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Posts posted by Jerome007

  1. Hiring him was a gamble, to have that "final missing piece" to beat the Chiefs and Bengals. The clutch player to get over the final hump. And if he didn't get injured, he'd been there for the playoffs, as planned. He was performing superbly as expected. Since he's been back, he is bad. What made him special is his "bend" and he doesn't have it. Forever or for a few weeks still, we don't know...


    A gamble sometimes pays off, sometimes it doesn't. Now it seems more likely it's the second one. But it was a gamble to take full use of the "Superbowl window". You are going to criticize this since it didn't pay off? We all approved the intent. The price tag is becoming huge for sure.




  2. 46 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    Josh is a great QB from a physical standpoint.  He is not great from an intelligence standpoint.  They bait him into that throw he had for a pick, and he does not learn from it.

    That was a DUMB throw. But for all his high turnover rate, he makes such dumb INT only 4-5 times a year.


    The ugly is that the Bills could miss the playoffs, and they lost to a direct rival for a playoff spot.

    The ugly is all those injuries on defense.


    The bad is the offence and Dorsey. They barely have an "injury excuse" yet underperform.


    The good: for all the talk of the mighty Bengals and Dolphins, don't you see the Bills crushed the Fins and barely lost to the Bengals? As is often the case, the turnovers were the difference. The Bills D bailed out the team when Josh threw that INT deep in their own zone. And the offense was on a tear when Kincaid fumbled. This HAPPENS in football. In other times, we could say chill, relax. But at 5-4, yikes. My point is that no, the Bills were NOT outclassed. They lost. It happens. And they lost to one of the elite teams. First Jets loss and Cheats loss sting more. Yet recall the Chiefs lost the Broncos (!) last week and Bengals are at 5-3, not 8-0...


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  3. 12 hours ago, BillsFan4 said:

    You aren’t going to attract players looking for the nice weather or night life and big party scenes but that’s a good thing. Anyone coming to Buffalo (now) is coming to play football and try to chase a championship. There’s also a lot less off field distractions in Buffalo vs big cities and as Josh Allen said, because of there being less to do off the field it gives teammates a chance to hang out more and become closer.

    And they are rich guys, even the lower tiered players not on the PS. They can party anyway all they want, especially during the offseason. Nightlife in Miami and LA isn't closed from February to July... Playing in cold weather I can see that repulsing some players, but a tiny minority. 




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  4. Nobody can understand why even unproven coaches have long term deals, but hey, it's owners' money, and it doesn't impact the salary cap, so who cares.  One of the reasons might be that the players have to know the coaches have some leverage. Many players are paid more than coaches, and there are 53 players, one HC, so we all know what is easier to change...

  5. "Let Josh be Josh"... he has an injured shoulder. He was as much "Josh" we could ask for in the last game. There's no pleasing fans.


    McD and crew were BADLY outcoached last year by the Bungles. But they outcoached the Dolphins in big way this year, then got beat bad by The Hoodie. Well, the Chiefs just lost to the Broncos, they didn't even score a TD... against a defense that had allowed 70 point to the Fins! The "mighty Bengals" have 3 losses too...


    It's fine for us to criticize, to be full on mad at times, but sometimes some of you act worse than nagging wives,  finding any excuse to complain. Don't you think McD and crew are aching for revenge? Players have bad games, coaches have bad games. But they surely wan to take those extra 3 days of preparation to kick the Bungles' behind, in  a bad way


    This year more than any other year, it's really "On any given Sunday". So unpredictable. Yet I can't believe so many of you count the Bills out, time and time again. Are you fans or not? It's fine to worry, but you seem to expect the worse!

  6. Josh seems to be the incarnation of "momentum QB". When he is in rhythm, everything clicks, he plays loose, has fun, seems to see everything. If he and  the offense are not clicking, everything is a drag, he overthinks, blablabla. Now, of course ALL QBs are like this, but the so-called  "momentum QBs" a tad more. As usual with QBs, pressure them, make them uncomfortable in the pocket, and you beat them.


    The thing is, Josh is good on the move. So first, they need to pick the blitzes better. They have been weak against it so far this year. Move the pocket on purpose, and have designed Josh "running to his right but passing" plays. With the usual misdirection plays, play action, sweeps, short passes mixed in. They were doing a great job of this weeks 2-3-4. 

  7. 39 minutes ago, BuffaloBillyG said:

    This Purdy situation also calls on a slightly more important issue to me. We are supposed to have people on the field watching for head shots and check for concussion. There have been a few times this year where guys finished out a game and then entered the concussion protocol on Monday or Tuesday. Jimmy G comes to mind and if I recall Kincaid was another. That's the real issue they should be looking into IMO.

    Indeed. He was concussed and played the rest of the game! It can't be god for his health. His case was probably more obvious, we see the big hit on the replay, and then as a QB there are many close up shots of his face (and eyes). But who knows when Kincaid got his concussion besides himself?

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  8. 13 hours ago, BuffaloBillyG said:

    Actually, the Panthers have done this a few times this year. They have pulled Bryce Young and let Andy Freaking Dalton come in for the QB sneak a few times. Rumor has it that they view Young as too small and not powerful enough to execute the play himself 😂

    Quite a lack of respect to a veteran!

    12 hours ago, BuffaloBillyG said:

    The thing most people don't realize is that at least with the Eagles, the shove isn't what's propelling Hurts. Dude is legit strong and grinding

    On most of their tush plays, the Eagles OLine has pushed the pile 3-4-5 yards. Yeah, yeah, I know Hurts squats 600 pounds. But I've seen him been floating on top of the pile and/or dragged ha ha. Credit the OLine here. And Brady was THE king of QB sneaks. He just took the empty space, still the best way to do it unless you're 2 yards away like the Eagles do sometimes. 

  9. 1 hour ago, BuffaloBillyG said:

    Run the Tush Push they said. It's easy they said.  


    The NFL is likely to use plays like this and what happens to the Giants when they lost 2 guys on a play like this to call the play "unsafe" and add restrictions IMO. 

    QB sneaks have always seemed to me to be dangerous to the QB. For exactly what happened to Purdy. I wonder why teams don't do sneaks with RBs. Recall when they used to switch to the 2nd QB? I found that such a brutal concept. Here Joe, come off to bench to take a hit, then back you go. 


    But I like what the Eagles are doing. Zero subtlety, all muscles. It's a few plays a game, just stop them if you can. 

  10. 1 hour ago, uticaclub said:

    We lose to Giants without the refs bailing us out. This team needs to play better, Mac Jones tore us apart all game.

    Yes. So the Bills would still be 4-3. But with one more division win and one more NFC loss. Anyway, both teams (Giants and Bills) got screwed. My point remains though: a non-call happens. A call made and then reversed without any explanation? More problematic IMO.

  11. 1 hour ago, Zag20 said:

    Why are people still saying the center was 5 yards down the field? When Macorkle released the ball he was 1-2 yards downfield with his foot still at 1 yard, which is probably why they picked it up. It’s still a bs move to pick the flag up, but why exaggerate?

    That's what I saw on the TV replay. I might be wrong, but that's what I remember seeing. I haven't double checked. But since others were saying it too, I assumed it was indeed the case. 

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  12. 21 hours ago, Success said:

    2 things are true:  Knox is overpaid, and he's also valuable to the offense.

    I wonder if he'd get so much heat form the fans if not overpaid. As if he'd pass on a juicy contract. Blame Beane and crew, not Knox!  Just like I couldn't understand all the "we picked the wrong Josh" crowd hating on JA17. Again, blame the GM/HC, not the player, and root for him to succeed as he is a Bills now!


    Playing with a bad wrist, no wonder he dropped passes - and that was a known factor BTW. Though I didn't think it was so bad he'd need surgery. The issue is that he has dropped some passes before too. 

  13. 1 hour ago, PatsFanNH said:

    So I disagree with saying he was similar to the Bills Coach criticism. He had post season success.

    MCD is too young in his career as HC to use the post season W-L record. It's more that many of us "feel" that while he is very good, he is not great, and that it makes winning a SB that much more challenging. 


    He used to at least really have the respect of his players, and be able to motivate them. Does he still has that? That's a key question. A great OC and these Bills win. I do think as a DC, except for last game, McD is quite good! So IF he has his players in line for the common goal, is a great DC, and has someone great as OC, he's not missing ingredients here!

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  14. 5 minutes ago, Big Turk said:


    He said "There is no foul for illegal man downfield on the play"

    Yep. Otherwise, we wouldn't even be having this thread. I'm surprised the BILLS and media aren't more vocal on  this one. It is one of the weird ones. Sure, the Giants got screwed on the no call on the last play 2 weeks ago... but there was no flag. This is beyond this.


    And nope, I don't think it was to give Belichick his 300th win. As if that wouldn't happen this season, or that he was soooo loved anyway ha ha. 

  15. 21 minutes ago, MJS said:

    Because the offense has scored almost nothing in the first 3 quarters the past 3 weeks. Plus, with all the injuries on defense, it is kind of expected that the defense will struggle more.

    Exactly this. The defense - and mostly, McD - deserve a lot of the blame last Sunday, but not otherwise. The offense have been bad for the first 3 quarters 3 straight games, and had no injury of note. 

  16. 17 minutes ago, Long Suffering Fan said:

    What made it so bad was not that it was missed.  The flag was thrown.  Calls get missed all the time, but It wasn't missed.  It was picked up.

    THIS!!! I don't get it. There needs to be a league explanation here. If the flag was never thrown, maybe we would not have noticed. But it was thrown, and the replay so clear! The center was at least 5 yards downfield. He wasn't blocking anyone or near anyone tough, so is that the reason? I don't think so... but we need to know!


    What is this "Bills didn't deserve to win crap"? Both teams played the game, and there are rules in this game. The center didn't impact the play, but rules are rules. If the Cheats go back 5 yards instead of going forward 30 yards, that's a HUGE difference. Bills likely win. 

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  17. It was great comfort to read all the POed posts on here, as I could let go of all MY anger. My kids were really mad too. But the Dolphins lost, the Bills are only one game behind still. 


    The short week before the Bucs game is great. Get everyone focused on this. 3 days from now, either the Bills are 5-3 and can focus on winning, or 4-4 and it's time for the ax to fall.


    I still don't get how they went from top SB contenders in weeks 2-3-4 to this. But LET'S GOOOOOO. This season is not over yet, not at all. Yet, WIN. This can't continue. I too wonder if the PLAYERS are still on the McD train. If they are, it's all that matters. If not...

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  18. I don't recall which QB/coach tandem it was, an older duo, but the QB basically said in the video the he had told his coach, business like, to stop yelling at him, because it made the guys lose confidence in him (QB) as the leader. And the coach realized that and simply stopped doing it. In Daboll's case, Josh was a rookie/youngster so likely not as bad, and Tyrod is a backup. Still, it doesn't look great to see the yelling.  The fact Daboll was booted upstairs is probably a McD decision, and for that reason. Interesting. 

  19. 2 minutes ago, bouds said:

    Contrast this handshake with the one McDermott had with McDaniel, hahaha.

    I have to give it to McDaniels, he made me like his nerdy self. He was genuinely appreciative of the Bills gameplans (on D, obviously, but likely on offense too). I 'm sure he was quick to think of ways to counter what the Bills D did, and it jus opened up new ideas to him, and he was all giggly about that.  It was, IMO, the Bills coaches best performance in years. 

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