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Posts posted by Nineforty

  1. 16 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Says the guy declaring groups of people as 'fascists'.  :doh:


    Every crusader feels they are on the side of the just, 9, that's what makes them a prime candidate for the crusade.  



    if you support Donald Trump and the Republican party in its current iteration, yes, you are supporting fascism in America and can consider yourself a fascist. its quite simple.

  2. 6 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:
    • Mueller was not the AG. Pay attention!
    • Collusion is not a criminal term, it's a political talking point. We agree here.
    • Mueller found insufficient evidence, which is another way of saying the evidence did not support charges.  So?
    • Russians are Russians.  Perhaps the 'diplomats' that Obama expelled a couple weeks before he left office, long after he started complaining about interference, should have been on the receiving end of a tactical FBI raid? 
    • Stone and Manafort are citizens of the country, they get the same rights as everyone else, and it made no sense to testify;
    • Trump loved Wikileaks. Hillary loved a foreign national and his tale of fancy. Biden strong-armed Ukraine.  Obama officials loved surveilling the opposition.  The FBI loved the Patriot Act.   Politics is dirty business.


    While I think 940 is blissfully complicit, I can actually see you planning the post Salem Witch trial BBQ party. 






    keep obfuscating leh-nerd. your third bulletpoint only makes sense if you narrow the scope of the mueller report to volume I (see Volume II). but yeah, Im the complicit one in ALL OF THIS. all my fault guys, my bad. 



    unrelated to my response to the above:


    https://twitter.com/emptywheel/status/1557768136916713472   <--- interesting thread for those interested. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Doc said:


    Espionage Act?  LOL!

    keep this up Doc. it will make for some entertaining re-reading.


    18 USC 793




    If trump released the itemized list of what the FBI was looking for, we would know for sure if he is being investigated for the Espionage act. You can see the obvious reasons why if that were the case, that they would not want to release the contents of the search warrant/doc list. 


    so we will probably have to wait for an indictment. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, OrangeBills said:


    These are very bad people.  You are mislabeling who the Fascists are here (as has happened throughout history).


    Nazis (Socialists)

    Mussolini (Socialist)

    USSR (Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics)

    Cuba (Socialists)

    Venezuela (Socialists)


    The only real "Fascist" state is North Korea, that's really undefinable...the Middle East non-free societies are just religion-based.   All Totalitarian regimes in the West erupt from Socialism, which we are hurtling toward.


    I understand the Leftist/Liberal mind is incapable of understanding this


    You don't see how the modern Republican party is the party of fascists? jesus ***** christ man... wake the ***** up.


    I just looked up the definition and I can draw a parallel to the Republican party with every ***** description of the word. 

  5. 46 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:

    "all of us are committing federal crimes on a regular basis....you, me, Alan we've all committed federal crimes according to somebody's definition..."




    I think this is something that would be litigated all the way to the Supreme Court, and I would presume Trump would win if that was the case. winning a national election from a jail cell though.. different story.  im sure the fascists (his supporters) would still vote for him


    that said, there are plenty of other ways this ends with him not being able to run for office again that has nothing to do with removal of classified documents. 

    1 hour ago, SoCal Deek said:

    And you believe Justice is needed why exactly? For what charge? Mean tweets? 


    18 USC 793E

  6. 11 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    And you believe Justice is needed why exactly? For what charge? Mean tweets? 


    read the post right above yours. one of many crimes he has committed. but easiest path to conviction and if convicted (yes, IF), disbarred from running for Federal office again. this punishment was added after Watergate.


    its my belief that there will be negotiations between Trump and the DOJ with Trump not being able to run for Federal Office again being a very large bargaining chip. you can say that is right or wrong of course, but looking back at Watergate, that's my best guess as to how it plays out.


    unless of course, he was selling/offering something explosive like nuclear secrets. then all bets are off as to how this plays out.  but we don't have the itemized list of what he refused to give back. if Trump would release the Search Warrant, we would all know. But instead, it looks like we will have to wait for the Indictment (assuming it comes)

  7. Quote

    Here’s what jurors would be asked to decide:


    Did the defendant, without authorization, have possession of, access to, or control over a document that was National Defense Information?


    Yes. The Archives spent a year telling him he was not authorized to have it under the Presidential Records Act.


    Did the document in question relate to the national defense?


    We don’t know what the documents in question are, but given WaPo’s description in February, then absolutely.


    Bonus fact: The jury decides if something was NDI, not the former Original Classification Authority (the fancy term for, “the President gets to decide whether something is classified or not”). So if the agency whose document Trump stole is still trying to protect it from hostile powers, if that agency still believes it is classified, if it remains secret, then a jury is likely to find that it’s NDI.


    Did the defendant have reason to believe the information could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation?


    Trump is such a psychopath that the answer to this might normally be in question. After all, he routinely treated top secret intelligence like it was toilet paper or party favors for visiting Russians.

    Except DOJ went to Trump’s residence in June and told him this information could harm the US. Then they wrote him a letter, saying that it could harm the US and could he please put a padlock on the basement room that had, up until that point, been accessible to all the suspected foreign assets who’ve paid the price of admission to Mar-a-Lago.


    Did the defendant retain the above material and fail to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it?


    Yes! The Archives asked and asked and asked. And then DOJ went to his home and asked again!


    Did he keep this document willfully?


    Yup. Again, DOJ asked and asked and asked. Trump exhibited awareness the Archives were asking. He stopped in to say “hi!” when Jay Bratt, the head of DOJ’s espionage section, came to visit. And he still hoarded the document.

    This may be why Trump claims that nothing was in the hotel safe in his bridal suite, by the way. Keeping these documents at Mar-a-Lago was willful by itself. But keeping such documents in his safe would be proof that he, personally, was hoarding it.

    If the FBI really did scoop up highly sensitive documents when they were at Mar-a-Lago the other day, then there may be relatively few steps left to charging him — aside from cataloging the 12 new boxes of stolen documents. DOJ may only need permission from the agencies that own these documents to make the declassifications required to prosecute it.

    By going to Mar-a-Lago and asking for these documents in person on June 3, DOJ made it very easy to prove that Trump had been asked, but refused, to give any classified documents found in Trump’s possession on Monday back.


    18 USC 793E



  8. 2 hours ago, extrahammer said:

    seems like this guy's who schtick is bad mustaches and bad takes

    he's my favorite listen/read of all NFL people. has worked for bunch of NFL teams as consultant, including the Bills.. I remember him being one of many to champion some strategies we use or have used more than others, such as throwing on 1st and 2nd down. here is one write up from last year:



  9. 1 minute ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    “Stay in the trenches long enough….?”.  🤣


    What “trenches” are you in, Skip?  The PPP internet board with 20 people participating?   This brings out the tough talk, hard line edge in you?   This place?  My comments broke you?  

    You need to toughen up, boy.  Not this silly phony bad ass idgaf angle you’re pitching here, but really, in life.  To get you started, I want to send you a link about trenches.  Read a book once in a while. 



    Best of luck on your journey. 



    You are funny. but again, brings nothing to the table of substance.


    You have no problem with the 2016 Trump campaign and any Russian connection. got it.  you think donald trump didn't commit crimes in 2020. got it. 


    I'll give you one thing, Carter Page got hosed and deserves an apology from the media, myself, etc etc. Donald Trump? Paul Manafort? nah, they are ***** traitors who should hang. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Tenhigh said:

    Unfortunately, it's zealots like you who are ruining this country with your purity tests.  It's ok to have a difference of opinion, kid, it doesn't make people evil or irredeemable. You should consider different perspectives from time to time, it'll broaden your horizons.   


    I have no problem dealing with liberals, moderates, or conservatives. i have a problem with people repeating misinformation or falsehoods repeatedly. 


    i come from a diverse family, politically speaking. Anyone that currently supports Donald Trump is dead to me. Anyone that is a patriot, republican, is alive and well in my mind. 


    there is a big difference to me. 

  11. 12 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    It’s crazy talk like this that lands people like you on a Red Flag list, Skip. 

    Congrats on finding the bold font thingy though. 


    its people like you who can't think for themselves that has this country at a crossroads.


    but yeah, ***** you and the others like you.  

    8 minutes ago, muppy said:

    grrrrr SMH the post you replied to saying all that vicious rhetoric is  to me unacceptable.  The discourse I understand can be chippy but geez louise that was just not cool, waaay too low a blow and I want it on record I do NOT concur at all. whatsoever


    stay in the trenches long enough with the asshats/irredeemable and you may understand the vitriol. you cannot reason with them. language is just language. im not threatening anyone with violence. 


    but misinformation and disinformation needs to be met in one way or another. idgaf if my language and aggressiveness turns one off of the facts or argument, thats not my problem. and im not solving the problem or trying to. but the facts are the facts. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    It's not a matter of ignoring this sort of thing, Logic, at least to me.   I'm willing to listen to just about anything brought to the table, but I'm not willing to trust a political committee blindly.  That would be dumb af, though  that suits some folks. 


    At the same time, recent history suggests that political figures make wide-ranging, unfounded and spurious claims against political opponents virtually every single day.  It's a national pastime, and very few people bat an eye at it so long as their preferred party is leading the charge.  


    Bannon sounds a bit like Joe Biden did back in the day, blustering, impressed with his own importance, holding court in front of admirers.  What he suggests is unseemly and ugly, but is the allegation that he was acting as an adviser to the president and directing him to conduct illegal operations? 


    Going back just a short time ago, democrat leadership was all over the place claiming treason, treasonous behavior, collusion, a coup, and that the 2016 election was illegitimate.    That's not a fantasy created by a Trumpkin, as you derisively call folks who point it out, that's a matter of historical fact, inconvenient though it might be to your point of view.  This theory was widely reported and disseminated by major news outlets, with perpetual 'oh, it's coming' circular reporting that effectively died the day Mueller embarrassed himself in front of a national audience is spite of exceptionally broad powers to kick in doors and knock some heads.  


    Move to 2020.  Suddenly, not a year removed from grave concerns about election security expressed by leading Democrat presidential candidates Warren and Klobuchar, such claims of illegitimacy, and integrity of elections  were an alleged to be an assault on our very way of life.  Never mind proving it, the outrage started at suggesting it was an issue, as if 2015-2019 never occurred. 


    The way I see it, some of the loudest lamenters of civility were 100% comfortable with claims of illegitimate elections, treason and the like until the spotlight shone their way.  It's ugly and unfortunate that politics plays out like this, but you probably should have had the sense to look into the future when you bought into Russiagate that it was not an if, just a when it would happen.  


    At this point, Trump's claims of a stolen election are no more, no less of an issue than Russiagate was to me.  That you lack the ability to understand why some of us view things that way is really of no consequence, especially since I can't for the life of me understand how people could be dumb enough to buy into the entire Russia premise to begin with.  


    Personally, I wish Trump had not held the rally on 1/6.  I think the people who acted criminally should be charged appropriately.  I understand why the officer shot and killed an unarmed woman, and bet he feels horrible that he killed her.  I support the police officers assaulted (I feel that way generally, even when they're out in America with liberals trashing them).  I wish Stop the Steal wasn't a thing.  I wish the dems had not launched an all-out assault on the legitimacy of the 2016 election and it's impact on my vote.  I wish we were all smart enough to know that if political party A found success with a concept, Political Party B was soon to follow, and probably supersize it.   But, here we are. 


    Come November, if there's a red wave, we can most def look forward to impeachment, unfounded and usually unproven allegations against a Dem, and more than a few eggs cracked along the way.   Look for an attempt to destroy Biden for his China connections, Hunter as collateral damage, and Merrick Garland.  All will ultimately probably be ok.  


    By the way, when serious claims of criminal behavior against DJT are brought through the appropriate channels, I'm happy to revisit this with you in detail.  


    the bold outs you as an idiot. i mean to be fair, most of your post does. 


    but just keep saying it over and over and over and over, and its fact, amirite??


    We don't try to understand people like yourself anymore, because you are IRREDEEMABLE. you are not the target audience. you clearly can't think for yourself. you are dead to me as an American and a human being. 


    I'll acknowledge asshats like yourself when you spew garbage. other than that, dead. to. me.



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    "In an email sent to friends and supporters, Giambra said he, 'can no longer remain a Republican or continue with my campaign to seek the Republican nomination for Senator in the 61st District,'" said the report.



    "I cannot stand with party leaders who double down in their support of the NRA after yet another mass shooting; who applaud the decision to take away a woman's right to choose and who encourage the elimination of LGBQ rights; and who still believe that Donald Trump is their president," wrote Giambra in his explanation for why he is changing his party affiliation.



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  14. On 7/4/2022 at 9:46 AM, B-Man said:



    Last 5 posts to the thread.



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    Posted 59 minutes ago




    The panic at the "committee's" failure is obvious.







    Mick Mulvaney

    • former Chief of Staff under former President Donald Trump


    "The significance of last week’s Congressional Jan. 6 committee hearings cannot be overstated.

    For the first time, evidence was presented that former President Trump knew some of the protesters were armed before encouraging them to go the Capitol, that right-wing extremist rioters communicated directly with the White House, that key Presidential advisers requested pardons, that the chief White House lawyer was concerned about getting “charged with every crime imaginable,” and that someone within Trump world may be trying to tamper with committee witnesses.

    Serious stuff. But roughly half the country — the Republican half — isn’t watching..."




    source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/mick-mulvaney-on-jan-6-hearings-when-republicans-testify-against-other-republicans-republicans-should-pay-attention/ar-AAZgDpT?ocid=EMMX&cvid=453678d8ed924264948beb4cc39a9430

  15. 2 minutes ago, Nineforty said:


    And you are putting your faith in........... Glenn Greenwald. and people named Mollie. lol... ill go with the facts of the day. the facts leading up to the day. and the facts after january 6th. and by facts, I mean looking at the evidence presented and making my own determination as to what it means.


    they all point to Donald Trump inciting an insurrection, a coup of sorts. defrauding the United States. The U.S. sitting president, trying to stop the certification. not saying every person on the grounds was looking to overthrow the gov't. but Donald Trump was. The Proud Boys were. The Oath Keepers were. 


    and that my friend, is treason in my book. maybe not legally, but in my mind, Donald Trump is a traitor and doesn't deserve to breathe. ill settle for shackles. 

  16. 8 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


    You are putting your trust in politicians to tell you the truth. Period.



    Good to know that you trust the sworn testimony then of many of the key Russia hoaxers who said under oath that they hadn't seen direct evidence of Trump Russia collusion. 


    Let me guess. That's different, right?



    Lol. Uh huh.


    You're a clown. Former republican my ass.


    And you are putting your faith in........... Glenn Greenwald. and people named Mollie. lol... ill go with the facts of the day. the facts leading up to the day. and the facts after january 6th. and by facts, I mean looking at the evidence presented and making my own determination as to what it means.


    they all point to Donald Trump inciting an insurrection, a coup of sorts. defrauding the United States. The U.S. sitting president, trying to stop the certification. not saying every person on the grounds was looking to overthrow the gov't. but Donald Trump was. The Proud Boys were. The Oath Keepers were. 


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  17. 45 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I do care about the Republic, Tibsy, probably more than you when Russiagate collapsed like the North Wall in Game of Thrones, S 7. 

    I’m just a realist, and limit my suspension of same for amusement park rides, movies and a good tv series like GOT.  For a while back when I was a young guy, Farrah Fawcett was on the list as well.  

    Stop the political jabberwocky, get some charges filed outside this demo circle jerk and we can talk.  Maybe Jennifer I Stand With Ukraine Rubin is on to something here.  


    you are beyond help, on a human/soul level. 

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