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Posts posted by tbonehawaii

  1. Seriously would you shut up? Defending JP in this situation is sick. Nobody should have to TELL a 5th year QB anything, he should have a brain and know himself. I'm a high school football player and I was yelling from my couch to throw it away before the sack happened, THROW IT AWAY.

    perfect storm of "all pro" peters wiffing helen keller at qb and play that never should have been called. i feel bad for jp but he is going to struggle to be a 3rd stringer somewhere next year

  2. I see your point, but there is a time to be creative and aggressive and a time to be conservative and play ball-control offense. This was one of those times - pound the rock and take your chances with your franchise back, rather than trust your soon-to-be former backup QB.

    they rarely run outside even though it is usually successful

  3. If its a choice between your backup QB vs your RB who has 127 yards and is averaging 6 yards per carry, it doesn't seem like much of a decision to me. Realistically, the worst that would've been likely to happen is that Marshawn runs it twice, fails to pick up the first down, and the Bills punt back to the Jets with about 1:30 left and with the Jets having no timeouts left.


    JP deserves his share of the blame, mind you, but that was a horrid, awful, stupid playcall given the circumstances.

    too true. i think that call sealed DJ and turk's fate

  4. This seems like what all the Tuesday Morning QBs are saying...I don't think it's concussion-related, as Jaws talked about last night. And I don't think it's all the loss of Josh Reed.


    And did I hear during the broadcast, that the Bills have not attempted a play-action pass ALL season?!?!?

    its at least 70% edwards but hardy sucking and reed being out really don't help. we need to hav emnore of marshawn and fred jackson in the game together. only bright spot

  5. This is what happens when you have a cheap owner. You get pathetic coaches who are clueless in game calling. Why you would settle for a long field goal against the wind rather than go for the touchdown or at least get a closer field goal is mind blowing. Jauren and his coaching staff should be taken out back and beaten with clubs. This team is a joke. I would say play for a top draft pick but then again why, just so that Jauren can pick another cornerback.

    It is annoying that they would not at least try a quick slant or something on second or third when they knew that Lindell sucks beyond 45 yards

  6. After the game I thought the result hinged on the pick 6 play and I was blaming Edwards. If we score there the Jets are back on their heels and the whole rest of the game develops differently.


    There is no doubt Edwards made a horrible throw but when you look back at it, you can't really blame him. Turk Schoenfeld knew full well that the throw required Trent to throw the ball almost all the way to the sideline into the teeth of a 4+ MPH wind. It is simply a throw he can't make. It looked just like the throw against Dalllas last year where the same thing happened. Throwing a 10 yard pass 30 yards to the sidleine is a 40 yard pass if you do the math. Dumb call. Bad throw? Yes, but without the dumb call it never happens. You wouldn't ask Evans to kick a field goal, why would you ask Trent to throw a 40 yard out?

    What i don't understand is why we so rarely even TRY to run outside. Not even off tackle. Any ideas?

  7. How do you feel about having a raving freaking lunatic own your beloved team? He has taken any intimidation factor that used to be a hallmark of Da Raiders and made it into more like Duh Raiders.


    Dude looks like death warmed over :pirate:

    deathof an old lady weraoing granny glasses warmed over. he looks like teh crypt keeper's wife

  8. I didn't like the holdout. The Bills rewarded him with a contract extension after we saw how good he was developing. The way he went about the holdout was a slap in the face to the organization that molded him into the high-quality player that he is. I'm glad he's back, and hopefully this will help the team out as Peters will be fresher towards the end of the year since he missed the OTA's, mini-camp, training camp & pre-season.

    He comes across as a d^ck. The Bills are crazy if they re-work his contract before Evans.

  9. i liked the article too. graham capsulated all the important inforation in there -- nicely. i especially liked how he pointed out that peters dropped his old agent to hire parker -- the ball buster to get him more money. pure greed for a guy who is lucky to be in the league. what a fool.


    if wilson caves in a pays $8 mil i will loose respect for wilson and the is front office. the case is clear cut that peters is in the wrong and must conform before money will be spent. he needs to proves his value past what he has -- which wsa he was rewarded for in 2006 -- with $3.5 m.

    Even after he come sback they would be nuts to not re-sign Evans first. Why reward bad behavior and punish good?

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