roster


    Streater looked great before the injury last year, and Dupree had a lot of pre draft buzz last year. O'Reilly is also floating around.

    There is more depth at WR than expected.


    I'm not saying it's top end, but there are enough guys with a mix of experience to put together 5 solid options to start the year.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 3 hours ago, richardb1952 said:

    DeBeer is Currently measuring in at 6-foot-7 and 312 pounds.


    thanks, the USA junk food must have gotten to him, since I saw him listed at 260-70

    45 minutes ago, Bangarang said:

    Boxing sucks and I absolutely don’t get why McDermott gets as much hype as he’s been getting here that he’s being pencilled in as the starting RT.


    Yes! How does a former wrestler not value this? Ok I guess this was  year of heavies.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 14 hours ago, H2o said:

    Ok, so I have looked more extensively at Allen and Rosen since my initial wave of turrets when we drafted Allen over Rosen. 


    Allen first. There is no denying the physical gifts that Allen has been blessed with. There is not a pass he cannot throw. There is no weather situation he couldn't still throw the ball around in. He can throw a Hail Mary that could reach the endzone if we were on our own 25 if necessary. When his base is solid he rips accurate passes, granted most of them come out like rockets. The problem at Wyoming was he was under pressure almost all the time. I think that affected the numbers that we see quite a bit. He didn't really have the time to set his feet and his pass catchers never really separate. Especially when they faced the larger programs with higher level recruits on defense, the disparity of talent on his OL and his receiving corps was clearly evident. In those games he struggled because of rhe way things broke down on basically every drop back. It led to terrible decisions, because he was trying to make a play every single time, and his numbers suffered. He was clearly the best player on a bad team. Worlds of potential. Seems smart. Has to put it together on the field. I think he is a player who can perform better than he did in college due to the fact he will have NFL talent around him. The mental aspect, reading defenses, and operating better when he sets his feet to throw timing routes will be huge. He will have to learn to look off defenders. This isn't backyard Wyoming football anymore. These are the best of the best every time he steps on the field. Learn the system, operate to the best of your ability within that system, but don't try to do too much within that system because not every play is meant to be a scoring play. As much as I hated the pick when it happened, he does have the chance to be what we have waited for since 1996 which is the next great Bills QB. 


    Rosen second. Rosen was one of the two guys I wanted. He is as polished a prospect as you will ever see. He can make every throw that you will see on an NFL field. He manipulates defenses with his eyes. He steps up in big games. His draw backs are his attitude, clearly evidenced in his post draft presser, and hus injury history. I believe he is greater in his mind than he is in reality at this point. He hasn't stepped foot on an NFL field, but in his mind believes he is Aaron Rodgers. Josh, just because you weren't taken until #10 overall and were the 4th QB off of the board does not mean you were slighted. It means the concerns people had about you did effect your standing with the teams who drafted someone else. Stfu, get to work, and let your play speak for itself. I just want to say that I think Mora is a douche nozzle, but I believe his original statements about Rosen are exactly what he thought about him and they may very well be true. Comes off like a total Prima Donna. I don't see that as something that meshed well with what Beane and McDermott are trying to build here. It doesn't mean that I think he is a lesser prospect than Allen, I'm just saying that I believe I am starting to understand the "why" a little bit more. 


    Just my 2 my friends. 



  4. 34 minutes ago, Tyrod's friend said:

    All these Brett Favre comps ... just makes me laugh. Look, Brett was averaging roughly 55% completion percentage in college. At the time Jim Kelly was the very best QB in the NFL at 63. The top QBs in the league were averaging 57-58% of their passes. John F'n Elway completed 58 and Dan Marino 57. So Brett Favre in college was right in the midst of that.

    Using a guy who is completing 56% of his passes when the top ten NFL QBs are running 64 and 65% ... you are missing a full deviation here. Josh Allen is nearly 20% less accurate than quality NFL QBs of his era. Brett Favre was very nearly equal to NFL HoF QBs when he was in college.

    Compare an apple to an apple - you might come up with Jeff Blake. A guy that was roughly 10-15% less effective in completing passes than the better NFL guys of his era. OK career. Drafted in the 6th round, not first. Played a little bit. 39-61 record. Stuck around. Known for having a live arm and was mobile. 

    Brett Favre? SMH.  Punching out of your league to compare Josh Allen to Brett Favre. Guys are just reaching for straws here. Let the kid be the kid. 


    Clearly stated best case scenario was Brett Favre, and that Allen was not my first pick.


    Tried to show a SB winning QB with sub statistical ability to win it all


    Appaently too much positivity to handle on this board.


    Jeezus BBMB was less negative.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Bangarang said:


    I really don’t agree with the assessment that he’s a generational talent. I have my opinion and that really won’t change until he actually gets on the field.


    My post wasn't so much to change your mind, but to offer an example of how things can turn out right with a QB like this.


    Like I said, Allen isn't my first pick (Darnlold/Mayfield/Rudolph). I would have gone Rudolph and a team vs Allen, because I am conservative but we went Allen, so I looked long and hard at best case scenarios. They all added up to Favre and Allen as comparables. It took Favre 4 years to become the Brett Favre we remember.


    I think my point is give Josh Allen 3-4 years to become Josh Allen. He has generational physical tools, let the game slow down for him and he will be very, very special.


    thanks for the reply

  6. 2 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I understand your comparison better now. 


    I offer one snarky, and one serious point back:

    1. hopefully NOT the see-bar-drink-bar-dry trait of young Favre

    2. I think the basis of the counter point (against comparing a QB from Favre's era) is that the game was a bit different then - less pass-centric, more smash-mouth.  The same QB performance which was League MVP in Favre's time, might not get it done these days.


    Overall, I think your point is valid - not necessarily the Favre comparison, but the fact that Beane went for the guy with the sky-high ceiling (hoping he can bury the potato and cure his warts) over the guy who has shown more demonstrated ability as a QB today and may have a higher floor, but a lower ceiling.


    Thank you for meeting me half way. I love it!


    I think the more professional approach of football to the party days helps offset the change in the game.

    Stints like Zay or Cyrus still happen, but it's news now vs the past when it was binge or coke (irvin etc) to become news.

    Can you imagine the 1990s stars with social media? It would be a mess.


    I am happy to be 40-45 now. I remember 1980's an 1990's football. Bad teams tried to run the ball because they sucked at throwing it.

    How has this changed? Look at Dallas. 2 years ago Prescott was great, Elliot did his thing as did Witten and  Bryant.

    W/O Witten and Bryant D will depend on Eliott more and more, and Prescott will struggle.

    Goff struggled w/o Watkins/Woods/Culp and the HC/OC change.


    I think that some how, some way the Bills got a very very special talent at QB (and MLB) this year.

    We owe it to them to be supportive and walk them through the roster rebuild.

    This feels like 198x and it is happening.Buffalo in the late 1980's was a boring D first team.

    After the 1988 AFC Championship loss it clicked and the Bills went on a run when they changed the offense.


    My fear is that we don't live up to our stars now. Eichel and Allen are stars, buy they need support and systems that suit them.



  7. 5 minutes ago, Ridgewaycynic2013 said:

    "60% of the time, it works every time."

    Hell yes, unless it's Josh Allen.... and maybe Edmunds...


    this may be a very special draft.

    2 hours ago, Thurmanator 12074 said:

    The planets are aligning and so are the numbers. This must be a sign of good things to come.Love all these cool numbers.  


    How can one argue when even the lowly Sabres got the first pick?


    My fear is that the Sabres get Eichel, and the Bills get Allen and then f%&$ both of them up.


    It's time for us to win. Build both teams properly. Buffalo has the talents now to build around.

  8. 1 hour ago, Figster said:

    The accuracy part of the conversation was very interesting.


    I can't get over the 72 mph Allen is getting on some of his throws.


    thats unheard of, and he drops back on his own 7 yard line at the combine and rings his target at the opponents 24


    are you friggin kidding me...



    ...good grief...


    The term generational talent is thrown around too much these days.


    Allen is a generational (20 yr) talent. He is a curve pusher, and we got him.


    We need to be patient.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Lurker said:


    Got that right.   Anybody that compares any QB from Favre's era to today's crop looses enormous credibility...


    Recall I was looking for a best case scenario, a positive.


    Quite simply no one else in the last 20 years has made that jump. The skills, potential, issues, plusses and minuses measure up statistically.


    And though you may not recall football 20 or even 30 years ago, many people do. It's not as far away as you think.


    There is a theory that a sub 58.5% (or 60% net) completion percentage in the final year of college correlates to a QB having a positive W-L record in the NFL.




    The last two QBs to have a positive  +/_  win total were David Garrard (2002) and Brett Favre (1991), and only Favre in the last 30 yrs reached a Super Bowl. So excuse me for the history.


    This was the crux of me being against Josh Allen as the pick. The odds were against him ever reaching a SB. Believe it or not Mason Rudlolph has much higher odds (roughly 1-10%).


    The potential for a SB QB under these conditions drops this to 3 standard deviations from the mean since Garrard never made a SB. In short it would take a true generational talent (2% or every 30-40 yrs) to break the barrier.


    McBean believes Josh Allen to be the barrier breaker, because he has Brett Favre like skills. He has the arm, the release and the smarts (37 Wonderlic) to do it.


    If you count on stats only, Allen will be a failure.


    However the NFL is statistically halfway due for the next 'Brett Favre'. A brash young man with a 58.5 or less completion % in college, that just knows how to play football. And we may have got him.


    McBean went for the 1-2%, and I applaud them for it.


    You can believe or not, but Allen has all the traits and more of the previous curve pusher.


    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, Putin said:

    I’m not a fan of light de Beer 


    Who likes Light de Beer? No One!


    PS thanks to all. We are having a good conversation about the O-line. It's not as bleak as it looked, but I think we agree OT is an area of need.

    Plenty of solid options at C/G

  11. 17 minutes ago, /dev/null said:


    And the two pills were red and blue


    Oh yeah let's go further my Futureama/ Matrix inspired Hypno-toad.... I'm onto you


    58.5% is the completion percentage that has a 98% confidence rate in determining the failure rate among QBs.

    IE if a QB is under 58.5% completion rate, there is a 98%+ chance the QB will be a bust.


    But 585 is the area code of Rochester, NY! Rochester is the second largest supporter of the Bills and attendance at games.


    So we have a double negative of 585 and 716 in play. That is a positive! McBeane is a numerology witch!


    The last QB to beat the 58.5% mark was...... Brett Favre.

    Brett Favre was a farming family country boy, with a big arm, who was agile, a gunslinger and threw the most INTs in NFL history, but also kept the Pack (the other small market team) in games and won a SB. He also used social media to send inappropriate texts! Just like the media is trying to show now with Allen! It's spooky :)


    Look here:


    Final college year stat comparison:


    QB A - 150 CMP/ 275 ATT - 54.5%, 1572 YARDS, 5.7 Y/A, 7 TD, 6 INT 106.6 RATE

    QB B - 152 CMP/ 270 ATT - 56.3%, 1812 YARDS, 6.7 Y/A, 16 TD, 6 INT 127.8 RATE


    QB A is Brett Favre, QB B is Josh Allen


    How can you argue these facts my friend?! ;)

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 1 hour ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    I am surprised as well........the 3rd RB job here is perhaps the most winnable in the NFL you'd figure they would get one in UDFA.


    But with an influx of good young backs maybe we see some vets get cut loose.    


    Surprised Roc Thomas and Akrum Wadley (swooon) were not brought in....


    Maybe Gilislee can be had for a 6-7th round pick since the Pats drafted Sony Michel?

  13. 3 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    I see what you you're thinking.....get the best 5 out there which may mean Bodine at Center.  


    But I think they want Groy there.  


    And they are going to want Teller to start....not force it, just hope he wins LG.  









    We need another depth tackle.  Badly.  



    Don't disagree with you at all. There is every chance Teller becomes a day one starter at LG. I'm also not sure McBeane moves a 4 year starter from a playoff calibre team from C.


    Groy has become an essential cog in the O-line with the departures. The C/G situation looks to be ok.


    I agree T is a mess. I don't like Dawkins as a full time LT (trading Glenn was dumb), and Mills at RT is a rash we can't seem to shake unless Newhouse steps up.

    Another real OT is needed.


    This is also why I didn't like the 4th and 5th round. OT's Richardson and Jones were there for the taking.

    If the Bills went Richardson in the 4th that is an immediate upgrade on Mills or at least depth.

    Grab Taron Johnson in the 5th (trade the 7th to move up) or resign CB L Johnson to be the nickle and then get OG Teller.


    It always amazes me how much Defensive coaches undervalue O-Line since that is what they scheme around.


  14. 16 hours ago, Bronxbomber21 said:

    I rather see it like this G - Teller C - Groy G - Miller/ Vlad. Is it me or does the two linemen Beane picked up in fa the center and Newhouse seem out of the norm compared to all the other moves hes made since getting to Buffalo. Why not just sign Evans ? 


    Ps. is the wr we signed from the Raiders still on the team cant remember his name at the moment?


    Streater and Holmes are both here AFAIK

    58 minutes ago, Acantha said:

    There has to be something; guys with his production and combine don't get passed up that many times for no reason.  I just spent a little time looking at some of the guards taken in round 2, and there's just not enough of a difference to make sense.  


    Take a look at the thread about the post draft O-line I created. A lot of 4-7 and UDFA players.

    I'd like Buffalo to add more Blue Chip players here in the coming years, but I'm not sure it's uncommon.

  15. I'm no conspiracy nut, or even a numerologist, but my friend was first to point it out to me that the Bills first round went pick 7 and pick 16 for 7-16.


    That just so happens to be the Buffalo area code 716. This may be the first time that has happened in Bills history.


    McBean swung for the fences for our QB on lucky #7 and also doubled down at 16 on our potential 'QB of the defense' at 16.


    Let hope this is a positive omen. :)

    • Like (+1) 3
  16. 21 minutes ago, Dr. Who said:

    I like your posts.  Insightful and well-written.


    Thank you. Tip of the hat to you as well. I had to make the Luck Troll post as an initial 'splash' on OBD LOL!

    Yet we have a rookie with one of the 5 best arms in the NFL and Luck is not even throwing footballs.


    I wanted to try to figure out why McBean went Allen. The best I can tell, they see a little Brett Favre in Allen. If those are the fences this team is swinging for I am on board. But it will take 2-3 years to come to fruition. We will have to let Allen take his lumps and grow. The comps are there though. Stats, background, make up. It's all there.

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. So, the Bills went D heavy this draft, but did get a potential franchise QB in Allen, and have McCarron/ Peterman to hold the fort until he is ready.


    We lost 60% of our starters this off season due to trades and retirements. It's a big rebuild on the O-line.


    Let's look at our current depth (UDFA included) to see where the Bills stand now on O-line



    Russell Bodine             6-3  308  25  5th  North Carolina (4th RD Bengals, 4 yr starter for the Bengals)

    Ryan Groy                     6-5  320  27  5th  Wisconsin (UDFA 2014 Bears, spelled Eric wood for multiple games in 2016, considered C/G)

    Adam Redmond          6-6  300  24  1st  Harvard (UDFA 2016 Indy, on and off practice squad before Bills signed him, considered C/G)



    Vlad Ducasse                6-5  329  30  9th UMASS (2nd NYJ, played LT in college, journeyman, solid G per PFF)

    John Miller                    6-3  315  24  4th Louisville (3rd BUF, named among PFF most improved players between 2015 and 2016, didn't fit zone scheme 2017)

    Wyatt Teller                   6-4  314  23  R  VA Tech  (5th BUF, All ACC)

    Ike Boettger                   6-6  310  xx  R  Iowa (UDFA BUF, Played both G/T, many injuries, never found a position, 5.39 grade)



    Dion Dawkins                6-5  320  24  2nd Temple (2nd BUF, originally considered a LG or RT prospect, played LT in 11 games out of need in 2017 and held his own)

    Jordan Mills                  6-5  316  27  6th  LA Tech (5th CHI, journeyman with DAL and DET before landing with Bills. RT since 2015)

    Connor McDermott      6-8  320  25  2nd  UCLA (6th NE, 2nd team PAC12 at LT, 4.98 grade)

    Marshall Newhouse     6-4  330  29  8th  TCU (5th GB, starting LT in 2011-2012 when Pack went 15-1 and 11-5, Journeyman until 2017 Raiders started 14 games at RT)

    De'Ondre Wesley          6-6  331  25  3  BYU (UDFA BAL, 0 starts)

    Gerhard de Beer           6-7  262  xx  R  AZ (UDFA BUF, 4.8 grade)

    Mo Porter                      6-6  310  xx  R  Baylor (UDFA BUF, LT in senior season, ungraded)


    I would build the line as


    LT - Dawkins/Newhouse

    LG - Groy/Teller

    C - Bodine/ Groy

    RG - Miller/ Ducasse

    RT- Mills/ Newhouse


    Key Reserves:

    C/G - Groy, Redmond

    G - Ducasse

    T -Newhouse


    PS - McDermott and Porter


    I think O-line was missed during the 4th and early 5th rounds, I hope those picks work out.


    What would you do?


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