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Posts posted by Maine-iac

  1. 2 hours ago, BillsFan4 said:

    I know McDermott claimed it was 100% his decision bench TT but I still think Dennison probably requested the change. Just last season he had success with a rookie 7th round pick starting and I'm sure he feels he can do it again with Peterman. 


    Define success.  They averaged 20.8 ppg ............. what we are scoring after two horrible games.  I think no matter the QB Dennison is a weak 0C.

  2. If "the sticks" is constantly a 3rd and 12 it's going to be hard.  Splits say 3rd and 6+ he has a 74 rating.   3rd and 6 or less he has 131 rating.  He's had 62 throws, 20 percent of the time he's in 3rd and longer than 6.  Just not managing 1st and 2nd downs well at all.  Maybe Peterman can get that done for Dennison.


    Last year with Lynn/Roman Taylor had a 95 rating on 3rd and 6+ but had 72 rating on 3rd and less than 6.  Dennison clearly has a better short passing game.  Unfortunately he has no deep passing game or run game to go with it.

  3. What 90 percent of the posters in this thread are missing and that those analysts weren't is why Tyrod didn't throw deep last week on a 3rd and long.  We run for negative yards, we get penalized we end up in 3rd and 15.  We run a play where only two people even run routes past the sticks and the defense is in cover 3 and every airmchair QB in Buffalo groans and shakes their first in the air.  The real story is that with a good running game, something Dennson appears incapable of designing, Taylor took a lot of shots down field and did very well at it.  When called on 2nd and 5 or 3rd and 3, deep shots are effective.  If you have a per carry average of 1.7 and your QB is throwing on 3rd and 15 and not getting it your team shouldn't be in that position in the first place.

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  4. These are the places I get upset with the team.  He plays his ass off in Miami.  Leads to a 4th qtr lead with 1:20.  Defense chokes.   Leads them back down the field in 0T.  Carpenter misses a kick.  Defense chokes.  They bench him the next week.  Fast forward to this year.  We play the Jets.  We are 5 and 2 and everyone is saying he's getting it.   By all accounts in a game where we have a rookie and then back ups and walk ons at WR/TE he plays pretty damn well.  If not for the fumbles and drops he easily throws for 300 and a couple of TD's to go with 35 yards rushing and a TD.  Shady is completely ineffective and the defense gives up 200 and multiple scores rushing.  Next week Taylor doesn't play well.  No excuses.  The defense is getting hammered into the floor.  Personally I couldn't figure out why they weren't throwing every down but either way the passing game wasn't good.  That said in what essentially was an off game for Taylor and a second horrendous showing for the defense the decide to bench Taylor.  If were 4 and 5 or Taylor had multiple bad games where it's clearly him making poor decisions.  March in Peterman.  Here we are at 5 and 4 in the playoff hunt.  Taylor has done enough to get us to 5 and 4 and the "help" just arrived this week.   I definately would have given it more time.  I've thought they would draft a legit prospect/competition this offseason from the outset.  Maybe McDermott doesn't think he can get the defense fixed and is throwing in the towel on the season and we might as well see Peterman.  Let's face it, the defense has been horrendous the last two weeks and Dennison isn't the most innovative 0C in the world.  It's not like Dennison is going to outscore anyone even with Peyton Manning.

  5. 33 minutes ago, Starr Almighty said:

    He had Watkins, Woods and Goodwin before this year. They all seem to be doing fine on their new teams. We never saw Woods play this well here. If only I could put a finger on what it was. 

    Woods, Watkins, and Goodwin never made it through a season without gettting hurt.  They were also all playing in a run first offense that averaged 50 ypg more running the ball than this years team.  Again I'm not lamenting the switch to Peterman.  That writing was on the wall.  I'm lamenting the switch to Dennison.  It is the very type of switch that has defined the "drought"  in Buffalo.  Two years from now we'll be hiring some untested offensive prodigy because we went bust with a 1st round pick of a QB and inevitably he'll bring in a dud of a DC and we'll start this all over again.

  6. I was talking about the Jets game.  I said as much.  Go back and look at it.  The offense was moving the ball.  The defense was getting gashed.  So no insult taken.  You read it/misunderstood it or weren't watching.

    3 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

     The wheels came off the defense , but don't overlook what was happening on the other side of the ball. Teams decided to keep Tyrod in the pocket and he couldn't beat them. An ex QB and an ex DB were both saying he needs to throw the ball here or he needs to go to the one on one on the outside. Tyrod will not or cannot take what defenses are now giving him. McD expected more of the same from Lynn, who used to make game plans around Tyrods limitations. If the Bills lost to the Jets 38-35 and the Saints 40- 30 this move is probably not made. It doesn't matter what fans think, McD didn't believe he could win with Taylor anymore . 

    He didn't beat them because of bad clock management, multiple fumbles, and the defense giving up 200 yards rushing.  He played the QB position well in that game and most said the same after the game. 


    ps the response merging .............. do multiple posts take up too much space on the internet?

  7. 10 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:


    He has the skills to run a specifically structured offense that minimizes his flaws as a passer. You can still win games that way, but it requires a strong defense that generates turnovers, gives up TDs grudgingly and solid ST's. Most NFL coordinators aren't interested in such a player because all rules now favor the pass and emphasize having a QB that can take advantage. Half of fans are ok with the former and the other half want to find a good passing QB that will stay in the pocket and deliver the ball on time to playmaking WRs. It's kind of going with the devil you know, as opposed to the one you don't know and don't know where to find. 

    I like Taylor.  People get that and hate that which is fine.  If we had a Rogers type prospect on the bench or had slid out of the playoff hunt I wouldn't even bat an eye at them yanking Taylor. 

    5 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:


     I do not. Dennsion is a middling choice as an OC at best, and wasn't the first or even second choice for the job by all accounts. If Roman/ Lynn were currently the Bills OC , fans likely wouldn't even be having this discussion. Taylor would absolutely be doing a better job in that offense. However, changes were made and this is what the Bills currently have. I think the Offense could be far more productive with Peterman at the helm than Taylor, especially at this point when there is plenty of film and the flaws are out there for all to see. 

    That's my issue with pulling Taylor.  I don't think they'll be better with Peterman because of Dennison.  I think in a best case scenario you'll see the 2015/2016 Broncos.  That's with KB because the Broncos have good recievers.  Taylor has played most of the year in that turd offense with guys off the street.


  8. Roman/Lynn same offense and Roman coached for a whole season prior to that.  You think Dennison will  come any where near what Roman/Lynn scored?  Do you think next year he will?  Sean Payton, Andy Reid, Greg Roman always put up points.  Dennison put up 20 and 22 ppg before coming here.  0ur defenses gave up more points than his offenses were scoring .............. if you want two good insights as to why we lost last year and why we will continue to lose now.

  9. 4 hours ago, Bill Murray said:

    i said "bad move" because we are in the thick of the playoff race.  Maybe Peterman is a total stud, but its just so unknown and so it is very risky by definition.  If we started TT and lost, then you can move on w Peterman and have plenty of games left to evaluate.  If you win w TT you are in very good shape for the wild card.


    Everyone quick to say "so what if we get in, we wont do anything so will be one and done and be a waste..." tell that to the Tebow led Broncos.  Need to get in, then anything can happen.

    Pretty much sums it up.  Not a fan of the timing.  Peterman might be better for the coaches.

  10. 6 hours ago, CardinalScotts said:

    his offense has proven itself in the nfl.....the total disrespect of our passing game is choking it out, virtually all the problems are related to this. Have to be able to make throws, Tyrod wouldnt do it.

    Dennison's offense's scored a whopping 20 and 22 ppg before coming here and that's with Peyton Manning on one of his teams.  Tell me again what great things Dennison has done.  Roman has outscored Dennison the last two years and is outscoring him this year also.  Have to be able to score points and Dennison can't do it.  Peterman may well fit Dennison's offense better so maybe, just maybe we'll go from 20 ppg to 22 like he did with the Broncos.

  11. Essentially the same personnel we have here now scored 400 points last year.  The biggest change is not Sammy leaving.  Switching QB's is not going to get us back anywhere near 25 ppg.  We did the Buffalo switch-a-roo ........... every few years we switch offense for defense or vice versa and proceed to waste away picks only to bring in a crappy coach to coach them. 

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  12. 32 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

    Bills were top 10 in ANY/A and a plurality of passing efficiency statistics in 2015. Roman's passing concepts have always been limited by his passers.

    Roman still puts up an offense that scores over 23 ppg game twice as much as Dennison even if he doesn't create "franchise QB's" or throw for 300 every game.

    Hell Roman has outscored Dennison the last 2 years and is outscoring him this year as well. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:


    Maybe not. What I can tell you is that it's a virtual guarantee Taylor had no chance to beat NE barring a career worst day from Brady. Now, who knows? I can talk myself into a scenario where we get a couple turnovers and Peterman has a big day.

    The Pats only gave up 25 or more twice last year and we were one of the two teams that did it.  The other game we played them we won but Brady wasn't playing.  With the offense we had last year and a defense we had a chance.  With Dennison I don't know.  Again it really has little to do with Peterman.  I don't think it has much to do with Peterman.  The stuff Andy Reid brought against the Pats ............. you'll never see that from Dennison.

  14. 3 minutes ago, DaBillsFanSince1973 said:


    they just gave up 500 the last two games combined. offense opens up maybe the defense can regroup, create some opportunities. they were bad, both sides of the ball.


    what a story it would be if the rookie were to come in and give the team a spark? McD would look like a coach of the year candidate again, clapping



    That is definately a hope.  I am actually more pessimistic about Dennison than Peterman.  Peterman may actually bring something.  I think even a well oiled Dennison offense might be good for 23 ppg. 

  15. Just now, billsfan11 said:



    Fast forward to about 2:52. You were saying there was no garbage time TD?

    Did you miss the part and I'll repeat it for you, where we were driving to go ahead right before that?  If Manuel or McCoy could have made one yard we would have been driving for a go ahead score and that's half way through the 4th qtr.

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