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Ol Dirty B

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Posts posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. 3 minutes ago, That's No Moon said:

    There are lots of things that require skill it doesn't mean they are good entertainment.  Backgammon for example takes skill. I'm not watching a backgammon tournament. I'd imagine playing the bongos with your testicles also takes skill but I'm not super interested in watching that either.


    I totally agree. I was just trying to be less harsh than my original post.

  2. 5 minutes ago, KD in CA said:


    What’s this you say??  Replay is a disaster??  Who could have foreseen such a thing given how it made all the officiating problems go away in football!



    The Europeans are learning the hard way that replay is mostly garbage. Some fans still like it, but a lot are starting not to.


    It's very similar to the NHL over there. More and more fans are like "what are we doing?". While the managers and executives love it.


    I've seen far too many great plays where everyone and the ball is moving so fast and someone's toe is in front of the back defender (who usually put themselves in a spot to get beat and are getting bailed out) and the goal is waved off. It's very similar to looking at when a guy lifts his skate off the blue line.


    Also I saw a few months ago where the keeper and attacker both got hurt on a clear offside play because now the linesman are being instructed to not call it if they have any doubt. It often ends up on a through ball where an attacking player and goalie are sprinting for a 50/50 ball that will involve contact. It's a dumb way for players to get hurt.

    On 6/23/2019 at 3:20 PM, BeginnersMind said:


    The keeper had a brain fart. Basic soccer there. Can’t handle a pass from a teammate or it’s a free kick. She should have kicked it into next year. 


    I agree the keeper should have done that just to be safe. The good ones don't take any chances.


    In her defense, the defender looked like she tried to bring it down. Took a bad touch. Ot ended up no where and am English player had a good jump on the ball. I think she definitely should have booted it, but I don't think it was a deliberate pass. Also that outside back should now be trying to lay off a cross one time in her own box towards her own net. She was out of position. 

  3. 4 hours ago, row_33 said:


    the weaker team plays for penalty kicks about 2/3 of the time in a playoff game, if they can get away with it


    at least in chess you can agree to a draw at any time and save us 70 minutes of time-wasting booshwah




    Why would the stronger team ever agree to a draw?


    This post makes 0 sense.

  4. 16 hours ago, Foxx said:

    yeah, i was a little disappointed when i heard they were using safety harnesses. after most of his famous walks with no safety equipment, i figured this would be the same. guess Lijuana's fall in Fla where she broke every bone in her face was enough to scrap the added element of danger.


    I just know of the Niagara Falls one and he had a harness there I believe. 


    As much I'd want to say if you're dumb enough to do this for attention you deserve it, but I'm just giving him a hard time. I probably couldn't do it two feet off the ground so there is some skill involved regardless.

  5. 4 hours ago, aristocrat said:

    my son is almost 3 and kicks the soccer ball so well. i'm already checking out how to get him into one of those euro soccer club training squads. but seriously i can't wait for my kid to do sports but i am a little worried how i will react if he has talent. 



    First of all, you've got to let it happen naturally if he has a love for the game and just support him.


    I was pretty good, but had it forced on me and really burned me out but the time I was a teenager. I played in college, but it made for some miserable times. Sometimes, I'd rather have had more of a normal childhood in getting to hang out with friends, take vacations and stuff like that. But with soccer, it was 3 or 4 days a week in the winter and almost every weekend in the summer. Plus 2 games during the week and two practices. The two or three weeks between seasons were consumed with camps and try outs.


    It was a good experience, but it was a lot. The ones who are really great will enjoy that. I also didn't really have any friends who played soccer or developed friendships with teammates because until college it was almost a whole new team every year. 


    Secondly, the euro academies teams like Barca, Bayern, and some other teams have set up in the states are a complete money grab. Most of the developmental teams, academies in the US are. It has improved a lot, but they are still a money grab that just associate with a professional club for marketing purposes. Home grown players are actually becoming a thing in the last few years, but it still is rare. 


    The academies in Europe I believe Americans can only get in before 17 if they have an ability to get a EU passport. If you, or you're parents immigrated here from Europe you might be eligible to get one depending on the country. 


    You should read up on how Pulisic grew up. He was motivated, loved the game, but his family kept him very well balanced.


    Where are you from? Feel free to PM me. Just trying to offer some friendly advice. I've got family members who were professionals, and friends and teammates who went on as well. I've been offered to have my USF soccer licenses paid for but I just don't have the time for the classes with work.

  6. 46 minutes ago, MJS said:

    Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that when my kids are old enough to be in sports, but I remember plenty of parents like that when I was young playing sports, and I'm sure everyone else can too. Plenty of stories of NFL players with overbearing and hyper involved parents from decades ago.


    I don't doubt that it is becoming more prevalent, but my point is just that this isn't a new problem. It's a decades old problem and will continue to be a problem forever.


    And I highly doubt that it is the majority of parents that way. People just notice the jerks and don't notice the parents who aren't.


    EDIT: And I'll just add that there hasn't been a generation in the history of the planet that hasn't complained about the new, rising generation.


    Nope. We are clearly the worst generation. We'll just pay for all the stuff the holy signed up for but couldn't afford. Then pay into a social security system for them that I'll never see a penny from.


    This world was absolutely perfect until like 1985. This board is covered in mold it's so old.

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  7. 12 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    All things being equal, if the guy was friendly and nice, and 6'4" and could use the leg room, I'd prob just give him the seat.  That assumes I wasnt flying with family and/or his seat wasn't next to a couple big ole chunkers splitting a tuna sandwich and eating Ice Blue Doritos.  


    The $1500 would be sweet though. 


    You're a decent person. I give up my seat all the time.


    I hate flying so I'm never comfortable anyways.


    Half the people responding want to bring Cam down a level and have him sit in the back of the bus for whatever reason.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 3 hours ago, LSHMEAB said:

    Next SI is gonna write a scathing column on the dangers of rap music.


    Seriously, how is this new? I think the only new component is technology, but this has probably been going on since the inception of sports.


    I'm 30. Played college sports. This happened when I was growing up.


    Anyone who thinks it's new just hasn't been around that environment.


    Trevor Cooney's mom complained to Boeheim his first year at Syracuse. It always goes on. I remember at times growing up being disgusted with parents on my team. Also with other teams parents. I've had parents say some crazy stuff to me, never bothered me it was always entertaining.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, /dev/null said:


    Funny how promoting 40 years of Intersectional victim identity politics comes to a head


    It is. I'd figure those who called it out forever wouldn't resort to it.


    I think he's an awful president. But I will say I think the media jumps on him every chance, and many times for nothing.


    I just thought the all knowing Trump supporters who never voted before voting for him would look pass that.


    I mean, I didn't really. It just would be a good idea.

  10. 14 hours ago, Koko78 said:


    C'mon, he self-identifies as a "conservative". We must treat him like one based upon that self-identification, even though he clearly is not.


    Them's the rules now!


    No I'm a conservative. I'm not a fan of social welfare, I'd like for a relatively isolationist policy but I understand in this day it's not as possible as it was 200 years ago. Everyone is connected because of technology. We need to accept that and adjust the parameters.


    I'm not arguing for open borders or amnesty, I still think some middle ground is where it needs to go.


    Read up on the case that the 9th circuit heard this week. I'm not saying that all should be given citizenship, but someone saying toddlers should just walk the other way sounds like a ***** moron.

    17 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    THAT is your response?  Yeah, good one. I feel the burn. :wacko:  :doh:


    Yea that's my response. Care to refute anything? Go look at the 9th circuit case if you've ever heard of that or even understand the hierarchy of courts in this country.


    I'm probably going over heads like a bulimic on a see-saw


  11. 17 hours ago, 3rdnlng said:

    He's a clown. Sounds like he's been drinking all night. He claims Greece, Italy and Germany are "dealing" with the refugee problem. Must be the newly created "no go" zones.


    Do you know anything about the EU and why their is a large portion of developed nations wanting to leave it?

  12. 16 hours ago, GG said:


    Speaking of, care to refute Sherp’s facts since you called him out on it?


    Well I can't. Because I know what I don't know. That was my only issue with his post.


    None of us can definitively say it was over the hormuz or over Iranian air space that was the point of my post.


    If it can be shown it is over international airspace, then a response is deserved even though I don't think we should be heavy handed.


    I'm not sure what a war with Iran accomplishes. We've got to be smart and not take the bait as a country.


    I don't mean this as left or right, I mean this as how the rest of the world views us. If we alienate this useless country, then invade, destroy and do what happened with Iraq, we're just creating another generation of enemies. Giving another reason for crap anti US propaganda.


    We can all disagree and see different solutions. I just hope at least with me, and hopefully with others, we can see that people want to offer the best solution.


    I'm not anti-American, I'm not a pacifist. I'm just try to be pragmatic. 


    EDIT: also nothing he said is a fact besides a 150 million dollar drone got shot down. As someone who'd like to cut down on government spending, I'd prefer those don't get shot down.



  13. On 6/7/2019 at 11:37 AM, bilzfancy said:

    How about the shooter at the republican softball practice that almost killed Rep. Scalise?


    Why do we devolve into this hey you think this was bad, I'll defend it. You had someone vaguely associated with you who did something way worse.


    I just don't understand it. Glad the dude got arrested, I'm actually a conservative, but I just don't see what anyone gains in a pissing contest of who is worse than the other. It's not a healthy relationship.

  14. 3 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    I'm impressed with your ability to form such strong opinions without quoting any facts. Just think what you could actually do with a smidgeon of knowledge.


    Lol what facts have you stated? 


    I know that we said it was over the strait of hormuz, I know that Iran said that it was over their airspace.


    I know what I don't know, unlike you. We don't know if it was in international skies

     That's all I said. Clown.

  15. 14 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:



    That's a gross post. Toddlers aren't walking themselves into this.


    They're not giving kids toothpaste and toothbrushes or soap, having them sleep on concrete floors.


    I'm all for strong borders, but the world is facing a refugee problem right now. Crappy economies like Italy and Greece are dealing with it. Germany is dealing with it. At this point we all are dealing with it in developed countries. 


    You come across extremely ignorant with that post. But you probably are. 

  16. 12 hours ago, sherpa said:

    I hope it blows over as well, but it is a clear act of war, and some response is required.

    Doesn't have to be military, but you simply can't allow shootdowns in international airspace.


    Do we actually know it was international airspace?


    They already botched and lost any credibility with the tanker claims.


    You guys do realize we are becoming a joke right? It started in 03 and has only continued to decline. Almost every decision made has been wrong. 


    No one likes that we backed out of the Iran deal. 

    13 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    You want him to be blackmailed by Iran, that is what would make him strong in your eyes?


    You really are deranged if you can actually explain this post.

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