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Everything posted by Lfod

  1. Well I am excited for today's game. Nate Peterman has a chance for redemption after crapping all over the "Peterman Can" song. In Buffalo we need a QB miracle so all he needs to do is win this game against a poor team and boom keys to start jingle jingle. This should be a very intercep... Interesting game. I will definitely be watching. Who can take the football throw an interception. Peterman can!
  2. I myself was under the strong opinion that the season was over after the Jets. Wasn't negative about it as much as just accepted it as fact. You can't fall that hard as a team and not have serious problems. The two games after that already solidified what I thought and it was nice to see the defense come back in KC and Pat's games but that didn't change my mind that the season fell away after the Jets. So in essence with or without Taylor the outcome is the same in my mind. So in essence his season was done after the Jets game.
  3. I wouldn't bet money on it myself. Sorry still jaded because the offence can't score.
  4. The Jets game I knew this wasn't a playoff team. If that wasn't an indicator then the two games after that should of sealed the deal. We can't get the division title and this guy should think this is a playoff team? We couldn't hold onto the 6th seed. We can't even stay in the hunt. The thread is so thin I won't hang onto it for support. I mean great for him to compliment the team like it's playoff caliber at this point but it's not even close to reality. This hasn't been a playoff team in a long time. Tell me about how this is a Playoff team when the can beat the Patriots. You are correct this article is beyond ridiculous as soon as I read playoff team. It lost all credibility. Sure move the team to Toronto and expect a different outcome. I'm sure they will appreciate having a team with the longest drought landing there and go by tickets when the team is basically already eliminated then they can do all the funky math at the end if the year and watch other teams hoping they lose their team can sneak in.
  5. Words cannot describe how beautiful this post is. I want to know what this would feel like. Gonna need a billboard for this to ensure they see it. Sorry I can't pitch in to make it happen.
  6. That's what I was thinking. I heard the stories as well. It could of went that way if they really wanted to throw the book at him. If I'm ever in trouble I'm calling that guys Lawyer.
  7. Honestly I'm surprised that he only has to pay a fine and being banned from games for a year. They could of easily threw the book at him. Like probably kids at the game so you were exposed to them and could of been nailed as a sexual offender. Not that I'm advocating for him to be in serious trouble I just was surprised they went so light on him. Oh well rock out and all that.
  8. I hope the best for The White because he is part of the future. Him not being present would make an impact I think. If I know anything about Tyrod he will roll on to the field in crutches or a wheelchair if he has to. Say what you want about him but you can't take that away from him. Unless he is chained down somewhere I expect him to start. I think the difference between Tyrod and Peterman under center is how many points you lose by. Not the difference between a win or loss. Tyrod has a potential to move the ball down the field better then a rookie quarterback but a probability to not move the ball at all like a rookie quarterback. If not for the defense the record would be worse guaranteed. If Peterman starts and continues his trend of being the interception master then yes we have a potential of losing by a lot more then we would with Tyrod. I would like Peterman to get a shot at redemption even though in my heart I know it wouldn't end well. I'm already convinced these games are meaningless in terms of playoffs but for the fans I guess you have to go with who puts you in the best position to win. If Peterman could put up 7 to 14 points in this offence I would call it a wash. It's all about if his performance was just a fluke or he really is that reckless and bad. I really didn't vote because I am not sure. If Peterman starts does he turn it over 5+ times? If not then maybe we pull a win off with him like we would with Tyrod with solid defence hoping the offence could score more then 7 points. Tyrod wouldn't take enough risks and Peterman takes to many. Whoever plays in place of Tre White most likely gets burned a few times. I'm not very confident we beat them both with either QB.
  9. I think in a month this isn't even a subject people bring up. While it is in the 15 mins of Fame expect all kinds of wild comments. I don't see anybody driving over to Gronks house to punch him in the face so they must not care that much. What happened was dirty and it was up to the NFL to respond and they failed. One game suspension and a fine was the best your gonna get. Although I don't hold people accountable so much for venting feelings here and maybe you shouldn't take it to heart and understand people say things when angry. This is a Bills board our player could of been hurt on a really bad cheap shot. Let people vent until it goes away. I'm guessing you never really tried to be the voice of reason in a wild situation but take my advice sometimes it's ok to step back and watch the world burn. I have seen dirty stuff, wanted to call it out and decided to keep my mouth shut for my own safety. I hope I helped you come to terms and find peace.
  10. Just wondering how many players in the incident received game suspensions and fines? In a scrum I think they let most of it go and just tag the original person. I'm not claiming that as fact because I don't know. Just asking for a friend.
  11. I completely understand your position. I won't deny the QB spot has been neglected unless you want to count E.J. Manuel. The only difference between me and those who are all in at QB is the approach. Obviously I agree getting a QB is important. I just don't agree that if you draft one it's a guaranteed success. It just can't be that simple. When they draft the QB some will think he's instantly franchise and I think it will be a rookie transitioning from college into the NFL. I would like a good offence around him and others may not care because to them just drafting him and plugging him in is all that's needed. I could be wrong but I don't think any rookie comes in and is successful with the offense currently. Unless you plug him in right away you will need a bridge while he redshirts. Then as the bridge fails the staff will be forced to start the rookie and he will look worse then the bridge. Think this year with Taylor and Nate only it will be a guy traded up for and he won't throw 5 interceptions but he might not be successful because he's getting pressure every play with no run game. Yes draft a QB. I'm with you. Trade up if you have to. Then spend every last pick on offense that you have. If your a defensive minded coach then you have a weakness. I wouldn't be a defensive minded or offensive minded coach I'd be insulted by the premise. I'd be a Head Coach. I want all 3 phases of my team dominant. Not a excellent defense carrying a sub par offence. I think you pool all rescource into offence and let the defense struggle because it seems like having a successful offence is harder then having a good defense at least in Buffalo. I don't think I seen a very productive offence in a long time. I've seen us have some great defense. I say next year really address that glaring weakness we have in Buffalo. Let's have an offence that puts up 21+ a game or at least has the potential.
  12. I'd be upset to if I was sucker punched in the back of the head. I don't blame him for having something to say about it. What can Tre really do? Just wait untill the next game and land some hard hits on Gronk to remind him he didn't forget. Nobody else is gonna do it for him. It was on the NFL to send a message not the Bills or Tre White. Sadly the response was lackluster in my opinion. The whole situation becomes very different if they gave Gronk more then 1 game suspension.
  13. Well if your rookie QB you traded up for gets carted off the field after taking a serious pounding you may have an answer. I'd fix the O-line first. No QB drafted is gonna get settled in and find a rythm behind a Swiss cheese line. If QB is the most important position on the field you would think you would want to invest heavy into protecting him. Especially if it's a rookie looking to find his stride.
  14. If the pass that he threw was a completion I would of speculated with you. The pass was a tad short making him absolutely garbage as a QB and suggesting he could contribute to the position is a mockery of the sport of football. He should never get another chance to pass ever again but I'm sure next year he starts for the Broncos. It's a QB starved league so he will get a shot somewhere but he's done in Buffalo after this year. I mean even Peterman can complete a pass sometimes.
  15. I'd like a trade down to secure drafting a QB high next year if they can't get the guy you want this year. It won't get the GM any love from the fan base but it's his show. Live and die by the sword. I think it's a matter of who you can get and the price you pay. I would hate to think the GM drafts a quarterback out of desperation. If they trade up and draft a guy and he sucks I can hate on it because I never said it has to happen no matter what and pay whatever price it takes. I'd advocate for calculation over desperation.
  16. I completely agree with all that. Took everything I was thinking and layed it out nicely. Honorable mention of every turnover that never lead to points. I think we beat the Patriots with any kind of offence. I think instead of 5-2 we could of possibly been 7-0 with an offence. I also think instead of just staying a score ahead in games the team would be up multiple scores with so many turn over opportunities. Then maybe the defense doesn't fall off a cliff for 3 games.
  17. I like Shady he's a real gamer. I just would rather have a guy running over people then dancing around them. The runs he breaks are nice when it happens. I never thought it was a foregone conclusion. I just think it's a possibility. I'd rather have a guy who can power through for a couple yards and break one sometimes then getting stuffed 3 plays in a row for no gain but breaks one out sometimes. It's just me wanting a power back bruiser then a shifty dude that gets stuffed because we have no o-line. We are run heavy and always end up 3rd and long. I love shady he's our star. I just have a preference and it's power running. So I wouldn't be shocked either way. Let's just make it past the line of scrimmage more often. I think Shady would be awesome in a balanced attack but not a guy I would lean on in a run first offence.
  18. Well Aaron Williams is speaking from the heart and from experience. Although I don't exactly agree that you should make things worse, you should at least be animated yelling showing heart. They barely move. You have some ground to get in the guys face. I didn't see any barking. I seen some events like that when people rush in start barking and most I ever seen was it get broken up and the original flag is the only penalty. Even the ref who sees it is probably gonna understand a bit of a scrum after that. This was just bad in every way including just a one game suspension. Your not really making the statement or an example.
  19. Don't get me wrong. All I wanted for Christmas was a Tre White interception on Tom Brady for Christmas. I said as much on posts before the game went down. I'm disgusted by what went down. It was a low class move. What I suggested isn't something I'm arguing for. Just something I was curious about. Call it a thought experiment. Was merely suggesting that the motivation might be the team the guy plays for and not just him being an ultimate d-bag. I'm not saying I'm right. It could be one way or another or both. Just wanted opinions and I can appreciate if that sounds stupid to people. Not trying to stick up for the guy or justify how it went down. Just looking into the though process that might cause a person do to it. It could just be isolated and the guy is just a turd.
  20. Gugny you got me thinking about Gronk some and the Patriots in general. You know how I feel about the hit and all so I'll spare you that. The Patriots (Gronk) are hardcore about winning. So hardcore that getting picked off by a rookie in a game you basically won hurts your ego enough to over react like he did. That you simply cannot afford one bad play as a Patriot. The guy was having a great game had no reason to be angry over one play.... I started wondering if Gronk acted the way he did not because he's just a douchebag but maybe it was the standards and expectations of the team he plays for. I'm not trying to justify what happened to anyone reading this. I'm just looking for deeper meaning. What if that's the sacrifice you make to have a championship team. You expect no mistakes. Your standards are higher then normal. That every step you take is on eggshells. Then when you win you get guys with big egos. That getting picked off by a rookie is so embarrassing that you just can't simply let it go. That one bad play will cause you to snap. It might just be a thought experiment. That if you hold everybody to that high of a standard even though the play didn't matter it still will be scrutinized by the evil master mind head coach. That if we want to become a repeat championship team in Buffalo you might just get a guy who over reacts over one bad play in a game that is already won. I guess in a strange way I look at BB as the reason it went down the way it did. That publicly he acts disgusted but in private hes praising him like the shady Sensai in the Karate Kid. It could be that the 100 good plays don't matter but the one bad play you made does in Patriot land and that might cause people to act up sometimes. Just food for thought.
  21. I got my entertainment from the team this year. I think most people went in with low expectations. I think we all felt a bit jaded when 5-2 went straight downhill. Coach made some bold moves with the roster. Even starting a rookie QB to see if he could get the offense clicking. In the end we landed in about the same area in the win loss category. The only difference is next year they have more rescource available to to build a team. Rescource they will have because they sacrificed some this year. I still watch the games cheer my team on when they do good and join in the disappointment when they lose. My year was over when they lost to the Jets. I didn't see them making the playoffs getting stomped so hard. Even if the defense didn't regress some for that 3 game stretch I would of always carried doubt about the offense. I am already on to next year but I'll still view every game and cheer and feel disappointed. This is my team and always will be. I'll be here through every success and blunder. I have hope for the new regime and the future but I'm realistic. I'm actually one of those guys that would rather have average then complete suck.
  22. My real question is does it matter? I mean in the sense of what Taylor or Peterman can do for this season. At least that's how I feel. You start Peterman if you think he still has a shot at the NFL. You do this knowing it will most likely look ugly but maybe the light turns on and he flashes a bunch. You start Taylor just to not look as bad as it looked the last time you put Peterman in. You put Taylor in because he's your safety net. We are not making the playoffs. You have to see what pieces matter to you moving into next year. I don't know who I would start. I'd start Peterman just for entertainment value and you won't get many chances to see him in a live game and that could be valuable if you still think he has a shot.
  23. You say this as a joke but I could see it happening. Not that I think it's very likely. If I couldn't get the guy I absolutely wanted I could see repositioning to next year to absolutely be able to get who ever they want. It all depends on mindset of this new staff. Do they feel pressured to win now or not. If I was a GM in his position I would only put my career on the line and trade up for the person I want. I wouldn't settle for the next best. People pounding the table for a QB in a year that I keep hearing we can't grab one of the top 2 guys. I don't like that mindset. If the GM picks a bust like E.j. Manuel he's done for, it would only be a matter of time. I want the #1 or #2 guy or I wouldn't sacrifice my capital. That's just my mindset. I would be picking the face of the franchise and the guy all the fans put hopes and dreams into. I absolutely could not except failure on a trade up let alone my high picks in general. Its easy for people to say he needs to do what they want. They don't have to deal with the consequences of a failure. They just get the benefits if it works out. Like I said many times. If you trade up to pick a QB you better strike gold. All the people who want a trade up are fickle and would turn on the GM faster then you can say bust.
  24. Oh I'm with you I'm pumped. I'm really hoping we have the Coach and GM combo we have needed. Reguardless of whatever they do I will support it. I'm trying to stay positive about it all until it's impossible for me to do so. I'm sure come draft time all the reservations I have now won't exist. I'll be clamoring for that QB with everyone.
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