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Ol Dirty B

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Posts posted by Ol Dirty B

  1. On 6/17/2019 at 7:17 PM, The Senator said:



    It sure was today...


    Four people shot during Raptors championship rally





    I don't want my comments to be associated with that. That's just one idiot. 


    I stand by what I've said but I would never expect that to happen. I've avoided the thread because of that.


    What I said has nothing to do with some pos doing what happened yesterday. I don't associate Toronto with that.


    Scum bags, yes. Whatever words you would use to describe that individual, no.

    On 6/15/2019 at 10:25 AM, Q-baby! said:

    Lol yeah ok. That was a routine block attempt that happens 30 times a game. No one injured him, he landed awkwardly. Not as awkward as your take on this though. You sound like a 12 year old who’s parents took away his play station. Hope you get it back soon! 


    You think he would have landed like that if he wasn't fouled? Lol.

    On 6/15/2019 at 7:38 AM, Niagara Bill said:

    Right about now I am cheering for you to be injured. 


    Eh... go for it, but don't be too loud. I learned from camping that noise travels far in a camper. You might annoy your neighbors or whatever you call that lot in a trailer park.

  2. On 6/14/2019 at 11:10 PM, BillsFan4 said:

    FWIW He has numerous examples of teams not selecting a player, or almost not selecting a player, over a phone call on his twitter feed. 
















    I've never seen a link to anything that guy is reporting. I've never seen an Arian foster story or an AB story. You think he'd have something to suppourt what he's saying but I think he's full of *****.


    His reasoning for not drafting is solid, all he has to do is post a link from ESPN about any of what he is talking about but none exist.

  3. 5 hours ago, BeginnersMind said:


    Why does this matter? Does this Twitter-dingdong not understand that a team can pick without calling the player? Getting through on the call to the player is irrelevant. 


    I agree. I think it's a good courtesy to call. But if you cant get a hold of the player, and you want him, draft him.


    I've never heard the Bills AB story in 2010 before ever. Anywhere.

  4. 5 minutes ago, RaoulDuke79 said:

    This thread is a real hoot. Good win Toronto. 


    You mean injuring the guy you couldn't stop all night on a reckless block attempt that had no chance?

    Go back to hockey you neanderthals.

  5. 5 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    It was not the presser..it was his game for the last year he was in Buffalo. His game was nothing like what the last six months in St Louis.




    I don't follow hockey that closely, was he that bad?


    I thought the Kane and O'Reilly trades were awful despite what I think of them as people. Especially Kane. People seemed more upset over a guy showing up to practice late who took a helicopter to the NBA all star game more than someone who drove through a Tim Horton's.

  6. 39 minutes ago, Helpmenow said:

    #90 is a hockey player. Sabres got boned on the deal. 


    It was an absolutely stupid trade. I don't pretend to know hockey but it was an awful trade on the Sabres part. It was was a great trade what it took to get him. 


    He sounded awful in the presser that got him sent off, and I get it. But they gave up the guy for nothing.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Helpmenow said:

    #90 is a hockey player. Sabres got boned on the deal. 


    It was an absolutely stupid trade. I don't pretend to know hockey but it was an awful trade on the Sabres part. It was was a great trade what it took to get him. 


    He sounded awful in the presser that got him sent off, and I get it. But they have up the guy for nothing.

  8. 27 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    That win means zero to them..it was a given. Thailand stood no chance.


    Be like saying Duke players remember beating Elon in the first round of the tourney and celebrating over the top at the end for the basket that put them up 40. Its not the score, its the celebration people are killing them for, rightly so.


    The guy has no clue what he is talking about. It's a lost cause. 

    32 minutes ago, Boca BIlls said:

    Nope she will remember the win and not give a ***** about people crying about stupid *****.

    This news will be forgotten soon enough. You people don't realize your ADD when it comes to complaining about *****.


    It won't be forgotten because others actually watch the sport more than once every few years.

  9. 4 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    Your equivocation that none of the major networks would invest in it notwithstanding, perhaps you should read the attached Forbes article on the subject. A short quote from the article:



    Fox did indeed show interest previously.


    And you need to revisit your claim about ABC being done with it as well. NBC won the rights in 2011 for 10 years so ABC was in no position to be “done with it” when the last lockout occurred in 2012-2013. 


    Not a a fan of skiing unless it’s during the Olympics. 




    Perhaps I'm wrong, but what do you think ABC's bid was? I wasn't even thinking 2012. They've been getting buried on ESPN since 05. That was the lockout I was referring to.


    But whatever, you're right. Networks are clamoring to cover the crapley cup.

  10. Just now, Boca BIlls said:

    Celebrate every goal, b.c you never know when it could be your last.



    It could also be how you're remembered.


    That's probably more important. Scoring a goal the 9th goal in a 13-0 game. If it was her last, she'd be remembered more for the awful celebration.

  11. 1 minute ago, Boca BIlls said:

    Nope, you celebrate every goal you make. On the big stage every goal is something special.

    You just don't know what you are talking about.


    No, you don't. Rapinoe had no reason to do what she did. If she set some record I'd get it.


    She's classless. How much footy do you watch? 1 of 13 is hardly special. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, May Day 10 said:

    I get scoring in a point differential system in game 1....  but to act like it is the miracle on ice and to look like clowns....  bad look.  Businesslike and professional.  Run up the score.  Explain later that you leave nothing to chance. ..  complaints are 1% what they are now.


    I disagreed with you in my Toronto thread and called you a clown. Not that it matters, but I like to own up when I'm wrong.


    You're completely right and this is absolutely the mindset you play with. I'm all for celebrating, I don't care. I don't mind running up the score.


    The over the top celebrations after 9 goals is ridiculous and classless. Does anyone think Thailand's FA invests much in women's soccer? Those women probably work another job. I'm sure they don't mind the celebrations, it's just not appealing to me.


    I'd just rather the protesters have some semblance of awareness.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Boca BIlls said:

    These are adults... You play the FULL game.


    Of course you play the full game and score at every opportunity, but at a certain point the celebrations are ridiculous.


    I'm usually pro celebrate, if you dont want them to celebrate stop them. But the Thailand stuff was out of control. I believe Germany beat Iran or some other bad soccer team like 8 or 10 nothing. They had no one on the field doing what Rapinoe did.


    Of course their aren't as many people in the world as douchey as Rapinoe.

    • Like (+1) 1

    11 hours ago, LBSeeBallLBGetBall said:

    Only the corners? San Francisco is super jealous.


    To be fair I think almost every big city smells awful at times of the day.


    I love Manhattan and it can be horrid.

    12 hours ago, K-9 said:

    NBC isn’t a major network? 


    I'm pretty sure no one else is bidding. ABC was done with it when the last lock out screwed all television partners over. 


    It was only on something like score or the outdoors network for years. CBS and fox have shown no interest. If NBCSN didn't exist I don't think NBC would be interested.


    Have you seen the skiing that NBC airs on some sundays? I'm sure that crap sport has a ton of interest also.

  15. 4 hours ago, Jrb1979 said:

    Hockey is one of the best sports out there. You're just upset that the game is too fast and complicated for you. 


    Yea dump and chase is so complicated. The sport sucks. A reason exists as to why none of the major networks invest in it.


    A bunch of deflections going in. GTFO of here with that crap. I love watching accidental goals.


    The sport can be great, but not nearly often enough. 

  16. 16 minutes ago, stony said:

    Yeah,  I follow soccer as close as I do the Sabres or Bills. All that clip shows me is a bunch of ex players up on their pedastals saying how they would’ve acted different (probably w a producer in their ear reminding them Canada needs an image boost, so let’s play the humility card!!) I’m still waiting on names. Or I’ll presume your comment is simply based on the celebrations of today?  


    But a serious question. Given your beefs today, who’s crappier? The city of Toronto or the USWNT?


    They're both pretty close as far as #######s go . Toronto wins it though.


    Who's your team? In football? Gotta be LFC.


    If I get this right, you're hating on me for my Toronto take yet saying the producers were in women's soccer analysts ear saying Canada needs a boost? I'd spell out the idiocy for you but I'd probably get banned. That was some of the dumbest ***** I've ever read 

  17. 32 minutes ago, stony said:

    Who are the jackasses? Hope Solo, sure. I suppose Wambach was cold, hardly a jackass. 


    See the post above your last.

    34 minutes ago, stony said:

    Who are the jackasses? Hope Solo, sure. I suppose Wambach was cold, hardly a jackass. 


    Do you even watch the sport?

  18. 8 minutes ago, millbank said:

    You idiots sit in the bushes have found a negative to expound on . You are a disgrace 

    speaks volumes the NBA thread has been crickets . Happy all of you 


    Care to expand on that. I never post about the NBA because this board is full of hockey Neanderthals.


    The NBA is number 3 to me because I'm a real football fan.

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