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Posts posted by Nineforty

  1. 1 hour ago, Beck Water said:

    Steelers have elevated a safety and a CB from the PS



    That makes sense as S Edmunds and CB Witherspoon have been ruled out with concussion.

    Dunno what it says about the chance Cam Sutton will play with a groin/hamstring injury.  I dunno how the Steelers treat those, Bills almost always seem to give them a week to heal.


    Good, maybe we won't see the half bills/half steelers jersey on one of the parents.


    The parents should be in full Buffalo support mode, one would think. 

  2. Called and asked for Loyalty and got ST Max free, no hassle, easy peasy. Add'l $30/mo credit for 12 mo.


    I wonder if having another package active (MLB) makes a difference. She did mention me having that in passing/conversation..

    • Like (+1) 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, snafu said:


    Sure. Trump had documents.

    But that photo provides zero context, except that the FBI and Justice Department shouldn't handle their investigation so cavalierly by releasing photos of their investigation.  Not a good look for them -- especially since they fought to release the warrant affidavit and are fighting to have a Special Master review what was seized.  Trump just might have done something wrong, but DOJ and FBI shouldn't be inconsistent.  It hurts their case, if they have one.




    I bet he hired prostitutes to pee on them.

    See, I can speculate, too!





    •Its standard practice for FBI agents to catalog and inventory when conducting a search warrant, including photographs.


    For obvious reasons, and not so obvious ones.


    •the only reason they "released" that photo (it was in a Federal Court filing you dimwit) was because the former President filed a bull#### motion, allowing the DOJ to provide more evidence of the criming and obstruction. If Trump doesn't file a motion destined to fail, we dont have that photo and all that it portends. 


    There is only one side here slinging poo, and it ain't the DOJ. 


    If you lived outside of the right-wing media echo chamber, maybe you would understand that that photo provides some new information and confirms a lot of the reporting to-date. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    So you don't think that after all the investigations and impeachment proceedings against Trump that this may just also be a little politically motivated?  


    Not good to be naive counselor. 




    Sure.  But why have they only gone after him?  Simple. They don't like him and they don't want him pulling their curtain back ever again.  If the past four and a half years hasn't opened your eyes to the inner workings of the Federal Gov't (aka that Club You and I Will Never Get In) I can't help you. 


    You and S3 are sadly naive.  

    Lost cause #789,765,664

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, Irv said:

    When will the constant nonsense end?   The man hasn't been President for over a year-and-a-half and you're still soiling yourself over him.  Get a life.  



    when even a sliver of justice is delivered for his crimes and treachery. thats when the republic can rest, even if just for a small moment. 

    18 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    You guys love to make ***** up.  Please point out where I said this was "all good" and there is no reason to investigate Trump.  I'll wait.  


    So not sure which is more idiotic.  Me bringing up the topic for conversation or your adamancy that it's never happened before.  


    Again making things up?  I never said such a thing.  Point out where I said Trump should not be punished.  It's safe to say you won't be wasting any energy and electricity on that.  


    Again counselor.  You're sucking it big time. 

    my apologies.


    so you are on the record that if Donald Trump broke 793e (part of the espionage act) and obstructed the investigation, that he should be prosecuted for these crimes? 


    are you on the record that stealing property of the US Gov't (and some of its biggest secrets), should land this person in prison?

  6. 6 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    Good answer.  🙄

    So you disagree. That’s fine.  But I think you’re pretty naive to think Trump is the first and only one to have done so.  


    so we have Chef Jim who says its all good cuz probability says other former presidents have probably broken the law. no need to investigate this, pack it up! they all do it! its all good!




    This is unprecedented. You trying to claim it isn't with some vague opinion holds no water. so yeah, you don't deserve even this response it is so idiotic. 



  7. 56 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    A thread with a false title is worth little...........but it does expose the OP



    As reported, the DOJ dropped a filing on Tuesday evening in an attempt to deny the appointment of a special master regarding the documents seized during the now infamous Trump raid. In that filing was a photograph that set leftwing hearts a flutter, purporting to show “top secret” documents scattered on the floor of a Mar-a-Lago storage room.


    In reality, the documents were found in boxes per the DOJ’s own documentation.




    The DOJ knew what it was doing putting that photo out, though. They wanted to gin up more “the walls are closing in” outrage from the left, and sure enough, they got it. Social media was swamped with hysterical declarations that charges were incoming. That picture was “criminal evidence,” they screeched while racking up the likes and shares along the way.


    But while The New York Times broke the story (because it’s a DOJ pipeline for leaks), apparently many didn’t bother to read the details.


    There’s a rather inconvenient line not being talked about.



    "Time in the can"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . what a buffoon Section 8 is.








    you are a ***** idiot.


    it's called an inventory that the FBI agents are required to record. and yes, the DOJ did include it in a COURT filing, to show what the traitor sat on, after lying and saying he gave it all back. and why were they allowed to show this photo to the public?


    Because of Trump's own bull#### filing. He has himself to blame for the evidence now being in the public sphere.

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