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Posts posted by Jerome007

  1. I want the Bills to beat a Brady led Patriots team before Father Time does. And many times. But I do shake my head at the fans disregarding the 16-0 whooping the Bills gave the Patriots at THEIR stadium as not important! Sure Brady wasn't there but the Cheats were 3-0 and anyway, with all the Bills QB woes, I find it weird to not see that without Brady that team is suddenly down quite a few notches.



  2. 3 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    He's the best ever.  As long as he's playing we'll be underdogs.

    Yep underdogs, NOT AUTOMATICALLY DEFEATED as too many post.


    2 hours ago, billsfan11 said:

    Exactly. I feel like it's watching them against the Harlem Globetrotters. I know the Bills are going to lose but yet I still dedicate 6 hours every season watching the Bills get destroyed by the Pats

    Case in point.


    It is quite possible the Bills beat the Pats at home. Odds in their favor? Nope, of course, but possible. And the last game might be a B or C Pats team as they rest starters. Anyway, I don't get the "we're already beat attitude". Am I fired up, can't wait for Sunday, think the Bills will win? Not all in fact. Those 3 blowouts have left quite a bad taste in my mouth. I only watched for the mid 3rd quarter on for the Chiefs game. And this coming Sunday determines if I sacrifice time for the rest of the year or not.  And that's a first for me. Too much  disappointment. But I'll watch Sunday, and if it's competitive, I'll be fiery again. The Bills ARE a wild card team as of now. 3 wins out 5 is still possible.


  3. 2 hours ago, bmur66 said:

    I like Tyrod but I like 300 yard passing games too. He can shake defenders like nobody. I'd like to keep him around and see someone legitimately beat him out for the starting job. He would be the ultimate backup QB.


    2 hours ago, McNubbins said:

    I'm a Tyrod fan because I'm a Bills fan.  Right now he's the best option available.  I don't really get the idea of rooting for a single player.  Root for the team, and Tyrod is our best QB for this season.


    Sums it all for me. And while he would be the ultimate backup QB, salary cap matters. Besides that, I'm all in support of him. For all his obvious limitations, nobody has been better than him at QB for the Bills. Not only since he's been here, with what matters, but even for years before. I just don't get the desire to let him go if nobody at the position can replace him!


  4. He is a pleasant surprise. His joyous personality and enthusiasm were expected, but he also analyses and explains real well. Is that too much to ask from ex-players? They hired way too many just for "entertainment value". I don't mind props and comedy, but substance still matters! He has it all. 

  5. On 11/24/2017 at 5:38 PM, SoTier said:

    I totally agree that it would be wisest for the Bills to keep Taylor in 2018, but I just don't see it happening.  Whether they get rid of him to save money or to placate the anti-Taylor contingent of vociferous fans or to pave the way for a yet-to-be-drafted first round QB, he's history just like Fitzpatrick was in 2013.  It will undoubtedly be better for Tyrod.  I doubt it will be better for the Bills or their fans in 2018 but then it's most definitely "the Bills way".

    There is no "the Bills way". Whole new GM, coaches, scouting department.  Even 30 players are new ones to the roster. Only similarities are the media, the fans, etc. Sure the history and the Drought loom large, but every team has its sets of pressure to deal with. Some more than others but still. Us fans have been through the drought and are affected. The current team itself has nothing to relate to that more than they relate to the 4 straight AFC championships.


    And it would be stupid to let go of Taylor before you have anyone to replace him. Totally stupid. Let the fans vent. If you lose they'll get doing and ask for your head. If you win, most will come around.

  6. 9 minutes ago, SoTier said:


    Ummm... when fans say "draft a QB", they've mean in the first round not in the fifth.  In this day and age, QBs who fall below the second round generally lack significant physical attributes to be NFL QBs, primarily NFL arm and/or height.  Both Russell Wilson and Kirk Cousins have NFL arms, but Wilson is short and Cousins is slight (small framed) so they were both considered risks.  If they had been more prototypical size, they'd have both gone in the first.  Even going to unimportant football schools doesn't necessarily mean real prospects can hide from the scouts: Joe Flacco is from Delaware and Carson Wentz from North Dakota State.

    Of course drafting in the 1st round improves your chances, and the sooner you pick the better. But there has been many 1st round QB busts, and there are exceptions like Brady, etc.


    My point remains the same: you don't let go of the best QB on your roster unless someone beats him to get the spot. Not BEFORE someone beats him to get the spot, as that may not happen for years! If dratfting franchise QB was easy, 25+ teams would have one. 



  7. 51 minutes ago, HOUSE said:


    Why even bother drafting quarterbacks? One game and they are through. Lets trade the picks away...

    Terry Bradshaw said "I had worse games, hang in there kid"

    I listened to "draft a QB"..... draft a QB" for 15 years now....then they get a crummy half game???

    Not listening anymore



    Nicely put.  It was an historically bad game, and he is a 5th round pick. So I'm far from convinced on anything. But yeah, people complain about not drafting QBs and after a half game want him gone WTH


    And to the "anti-Tyrod" crowd. Again all of us would want a better QB. But letting him go doesn't make the "franchise one" appear!!! I'm sure we all also hope for a better LB, a superb pass rusher, a dominant LT and on and on. Just sending someone packing doesn't cure it all!  

  8. 2 minutes ago, xRUSHx said:

    Right on with your post man. But I can see where the OP was going with the thread. I'd rather see this team give Peterman experence for next season over watching Tyrod a QB that hopefully will gone

    I'm repeating myself but so are you LOL: Why would you want to get rid of the best QB on your roster??? Yes he's no "franchise quarterback" but unless the Bills sign one, and that could be next year as it could be 20 years later, I just don't see the point of losing him! You keep your best players based on results vs salary cap and other factors. Is he among the Top 10 in the league? Nope. But he's by far the best here in a long while.

    2 minutes ago, hondo in seattle said:

    A lot of good QBs were horrible in their first start.


    A lot of terrible QBs were horrible in their first start.


    One half of one game doesn't prove anything, one way or the other.  But there was nothing in Peterman's first game that suggested he deserves to be a NFL starter.  Time will tell.

    Right on target (no INT)

  9. Aikman's offensive coordinator from 1991 to 1993 -- will tell you he's never seen a quarterback as accurate as this guy.

    I've read many times that accuracy is the best thing to look for in a QB, as strangely, even if working on throwing motions, footwork and all, it seems the guy has it or don't once in the NFL.


    And ouch at Alex Smith's debut! Not NP level but close!

  10. 6 minutes ago, joesixpack said:


    Yes, let's ignore Jacksonville and the Raiders. Let's also ignore Tennessee and the Eagles as well, since they're not supporting your point. Do you really have a point here? Oh and the Rams too. Probably shouldn't mention them.




    Besides the Eagles, which of these teams are Superbowl favorites? They are on the way up.. compared to the ugly place they were. Is it in an improvement? Hell yeah! But a guarantee for being a constantly dominant team? Nope. And they tanked for a few seasons, not just one. And oh let's forget the Browns and other 0-16 teams of the last 10 years. All powerhouses for years to come now, right?


    My point is, as you still don't get it: tanking does NOT guarantee a return to greatness! And so far, it's your ONLY magical solution. Recall that Bill Bellichick hire and drafting Tom Brady with pick #199, a compensatory pick, in the sixth round? They needed to tank completely for that to happen?

  11. Just now, joesixpack said:



    How's them 6-10 to 9-7 seasons working out for you? Loaded with elite talent are we? Making ANY progress at all? God forbid we try something different.

    All winning teams this year have tanked in the previous 5? Pats, KC, Steelers, etc.


    All the 0-1-2-3-4 win teams from 2012-2016 are powerhouses now in the NFL? Besides the Jaguars that have really improved, Raiders last year, you got the Browns, etc.


    The issue has been awful awful draft choices combined with obvious bad positional coaching. Anyway, with 5 wins already, a true "tanking" is not to be unless they really lose out all the rest of the year. And if that happens, how could any of the coaches remain? The GM and scout team could, but not the rest. 

  12. 10 minutes ago, joesixpack said:

    that's the spirit!


    why try? amirite? Buffalo mentality.


    Let's just keep doing the same thing over and over, hey maybe we can be "in the hunt" for the next 17 years too!

    To you it's tanking or else it's "doing the same thing over and over"? Peterman was more of the same? All the HC, OC, DC and GM changes is more of the same? 


    Yeah let's follow the Browns. Tanking seems to be a sure thing to win!

  13. Just now, joesixpack said:


    You want to stay on a bridge to nowhere?


    No thanks.


    Better than to be swimming with the sharks. 


    In all your threads you seem to imply the Bills need to lose out so they can finally pick that "franchise QB" in the draft. With so many Top 5 busts, and the Bills most likely picking 10-15th even if they only win 1-2 more, how can be so sure the current brass will magically make all the right picks?

  14. 1 minute ago, jkirchofer said:

    Sure, Taylor has been good to a certain degree....everyone likes to flaunt the 11 touchdowns to 3 interceptions ratio, but Taylor is in the bottom third in just about every major statistical area among qualified quarterbacks. To say he is better than anyone coming out in the draft (Jackson, Rosen, Darnold, Allen, etc...) or someone available via free agency (Keenum, Cousins, Bradford, etc...) is a gross overstatement. The only advantage is that he can run, which is certainly a positive, but not enough to keep him under center for the Bills.

    I mentioned that if they did sign a Cousins / Luck /Alex Smith then yeah, they can cut him. Otherwise you have 2 rookies as your #1 & 2, your future draft pick and Peterman. Really?


    Remember the "Tyrod is a bridge QB"? That is still the case... and as of now that bridge leads to nowhere so better stay on it!

  15. 6 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    They can embrace him all they want, but it's too late.   You only put up with your girlfriend sleeping with other guys before you go looking for someone else.   Unless the Bills go deep into the playoffs with Taylor next season, and I can't see how that can happen, Taylor's leaving.   He'll have 3-4 good years left in his career, he'll have either a crappy offensive line or a brand new offensive line, or both, he'll have a coach who wants him to run an offense that isn't suited to him, and he'll have a four-year history with the Bills of the coaches and front office first telling him we love you, then we hate, then we sort of love you, then we hate you, "no wait, we really love you and we mean it this time."   Why would he sign up for more of that. 

    Don't get wrong, I fully agree with this. But he is under contract. He's no free agent. If the Bills do keep him at much higher payscale, that IS a show of commitment for once. I'm sure TT can get a QB spot elsewhere, but maybe not at the amount he's due to make next year.

  16. On 11/19/2017 at 11:28 PM, Shaw66 said:

    That’s all out the window now.  Taylor will leave as soon as possible.   Why would he stay?

    Why? Because he's under contract, that's why!


    But the Bills brass better finally give him some love & respect! Hey, I agreed with the move, but after seeing EJ, Cardale and now Peterman, is there any doubt left that Tyrod is the #1 option? Yes, keep searching for that elusive franchise QB. But till then, embrace the best QB on your roster!

  17. 3 hours ago, jkirchofer said:

    Makes me lose confidence in McDermott moving forward. I want a head coach that will stick with a decision. This season is already done with, spend the time evaluating instead of allowing Taylor to audition for other teams.

    I don't get this POV. Since he's been here, Tyrod has been much better than all other QBs. And with EJ, Cardale, Peterman and most likely Webb, he's been better by a ton! They HAVE to keep him next year unless they sign a Luck or Cousins. Even if you supposedly draft Mr Savior competition is good. His pay next year takes a drastic upward jump, but it is still in line with what middle-of-the-pack QBs make in the NFL. Whoever is there they'll have to pay him!


    Not keeping him = tanking in 2018. Is that really what you guys want? Yeah yeah Tyrod is not a top tier QB, but he's by far the best on the roster! I don't get this obsession of getting rid of him when the others aren't even close to him.

  18. 2 minutes ago, 87168 said:

    you basically just contradicted everything you said before that statement....nice job.


    "spark" when you're in the midst of the playoff hunt? how about addressing the issues on defense rather than benching your starting QB for a 5th round rookie.

    What contradiction? Tyrod has not played great so far tis year, and had his most horrible game yet. And I get checkdowns unlike most people, but not while behind 2-3 TDs! 

    In the end, the Peterman decision was a fiasco, but it shows beyond any doubt now, and everyone had them, that Tyrod is #1, period. And to have middle of the pack stats in a team with subpar talent again shows he's a starter. People on this board saying he's just a backup QB are haters. Or think everyone but Brady-Roger-Brees-Rivers and another couple few qualify as starters. Note: there are 32 teams in the league! Most starters are NOT elite.


    And while far from a savior franchise QB, Tyrod is the best QB here in a long while. To me that last game settled it. He's signed so can't go. Now the Bills' management should show him some LOVE until they dratf or sign the almighty franchise one (that make take decades BTW...)

  19. 2 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

    Is it just me, or does that article not make...sense? Like terribly written and contradictory all the time?


    Shady not running much out of shotgun? Well, that would be a problem except his YPC under center is better this year...so...fire Dennison? Article is rife with these.


    Also rambles through racial undertones of benching Taylor. 3/10 would not read again.

    He does contradict himself a lot. And as if Tyrod was racially discriminated against here! He was the starter wasn't he? It seems a recurring theme every time a Black GM, coach or player is demoted or fired: it's racial. *rolls eyes* No wonder people are reluctant to hire them! This doesn't help their cause at all. And the the league is full of Black QBs, and the media drools over them. 


    The cold hard stats, which don't always tell the whole story but are used well here, do indicate Tyrod is a least average or slightly above, and well, so far no QB on this Bills team has ever come even close to beating him. Cardale, EJ, now Peterman? He's miles better than them. And when he came up and had the 3 QB open contests, he beat the other two. He solidified his place as #1. Now design schemes to his strengths dammit, as it should always had been!

    I agreed with the Peterman change. The team needed a spark. The management needed to know for 2018 and beyond. I think it's crystal clear: Tyrod is #1 in Buffalo, and should remain so for 2018! His salary will be big but on line with what a 12th-18th ranked QB earns in the NFL. No one so far has come up to oust him, not even close. Unless they get Cousins or whomever in the free market, Tyrod's the man!



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