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Posts posted by gobills1212

  1. 8 hours ago, Cygnus99 said:

    I like Tyrod he is a good person and may not be the best quarterback but he does have some great talents at times . If he stays with Buffalo I will still support the Bills no matter what happens . Try to think positive . Last year we were 9-7 and made it to the playoffs 

    This year let's go for 10-6 ( still second place ) and win at least a playoff game 

    GO BILLS ! 

    LOL!!! after seeing the thread where the guy says he'll quit if the Bills KEEP tyrod, you just couldnt help yourself could you?


    I've never understood why some random 'rah'rah' thought like this wouldnt have been posted as an argument to the other useless thread that already exists.

    Furthermore - ( and i swear this sounds like me being a jerk but it simply is what it is and I dont mean to be rude) WHO CARES?

    If you are a fan of the team, you'll like them regardless even if you disagree with their decisions. Fans dont run the team, and its assumed you'll stick as a fan (assuming you are a true fan) through thick and thin. Dumb decisions and great decisions. Either you are a fan or you arent. 


    Why Joe Schmos feel the need to come in the interwebs and declare their love or hate based on a decision they cant control or in some cases even comprehend is mind boggling. 

    If you ABSOLUTELY have to get something off your chest and NEED to have this be its own thread, bring something different. Even if its off the wall crazy.

    Luckily, your fellow posters have lifted you up and kinda turned this into a 'what was the closest you've ever come to turning in your fan card' discussion - but not everyone is as lucky as you.

    The above sounds like something someones mom would say who is a casual fan of the local HS football team!!

    If all else fails and you still INSIST on creating a thread like this at least hook us up with orange slices and juice boxes


  2. 1 hour ago, Buffalo Bills Detective said:

    New England - doesn't matter what the atmosphere is like.  as long as Brady is the QB, it's a loss.
    Minnesota - if it's Cousins, combined with that defense, it's a loss.
    Green Bay - Rodgers was shut down because we had a dominant defensive line that included a motivated Mario Williams and Marcel Dareus.  That game was also won, because Rodgers missed a wide open Jordy Nelson on what would have been a guaranteed 70+ yard TD pass.
    Lions - it's a home game and whoever starts at left tackle will have to deal with Ziggy Ansah on the edge.  Stafford will also be throwing all over the field to Golden Tate and Marvin Jones - both of them might have career games.
    Bears - Trubisky will be more experienced and they still an improving defense

    Buffalo Bills Detective? More like Buffalo Bills Pessimist, IMO.

    I get not wanting to get your hopes up... but why bother being a fan - let alone come to a message board? 

    Unless you are one of these folks who just sticks around to watch it burn this is some pretty shoddy detective work.

    Maybe turn that card in at the door. You can however keep your bills fan card - provided you turn that frown upsidedown and provide a few more 'upbeat' takes.


  3. 1 hour ago, Buffalo Bills Detective said:

    Um, for one thing, we still play in the same division as the Patriots and their QB is this guy named Tom Brady.  We're also playing the NFC North next season, that includes games AT Minneapolis and AT Green Bay (2 guaranteed losses) and home games against improved Lions and Bears teams.  We're also playing the AFC South, with 3 potential losses against Houston, Tennessee and Jacksonville.

    sounds like you have them at sub 500 either way - so by that logic why does it matter to you who plays qb?

  4. 1 hour ago, Buffalo Bills Detective said:

    The only way the Bills would be in a position to move up for Rosen, would be for Darnold or Allen to go 1st overall, the Giants take Saquon Barkley at 2 and they trade up to 3 with Indy.


    Even then, do you want this team, with all of its holes, to give up 2 firsts this year and possibly a 1st and 2nd in 2019 for Rosen?


    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, RalphWilson'sNewWar said:

      The money quote that gives you hope we have finally found the right guy who can look at the situation, analyze the numbers and not just rest his ego on bottom line results.


    in someways when you say “we aren’t as good as you think we are” he is basically saying yeah we are 9-7 WC team but in several key stats we were worse in 2017 than we were in 2026 and the WC is largelt based on a missed call on a Matt Ryan fumble, a missed Adam Vineteri FG, and Andy Dalton.


    so do not expect that we are moving toward our window.  In fact this quote leans toward preparing the fans for things to go slowly in season 2 and perhaps even backwards record wise (should it be with a rookie QB)


    Either way...recognizing the limitations and allowing that to influence your decisions is sound.


    sigh of relief!

    Is there ANYTHING I can do to convince you to give me a ride in your time machine? Pretty please?? I just think that d be SSSSOOOOO cool!!:)

  6. 3 hours ago, Buff808 said:

    I will guarantee the Bill will do the wrong thing, they always do.  They should keep Taylor. If they can get Bridgewater, forget these dam rookies, if you didn't learn from the last fifteen years you will never learn. Use the picks to build a team around these QBs play to win now before your good players all have to retire. We may get. QB in the 3rd round.  He may be just as good without the risk of putting our future in one pick, if he is a flop we lose big time.

    You must be an absolute pleasure to watch a game with;)

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Buffalo Barbarian said:

    I don't see Minnesota in the QB market, they have 3 QBs, one of them had to go. They probably figured Keenum was a flash in the pan or think Bridgewater will get back to normal and keep Bradford as the backup.



    You understand their contract situations right? Just bc they had 3 qbs last year doesn't mean they have 3 qbs NEXT year. Generally,  when contracts expire the player isn't expected to come right back the next year with out a contract.  Thank R.C.Owens for that. Teddys status is still up in the air, but since neither of these other qbs are named Drew Brees and a guy like Cousins is out there it makes sense for the time being, MAYBE, they have 1 qb. I'd imagine that's prob pretty convient if they want to get skinny in the roster at that position for someone they deem special.


  8. 8 hours ago, John from Hemet said:

    Shetland ponies are the fricken devil


    Yes....I have a story

    Please save it for the next framing tyrods stats in a positive light thread. It'll give me a reason to read past the 1st sentence;) if I gotta sift through the crap hopefully I get a good story ABOUT crap out of it lol

    • Haha (+1) 1
  9. 12 hours ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    The expectations completely depend on the player. Watson is a great example. He lit the league on fire but had played a ton of football at an incredibly high level. He was way more pro ready than Mahomes or Trubisky. That doesn’t mean that he will have the best career (he certainly might).


    My expectations for Rosen and Mayfield are that they should be the best in year 1. They are the most ready IMO. I’ve seen the argument that Lamar Jackson’s skill set could make him a dynamic playmaker at the start. Most would agree that Josh Allen needs a redshirt year.


    The point is that the player dictates the expectations not former draft picks. Everyone is at a different point of their development when they enter the league.

    Well said. All depends on said players specs. I'd imagine each has their own specific plan as to how they are handled and what they are deemed capable of barring any surprises. I know people hold out hope that player xx could turn out to be the next steal of the decade qb wise but if they don't get a guy early and take a '2nd tier' guy who doesn't show a propensity to rise to the top out of camp HOPEFULLY patience is exercised by both them and the coaches as to not ruin him. I have confidence the latter will happen though, which is guess is really all that matters.

  10. 10 hours ago, Albwan said:

    only racists see racist ghosts around every corner.

    Excuse me? Seriously? What kind of tool/troll comes on the internet from behind their keyboard and actually has the audacity and nerve to call someone they don't even know a racist? 

    Had you have bothered to read (asking a lot around here I know) you would have taken away that there was no implied racism nor racist ghosts. I know comprehension is hard, but the dig was the lazy comparison between the two. It's easy, it's lazy, and it's in correct. Leave it to some nitwit who can't be bothered to read to start throwing around the race card. Furthermore,  before you start gracing us with more of your uninformed observations - get a clue and try and keep up. This is the last time I take the time to bring you up to speed and consider it a favor so you don't post yourself in a corner and all respect is lost for your scolding hot takes.


    Grow up and talk football

  11. 10 hours ago, Buffalo Ballin said:

    There is a QB coach for this, tons of game film, and Lamar Jackson has a mind of his own. A good QB will succeed regardless of the previous QB.

    Lol, right? No where did I compare or infer Jackson would just BECAUSE tyrod was previously the Bills qb. A 'bridge' qb however is a very real thing. McGowan seems to get universal praise bc he is so good with the other younger qbs. There will always be coaches, but that's where that line ends...with the white line on the edge of the playing field. My point was that just bc tyrod is also an excellent African American athlete, that doesn't automatically make him the best fit to mentor him. At this point in his career,  he's got his own game he needs to worry about. I wouldn't love tyrod showing him the ropes as people seem to suggest would be a good thing, lazily, again because of skill set and skin color.  

  12. How about a Tyrod Rosen tandem? Or Taylor Mayfield? Does this only work with excellent African American athletes? Not everyone, but it blows my mind how much traction this tandem has gotten since yesterday's report... or any time anyone has mentioned drafting Jackson previously.  Just seems like a lazy steretyping take. Personally, i dont want Jackson. But should he end up here - I'm not sure I want Tyrod being the one to show him the ropes as he hasn't exactly mastered the position at the NFL level..

  13. On 2/22/2018 at 7:01 PM, reddogblitz said:


    My only point was that you don't have to trade up to a top 3 spot in order to get the next Peyton Manning to get to and win a super bowl.  I would rather draft someone if someone good is there we can get.  In the meantime also get another Free agent and keep Hotrod.  No sense putting all your eggs in one basket.  Seattle didn't do that and they ended up with Russell Wilson.  Minnesota didn't do that yet they have 3 quality QBs.


    Why tie yourself to only one method of getting the QB.  Leave no stone un turned.  Don't assume a back up is not good because he's not a starter.  Don't assume you can't sign someone better than what we have.  Don't assume the only way to get there is by a top 3 draft pick.


    Drafting the next Peyton Manning would be awesome.  


    I'm not saying don't try.  Just don't bet the ranch on a wing and a prayer.  That's drought thinking.  We're now in the post draft era and it's about winning NOW.

    Agree to disagree I guess. You say the above is drought thinking, but it was never tried once. The year they drafted JP - things would have been different had they have been able to get up the board for Ben. EJs year is just a suck hole for qbs and better forgotten. 

    The other years? Plug and play, giving guys shots who hadn't previously gotten them, giving guys 2nd chances,  essentially trying everything besides trying to get up to land a blue chip qb.

    To me, drought thinking is getting Keenum and being satisfied. I'm sick of guys who might be competent if they are in the right system (obviously this always helps but the great ones aren't as affected by it) or the team around them brings them up a notch. 

    Non drought thinking is striving for excellence and actually doing something about it. Wanting more than just ok. Could a Rosen or Darnold miss? Sure. If they do - well, then put in your retread or backup getting his shot. At least you gave it a shot. There will always be a McCarron you can chase or an Orton or Cassel you can plug. Not always the case with a rookie who could achieve greatness...


    This Wilson or Cousins stuff... If plucking mid rd guys who rise to excellence were so easy, everyone wld do it and no one wld waste a high pick on a qb. It's the same as your Favre and Brady argument. Sure, there are exceptions, but I'd rather not keep taking flyers hoping the 1 in 1000 happens. Sounds like a lot of loosing football to me..

  14. 1 hour ago, reddogblitz said:


    Again with the false choice.  Either you risk everything in the off chance you draft the next Peyton Manning, or you are for mediocrity and that's all you're gonna get.


    You'd think this years final four and SB MVP would call this theory into question.  Tommy, Bortles, Keenum, and Foles (SB MVP).


    I think maybe "Franchise QB" is perhaps soon to be a thing of the past anyway.  Where are they gonna come from?  All of the ones people mention, Brees, Rodgers, Rivers, Ryan, Tommy, Big Ben are all pushing 40 or beyond.  There are only 3 under 30 and they're all turn 30 very soon.  Luck (if he can still play), Cam, and Russell Wilson. 


    And I don't think 6-10 season are fun, but odds are really good if you trade up and pick a QB that's what you'll get.  9-7 this year was fun however.

    So why even try? 

    What WOULD be fun is drafting a guy who turns out to Peytonesq.

    Gotta be in it to win it. 

    The past has been so so and the record has reflected that. 

    Again, I'm not even sure how this is an argument?


  15. 5 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


    You're welcome.


    AJ would have been snatched away if the Clowns had been able to bet their paper work in on time.


    I was responding to your comment that getting another teams backup doesn't work.  I listed a few and you threw Favre out because he was too good. :w00t:


    And yes I would take a "servicable QB" if he could get us to the SB as 3 of the four I listed did.


    I also don't  think that you either have to throw caution to the wind and trade up to take a chance on the next Peyton Manning, or accept mediocrity. It is a false choice IMHO.



    It has nothing to do w being too good, and it bears mentioning Glanville didn't want the kid so he only had a year on the pine before supplementing the Magik Man. It's just the exception to the rule, as is Brady. It' s the modern equivlant of the Bills acquiring Kieser and having him turn into Favre. Same for the few people who want a team to keep taking 6th rd qbs in hopes of finding the next Brady. It was lightning in a bottle and it happened once. It may not happen for another 9,999 times. Should we keep trying to hit that 1 in 10,000? 


    I didn't discount what you said, I just think it's more inline with the status quo with past regimes. Swing for the fences,  or continue with the Cassels or Kolbs of the world.  Ya want to have a shot a at a return to glory? Acquire an elite qb. Since no one is giving their away find the one you like the most and take him. If not, unless everything else lines up for a perfect season we are right where we have been. Unless you think 6-10, -9-7 seasons are fun..

    I honestly don't mean to come across as high and mighty or pompous, but why does this even need to be explained? Maybe Mcarron is decent - but his upside prob isn't elite. Stop the nonsense and do everything possible to try to obtain elite! Luckily, from the little we have heard it sounds like McBeane is trying and spinning the wheels is plan B.

  16. 34 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:


    I think there's more to it than that.  I think a lot of it relates to his college career and winning 2 national championships at Alabama.  He performed really well on the big stage. In his little time in the NFL he also has looked very good.  I'd take him.  I wanted the Bills to draft him.


    It has worked.  Cheese traded for Favre who was buried on the bench in Atlanta.  The Texans did well for a few years with Schaub.  Seahawks got to SB with Matt Hasselbeck who was burred on the pine in Green Bay. Broncos got to the Super Bowl on Craig Morton's 3rd or 4th stop in the NFL. 


    I don't understand why more TBDers don't want him.  He is a classic accurate pocket passer who comes up big in the clutch and in big games., things TBDers want in a QB or at least so i read often.  He's certainly less of a question mark than a draft choice like Allen or Rosen or Jackson or White.  There's more to it than just he hasn't played much IMHO.

    Well, Thanks! 

    You LITTERALLY just proved my point. 

    The end game is a moot point due to lack of a crystal ball - but none the less. He's done just enough, hasn't floundered in his limited opportunities and has things on his resume that people can point to, nudge each other and say 'see?? Eh??' 

    Dude could kill it, but aside from Favre the rest of your list isn't exactly awe inspiring and were essentially servicable. Full circle to do you want servicable, or potentially great?

    Pointing to Favre is (imo) as silly as when people point to Brady and say a late rd pick could crush it. Sure, there are anomalies but WAAYYY more often than not these teams are left w buyers remorse.  


    2 yrs ago, I wlda loved taking a stab at AJ.

    Now, I just kinda think if there was something there he would have been snatched away or at least given a shot. Sure, he's now a Buffalo folks hero but ol Red Rocket isn't exactly top 3rd and he still didn't supplant him

  17. 18 hours ago, SoTier said:

    Can somebody please explain to me why AJ McCarron is being grouped and discussed as being close in stature with Cousins, Keenum, Bridgewater, and Bradford, all four of whom had at least 1 full season as starter? 


    McCarron was a fifth round pick who has done nothing to distinguish himself in the NFL.   He has played in all of 7 games in 2015, starting 3 and throwing 79 completions from 119 attempts for 6 TDs and 2 INTs.   In 2016, McCarron played in 1 game an bud made no pass attempts.  In 2017, he played in 3 games and threw 7 passes in 14 attempts with no TDs and INTs.  That McCarron was almost traded to Cleveland doesn't improve his stature since all it does is prove that Cinci didn't think highly enough of him to keep him.

    The unknown. Nothing more, nothing less. He has displayed competency, which only in the NFL does that equate to big $$. So many guys have proven to be meh, it stands to reason someone wants to take a chance on someone who has yet to be categorized as such as they still have a chance to be better than meh. Seems pretty common and isn't anything new. Same reason Bills paid for RJ, SEA for Flynn, Texans for OZ and so on... at least there is a glimmer of hope opposed to your Ortons, McCowns, Fitzys etc


  18. So what makes this thought special enough to warrant it's own thread? 


    Again, are there awards given out for new tyrod posts and everyone just wants to take a kick at the can? 


    Everyone gets mad about the TBD portion and the buffalo news articles, but the changes to the stadium wall seem just as frustrating these days. 


    Instead of the generally well thought out posts that used to occur, why do we now have posts that instead of being placed in the corresponding existing threads just end up as new ones?


    Instead of reading for a sec, people decide to start a topic with the 1st random thought that crosses their mind like it's something no one else has considered from their arm chair and deemed special. You want me to read your opinion, but you can't be bothered to see if it's already being discussed? Sure, I could stop reading it - but that would be a shame bc there really are some excellent takes and well formed opinions. It never used to be that ... now you REALLY have to sift through the crap to find the good stuff. 


    It's as bad as these idiots on YouTube who film themselves giving their opinions on the draft but the 1st thing out of their mouth is 'I haven't watched the tape yet' . Really? You can't be bothered to do the work to form an opinion but yet you expect someone to take the time to watch your or crappy video apparently based on your pre existing non well informed opinions?? 


    It's like everything has turned into the most cliche football convo you hear at the bar from the guy who has hardly watched a game all year but has a grand master plan on a return to glory...

    Ya.. talking football is fun...



    And yes, I just hijacked your tyrod thread. Maybe at least something worthwhile will happen in it now :)



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