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Ol Dirty B

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Posts posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. 12 hours ago, sherpa said:



    Seriously Tibs, you suffer from gross reality distortion, based on an out of control political bias.

    Iran has never stopped it's nuclear weapons program because of some "skilled" US administration, and it never will.

    Iran is a very bad actor, responsible for many, many US deaths, plays brinkmanship games with its Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and gets is ass kicked every time its Navy gets aggressive.

    This shootdown will not prove to be a plus for them. 

    Had this been a manned airplane, there wouldn't be an Iranian ship above the water line today.


    I mean nothing you said here is remotely factual. I'm not happy with the drone getting shot down, but I'm also not ignorant enough to think it was definitely in international skies. 


    I'm not a defender of Iran or the plan. I also think completely alienating them is looking for trouble. And I'll tell all you old dudes this, you aren't going to catch me in the desert dying over some meaningless war.


    You can go get your old ass off the couch and fight if you want. Vet or not, I don't care. This all is wholly unneeded and created by both governments. 


    ***** that *****.

    7 hours ago, row_33 said:

    Give the Israeli Air Force a Hall pass to run a few errands 




    Yea... it's that simple...

  2. On 6/12/2019 at 2:54 PM, Kirby Jackson said:

    Honestly, I don’t feel like it’s our place to have a say anyways. The team can either grant his wish or he can quit football. My guess is that he’s allowed to try but he won’t qualify (sadly). It’s hard to do that part-time and still be one of the best in America. We have too many great athletes trying to earn those spots.


    Why's it sad? I'd rather some guy doing this every year rather than once every 3 or 4 years make it over him.


    Not that I'll watch it anyways. 

  3. On 6/12/2019 at 1:59 AM, mrags said:

    You cannot be an Olympic athlete and not give 100% of your time towards that craft. Many have tried and they just cannot do it. Tyrone Wheatley did the same thing with the 110M hurdles back a long time ago. He even acknowledged that the time and effort into being an Olympic Athlete was far greater than that of a football player. He admitted he didn’t have the time to dedicate himself to the  sport. 


    Glass should probably quit football and focus on his long jumping. After all, he’s not really any good at football and he’s often hurt. It would be better for his health. 


    If that is true and a football player decides to make that commitment they are 100% cut worthy.


    The Olympics don't pay the bills, they are boring, tired and forgotten.


    No one under 50 cares about them besides people who are invested in what are largely amateur sports. 


    He's 29, he's done as an Olympic athlete. He should focus on playing well for one more big payday. 

    1 hour ago, Nelius said:

    Good for him. Is 29 considered old for long jumpers? I don't really know a thing about track and field but I know Usain Bolt and Justin Gatlin were sprinting in their 30's. It's got to be his last shot but I'm not sure if he's exactly over the hill and in a worse position than last time.


    Usain Bolt is possibly the best ever at his distance. Him running in his 30's is a lot different than a guy who has never qualified trying to at 29.


    They are clearly a different caliber of athlete in their respective events.

  4. 2 hours ago, JoPar_v2 said:


    And this is just a literally who? on a freaking Fansided fanblog who read a few quotes from the coach and pecked this out. I’d be surprised if this kid is paid at all. This is sub-Bleacher Report **** that should be blacklisted from linking.


    To be fair, the kid got dogpiled for being a terrible writer in his comments and he took it like a champ.


    These guys don't make squat. I think it's more about networking, building a resume, or a passion project.


    I have no idea why anyone would think these guys are well paid. They aren't. 


    Not trying to take anything away from them, I just didn't understand that post at all.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Rigotz said:

    He will play well this year because he seems to be a self-centered guy (based on following his instagram for several years).

    Hopefully he plays well so we can trade him for a pick.


    There is a zero percent chance we extend him. He doesn't fit in with this regime at all. He's a classic Rex guy.


    Who doesn't seem self centered on Instagram? 

  6. 1 hour ago, MJS said:

    Puzzling word choice for sure, but there's no reason to believe that race was the idea behind it.


    They are all good players. I'd go with short maybe setting Brees apart, but Donald is considered short for his position and I think Mahomes is average. 


    Only difference between the three I can see is race as to why he would say that because they all seem like good people.


    Maybe you should be quoting him instead of me. Only on this board can someone ask or suggest why did you call people trash undeservingly be called out instead of the idiot who called people trash.


    I'm the one you quote? Lol

  7. On 6/10/2019 at 8:52 PM, ksm27 said:

    "There’s a lot more variety in what I’m doing here."


    Translation: I'll be catching fewer passes.


    Or... I'm learning how to run block.

    On 6/13/2019 at 2:57 PM, OldTimeAFLGuy said:


    ..hate the Cowgirls so I don't recall seeing him play.....from what I'm reading here, it sounds like he could be our Edelman/Amendola/Welker type...am I close or way off?....


    I don't think you're off. I think that's the hope. I don't question his ability to do it. It just doesn't seem like the type of receiver Allen fits with.

  8. 6 hours ago, Rico said:

    Brees. Class over trash.


    Who is trash? Only thing I see that differentiates him from the others is that he's white...


    None of those other guys have done anything trashy.

  9. 56 minutes ago, jeremy2020 said:


    Not being the worst at something doesn't indicate you're goods at something...


    What does anything on this forum matter to anyone's life? Why do people post here at all?!


    Josh Allen being a success? What does it matter to your life?


    Gronk donating money? Why bother posting about it. It doesn't matter to your life!


    I think gronk donating money can have impact on one's life way more than anything that happens on a football field. 

    1 minute ago, Bobby Hooks said:

     Thank you? 


    Takes one to know one brother lol. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. 1 hour ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:



    ....but Augie he is a key member of the hated Patsies gang, be it dominance or his cheap shot....so post career, he remembers his home town with a nice charitable donation (MASSIVE was a cheap OP insert IMO-check the pressers) and the hate should continue?...SMH.....


    I don't like gronk still, I love that he gave 50k to a good cause.


    I don't even understand why this is a thread, and even more so the negative responses towards him.

    19 minutes ago, Bobby Hooks said:

    I love when three geeks get together and like each others comments. I bet it makes them feel really cool and popular for a hot minute. 


    ZOMG! I’m being so funny, I’m posting something similar to that other guys post so I must be right! 


    I used to like Gronk. Now he’s garbage. It’s not worth my time to delve any deeper than that. 


    Ill go with my gut in this one, feel free to play comment soggy bread all over my post. You guys seem to really enjoy that. 


    Oh and btw, Gronk would bully you and call you names behind your back. Guaranteed. 


    These are the ramblings of a madman.

    23 minutes ago, IronyAbounds said:

    As an Arizona fan I should have liked Gronk but once he joined the Pats he became the enemy. Worst of all, in reading about this I found out that the old Children's Hospital where I was born was closed down and moved to a new facility. For some reason that depresses me.


    Meh. The hospital I was born at was shut down years ago. I'm just happy I survived the place. You'll get over it.

  11. 2 hours ago, The Senator said:


    Russ Salvatore his given 10X that much to virtually every hospital in Buffalo - Mercy, ECMC, BuffGen/Gates Vascular Ctr., Roswell Park Cancer Ctr., Oishei Chlidrens Hospital, all got at least a $half-million$ each.


    (OK, so Sisters Hospital only got $250K)


    So $50K a “massive” donation?  I think not.


    Yeah, it was generous of Gronk, but also self-serving - and he’s still an ass!







    I can't believe people are criticizing charity.


    I'm not a fan of his, but I'm not gonna say hey why not more. 


    Plenty athletes and people have donated more, many more have donated less. 


    Charity to a good cause is good with me. Be it a $1 or $1,000,000.



  12. 3 hours ago, ProcessAccepted said:

    I personally wouldn't describe a $50K donation by Gronk as a "Massive" donation. $50K as an image rehab investment and tax write off is probably more appropriate. Glad he gave the money but the description of the donation is a little too hyperbolic 


    It's a great gesture. Criticizing a donation is an absolutely awful move.


    Sure it's not the 10 mil PK gave, but 50k is nothing to belittle. 


    How much do you give?

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