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Posts posted by Maine-iac

  1. 2 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

    I think the D line is shot.  A few years ago you had Mario Williams, Dareus, and Kyle near his prime.   Hughes got to be a finesse player.   No one pushed them around.   Now there's a weaker Kyle, a no-name substitute for Marcell and  no Mario.   It looks to me like the defensive line is being pushed off the ball on every play, because they simply don't have the strength to hold their ground.   That leaves one offensive lineman and a blocking back free to attack the middle linebacker and someone else, and that's why the defense is getting gashed by running backs.   That's not "gap integrity" and I don't see that coaching is going to help.   Add to that a middle linebacker who's too slow for the position that McD wants him to play, an outside linebacker who's a pass rusher and mediocre in other areas, and an old journeyman linebacker.   McD can coach all he wants, I  think that line is in trouble.   Dareus, when he was on the field, was the one guy who could stabilize things.  If McDermott understood what was going on with his defense, he NEVER would have allowed the Dareus trade.   He allowed it because, just like in the case of Peterman, he thought he had a replacement who could play.   In both cases he was horribly wrong.  

    I really am worried now that McD is just a kid playing at being a head coach.   Now he's not naming a starter for Sunday.    Does he think he's going to get some spectacular advantage out of not announcing a starter?   I could be the Chiefs' defensive coordinator.   I'd get up in front of my team and say the following:


    "Boys, Taylor will be the starter.   Even McDermott isn't stupid enough to put that kid out there again.   So our defense will be just like in practice against Alex Smith, except Smith is about four times better.  Taylor will run like Alex.  Keep him in the pocket, and he'll eat the ball.  


    "AND, if McDermott is even stupider than I think he is and puts in Peterman, pound the hell out of him every time he goes back to pass.


    "We'll be fine.   Take the rest of the day off."

    What I do not get and you seem level headed enough to entertain my craziness ........... can you really completely contain Taylor. I want to preface this though.  If you have a conservative and super predictable coach pounding it into his head to stay in the pocket and make the throws then yes, you know where to find Taylor.  If you had a coach with an ounce of creativity tell me you couldn't get Taylor out of the pocket a few times for a few big gains a game.  Taylor rips off 2 or 3 runs of 15 or 20 yards and now rushing 5 and using cover 3 isn't such a good idea.  I still can't figure out why the screen game is working better in these situations also.  Put 4 WR's out there and let McCoy run routes underneath it.  Not swing passes, not dump offs, let McCoy come out one side and flash back through the middle.  You get the feeling that Dennison brings a very small tool box to work on Sundays and only plans on using 2 or 3 of the tools in it.  You watch NE and the offense changes 3 times in one qtr completely based off what personal the defense has on the field.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Shaw66 said:

    Huckleberry and Hapless are REALLY depressing me.  It's hard to argue with their take on recent history. 


    I believed p, I was sure, that McDermott was the answer.  Maybe he is. But right now I think he's looking at a total rebuild, and there's no evidence that he has what it takes.  


    Will the Pegulas give him and Beane another four years to prove themselves?  There's a good chance it will take that long.  


    I say all the time that you can't tell who the good and bad teams are until late October and into November.  It looks like we're finding out. 


    Oh, and good luck signing free agents next Spring. Unless the Bills miraculously win 3 or 4 games, it's hard to imagine a free agent getting excited about signing with the Bills. 

    If the defense is crap because Dareus got traded there's no answer for that.  If it is as simple as "gap integrity" then McDermott better get his on it.  As far as the offense Dennison either needs to get canned or find some inner creative bone in his body.  Come out and throw the ball from a 4 WR set every down.  How about a good old fashion screen game, remember the one Gailey used to kill other teams with?  There are things that could be done to be better.  What is frustrating is that, at least on offense anyways, I don't think Dennison is capable. 

  3. 23559959_10214728069264422_9184233745397


    He was lucky he didn't get picked off in the Saints game.  All the Chargers had to do was look at the tape.  He stares down his receivers.  I highly doubt they thought he was ready or that he gave us a better chance to win.  I think they believe they can mold a QB to their liking.  The stuff Tyrod does with non-existent recievers and bad pass protection he should get a medal for.  They'll find that out and it will probably be too late.

  4. I hate to even use his name but do you think Belichick would be "evaluating" a 5th rd QB who just threw 5 picks in one half of play.  That kid would have been on the first bus out of town.  You have to start with good coaching and if McDermott hasn't figured out that Dennison can't produce then he's going to be "evaluating" hit "process" all damn year.  Go watch other teams.  They get guys wide open.  They get easy passes and good running lanes.  Dennison took Manning who had just thrown 94 TD passes in two years and had him benched by the end of the season.

  5. I think they made a few moves too many, at least for this season.  Every move right up until trading Dareus seemed almost genius but they went to the well one too many times.  Dareus left and the defense left with him.  No defense means the games aren't even close.  Tyrod can get you a play or two in a close game.  McCoy can get you a play or two in a close game.  We aren't going to win games where the other team is scoring 30 plus points and certainly not if they are doing it on the ground.  They got full of themselves and walked the team over the cliff for this season.  Then next season ........... what then?  Literally rebuilding the roster?  Getting that franchise QB?  Dennison will groom him on offense?  When was the last great Dennison QB, maybe Schaub in Houston 2012?  I think it got good and then it got out of control and maybe it's all a little bigger than McDemott can handle right now.

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  6. I think they know the Dareus trade has effectively ended their season.  They are shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic.  Without any defense they're just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.  Peterman was never going to score enough to win with this defense.  Worse yet that might be why I think he could actually start again next week.  They know this defense is incapable of winning most games.  If they don't know that Taylor gives them the best chance at winning when the defense is playing well then they shouldn't be coaching.  If the defense can't stop anyone then why not start evaluating players.  If they think the defense can get better then we'll see Taylor next week.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. Just now, Buffalo Boy said:

    I think Sammy was too expensive and they thought he wasn’t going to stay after playing out his contract regardless.

    It has been rough without ANY legitimate deep threat.

    Thompson should be starting.  Crazy comparison but in Carolina Ted Ginn stepped up.  Doing well in N0 now.  He's not a "great" receiver but every team needs a deep threat.  Thompson has produced whenever we get him on the field.

  8. 1 minute ago, Fadingpain said:

    In my opinion, 2 INTs go on Nate's record today, and no more.


    The first should have been a completion; 2 others were lame duck passes as Peterman threw when he was hit.  I'm willing to ignore those.


    The 2 others were the real interceptions; he had time, he looked; he threw, he made bad decisions and/or bad passes.



    Great we'll tell the stat guys to adjust accordingly.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Buffalo Boy said:

    I don’t think it was Dennison’s decision to trade Sammy or gut the roster.  This receiving Corp is capable of playing a short game.

    Is asking your QB to throw with timing, Place balls in the field of play and anticipate routes too much for any OC to ask?


    Given that Dennison ruined Peyton Manning the answer might be yes when it comes to his offense.  Dennison hasn't done anything worth writing home about since 2012.

  10. Sadly the more I read this stuff the more I'm beginning to think McDemott is an idiot also.  Defense is his specialty and that is the biggest problem we have right now.  Then add in that he can't even figure out after that dumpster fire who should be playing QB.  Sorry there's no way to spin that crap.  To easy to see.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, PastaJoe said:

    If DiMarco catches that first pass we may have had a completely different game. That may have rattled Peterman, and then the next 2 Ints were in the OL.

    Might be the funniest thing I've seen/read all day.  Surely he was going to go on to throw for 300 yards and 4 TD's ............ but that one damn pick set it all into motion.

  12. 6 hours ago, Maine-iac said:

    What 90 percent of the posters in this thread are missing and that those analysts weren't is why Tyrod didn't throw deep last week on a 3rd and long.  We run for negative yards, we get penalized we end up in 3rd and 15.  We run a play where only two people even run routes past the sticks and the defense is in cover 3 and every airmchair QB in Buffalo groans and shakes their first in the air.  The real story is that with a good running game, something Dennson appears incapable of designing, Taylor took a lot of shots down field and did very well at it.  When called on 2nd and 5 or 3rd and 3, deep shots are effective.  If you have a per carry average of 1.7 and your QB is throwing on 3rd and 15 and not getting it your team shouldn't be in that position in the first place.

    Yeah ........... because I just chimed in on this after the game right?

    A whole thread dedicated to how dumb ESPN is calling out the QB switch and now they're going to keep a stiff upper lip when someone calls them on it.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Heitz said:

    Fwiw, both QBs looks bad today and the D got SMOKED on what seemed like every play. Like, holy crap, stop one pass!  That’s my view from inside the stadium, typed from the 405 because for the first time I left a game early...


    I hope the entire 18 roster is new players!

    Today?  Both QB's looked bad today?  Which game are you watching?

    • Haha (+1) 1
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