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Posts posted by Nineforty

  1. 17 hours ago, Doc said:


    Even news that the vaccine was coming out, which would have been enough.  There needs to be an investigation into this when the Repubs regain the House.  Heads need to roll.

    you are a ***** idiot.

    18 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:


    Of course they did.  The virus, death and COVID spread to at-risk communities was good for the Democrat party.  

    you are a ***** idiot.

    On 8/24/2022 at 8:35 PM, B-Man said:



    Quick reminder:






    you are a ***** idiot. 

    On 8/25/2022 at 2:57 PM, All_Pro_Bills said:

    Fascism is a system that has no elections.  Officials like Bolsonaro are nationalists.  Nationalist can be elected if receiving enough votes in elections.


    Fascism is one form of totalitarian authority.  Socialism and Communism are two other major types.  The classic definitions of authoritarian regimes say left wing, right wing but I believe those distinctions are irrelevant.  They're pretty much the same thing.  They all share a common trait of organizing society and the economy under the control of the government.  Under Fascism private corporate power is coordinated and driven by the government.   Under socialism and communism corporate power is integrated into the government or only exists as State sponsored or controlled enterprises.  Socialism and communism suggest their societies are "classless" but there are always ruling elite.  There is little distinction between "The Party" and "The State".  


    They all believe the State is the ultimate power.  They all believe citizens exist for the purpose of serving The State.  The all generally outlaw religion or beliefs in deities.  This is because a belief in God implies the existence of a higher power then The State.  Under the system there is no higher power than The State.  Therefore, God cannot be allowed to exist or be recognized.  The State is God.  And The State is the ultimate arbiter of all things including life and death.


    I'm hard-press to believe nor do I see any evidence that Trump was attempting to impose such a system.  I think anyone that believes that is stupid, brainwashed, or insane.



    you are a ***** idiot.

  2. On 8/20/2022 at 10:33 AM, Brueggs said:

    What about people that just want the truth?  People are so biased and brainwashed, that they quite literally will not accept facts/truth unless they coincide with what they believe in.  They will readily accept a lie as the truth if it matches their beliefs.  The never Trumpers are every bit, if not more of a cult.  The entire Russia saga originated from a document that is a known lie by all parties at this point, yet those that wish it to be true cling to it because its what they want to believe.  

    I dont disagree with first few bits but then you lose me.


    If you are describing the Steele Dossier, then you are incorrect in stating that that was what led to Crossfire Hurricane investigation being opened by the FBI. I know it's tough when one side repeats a lie so often. 


    It was in fact George Papadopoulos (just a Trump campaign coffee boy?) boasting of the Russians having damaging info on Clinton and this was relayed by the Australian govt to the US. 


    I don't need one piece of true or false evidence from the dossier to tell me Donald Trump is a crook and a traitor to this country.  There is plenty of other criming and evidence available to hold historians (and the current and future prosecutors) over for a century from his one term tenure. 

    • Eyeroll 1
  3. https://www.emptywheel.net/2022/08/24/the-barr-memo-relied-on-covering-up-the-ongoing-roger-stone-investigation/

    On 8/20/2022 at 9:44 AM, Doc said:

    It was always about feelz.  "How could Trump beat Hillary?  It must have been the Russians!  Yeah, that's it!"




    Are you okay with the then-attorney general shutting down an active investigation into Roger Stone for conspiring with Russia ("hack n dump"), which was referred by Mueller's team to the DOJ?


    Yes or no will suffice. ***** traitors. 



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  4. Quote

    Myth #2: As long as information has been declassified by competent authority or is otherwise unclassified, former government officials (to include a former president) are free to possess and/or disclose the information at will.


    False.  Much of the unclassified information created by the federal government’s executive branch or otherwise in its custody is nonetheless sensitive and requires safeguarding or dissemination controls pursuant to and consistent with applicable law, regulations, and government-wide policies. Known as Controlled Unclassified Information, examples include information relating to federal taxpayers, witness protection, critical infrastructure protection and nuclear security. Both current and former government officials are subject to administrative or criminal sanctions should they improperly disclose or otherwise mishandle such unclassified information. Moreover, the unauthorized possession of certain controlled unclassified information such as Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information could be subject to prosecution under, among other statutes, 18 USC 793 of the Espionage Act, which does not mention classified information but rather applies to closely held national defense information the disclosure of which, if publicly known, could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation.



    Myth #5: Former presidents control the disposition of their White House records.


    False.  Starting with the administration of President Ford, and in reaction to the Watergate scandal of the Nixon administration, in addition to the Federal Records Act, records of each presidential administration are controlled by the Presidential Records Act (PRA), depending upon which element of the White House is involved. In this Act, Congress made it clear that the American people, not the former president, owns the records and assigns responsibility to the incumbent president for the custody and management of his presidential records. As stated in the Act, records can be in any media, including textual, audiovisual, and electronic.


    While many presidential records have been lost to history, starting with Franklin Roosevelt the tradition has been to make presidential records available to the public at presidential libraries. Congress legislated this policy, passing the Presidential Libraries Act in 1955 with the intent to preserve the documents and artifacts of our presidents, helping the American people to learn about our nation and our democracy. Beginning five years after the end of an administration, researchers and other members of the public can begin to access the records of a prior administration subject to the restrictions of the PRA and the Freedom of Information Act, including the current rules governing the safeguarding of classified information.


    The declassification of presidential papers and records presents some unique issues and concerns which normally require a page-by-page or paragraph-by-paragraph review and referral to the originating agency. Because of their highest policy and classification level, presidential records often contain equities, information in which a classifying agency has an interest and need to review before declassification. In addition, the records often contain multiple agency equities requiring referral to more than one agency. Several equities can be present in a single presidential document. In addition, the statutory authorities governing presidential papers and records usually require a page-by-page (or paragraph-by-paragraph) review for other concerns such as statutory restrictions and privacy.

    In sum, records of a president that were used during official duties belong to the American people – not to the president – and decisions about declassification and access to those materials are made by professionals within the federal government with the continuing responsibility to ensure that any disclosures do not place the security of our nation at increased risk.



  5. 21 hours ago, SWATeam said:

    The pass catchers are interesting from size alone


    Pittman- 6-4

    Pierce- 6-3

    Jelani Woods- 6-7

    Cox- 6-5


    Interesting weapons for Ryan.  I agree that the Colts are going to be very good.


    I cant shake how bad Ryan has been though. And Im a BC fan who thought Ryan would have multiple superbowls (lost a 50 doll hair bet to a friend back in the day as to who would win a super bowl first, Ryan or Flacco... the year Flacco won, ugh)

  6. 30 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    I will go with Supreme court clerk over the rando on Twitter usually but since it is fact that the president can declassify anything he wants why is he wrong? Is there a formal process for declassified info? 


    From what I have others say, whether he declassified them would play a part in potential sentencing severity, but not guilt or innocence.

  7. 14 minutes ago, B-Man said:
















    if you were paying attention the last few days, you would know that he dispelled some of the information that was "leaked".  Some of which came from Trump's own statements and his lawyer Christina Bobb  "appearance" on a "tv" network. 


    but yeah, keep recycling the same ole bull####. 

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  8. 10 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said:

    Not sure that all republican supporters are fascists, but Trump is as close to being a dictator in waiting that the country has ever seen. "This corrupt government and justice departments are persecuting me.". This is the cry of all wannabe dictators.


    Yeah, this is fair criticism. I distinguish a difference between conservatives and Republicans these days though, and thats not always clear by my language, so my-bad to any conservatives that are not Trumpers and just identify  politically as conservative and take offense. 



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