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Posts posted by gobills1212

  1. 13 minutes ago, The Bills Blog said:

    Try "Josh Rosen scouting report" and click on the one from NFL.com...

    Oh... In that case do you have a  blog where I can get even more of this content?

    4 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    I like Darnold too, but Rosen is more polished. Imo

    This is my feeling as well. I'd be happy w either and can talk myself into being happy whatever the decision should we be lucky enough to choose

  2. 5 minutes ago, jeremy2020 said:


    It's not that odd. We've seen the Cordy Glenn Injury show for 3 years now. They haven't.

    A simple use of the Google machine tells a pretty accurate story.  

    Dude gets paid a ton, is a bit of a reclamation project, and 12 to 21 is HUGE. 

    No funny business, I kinda feel for em. To rationalize that 12 was too high a pick... that must mean they have been through the ringer. That can't be fun. That is some serious abuse

  3. 1 hour ago, Gamache518 said:

    According to Buffalo report Bills reportedly have been talking to Colts in acquiring their 1st round draft pick (3). Both sides have been talking all day.

    No way, no how, won't believe it, can't believe it.

    I'd be SHOCKED if they didn't just trade for 12 so they have a shot at Jackson. In other news, it's just been reported that it appears as though the Buffalo Bills will be playing their home portion of their schedule at new era field. :) I'll be sure to update if this proves to be true!

  4. So a dupe Glenn post.... But with a poll:)


    Oddly, I'm shocked Bengals fans love this as much as they do. They don't seem to mind the $$, the injury, or oddest of all moving down. In fact, the like it because they were worried about reaching at 12. Man does that seem backwards. Shame they don't have any other higher picks:)

  5. 1 hour ago, Yav said:

    That’s all fine and I agree that what the Bills do I will be fine with, but I don’t think anyone is wrong in either camp. I personally am not impressed with any of these QBs and honestly what has Luck really done? I just think they can get AJ and not loose draft picks and can’t really understand people saying AJ is unproven and garbage but why isn’t he just as good as the kids in the draft. That being said, landing AJ who has NFL experience would also allow the Bills to keep their draft picks. 


    I just see this as better better option than landing a kid who may or may not work. 

    But technically, they have done/tried that approach before and here we are. They could do that any year they want. Lots of $$ to play with going forward. I just feel like what you want (which although i disagree, I respect) can be done any year they want. There will always be a guy who didn't get a shot or who has played spot duty and showed potential. Its not often it's set up to make a big move and draft your guy and not destroy the franchises future. Its not like this is 2013 where 1 or 0 guys have rd 1 grades. This was a hyped class and it seems the precived issues with this year's class is kinda nitpicky. There could be 4 HOF, or there could be zero with this qb class. But many years you could say there are 1 or 2 known potential yellow jackets. Obviously this is getting down the rabbit hole here... But it's becoming the #1 argument now (bc tyrod is gone and next years cap opens up) is that it's an uncertainty and there's no sure thing. That's the draft. The whole idea is to limit the chances of a bust. If they eyed a guy the love where they feel the chances are smaller then give it a whirl! At least it won't be a half assed attempt like jp and ej. Plus,  no abbreviated 2 letter 1st name qbs this year.... so we are golden!!;)

  6. 39 minutes ago, Yav said:

    You’re missing the point in of those not willing to give up that much. 


    The point is NONE of these QB look all that great. USC and UCLA produce more duds than studs at QB and Mayfield has character issues and his height is a huge question and the other two will need time to develop and even then may not be that great. 


    Taking that into consideration, it’s not worth mortgaging the future on a maybe. 

    But as i've stated in the MANY other threads and I've just gotten sick of typing it - IF there is a guy they LOVE then do it.

    I'm not talking an EJ take a guy to take a guy, but a guy they believe will change the course of the franchise.

    The thing is, WE arent GMS, professional scouts, or even football gurus. We can watch film and see what we like and dont like but honestly outside of Luck - there hasnt been a cant miss guy in the last 10 years and who are we to say otherwise?

    There has however been a much greater hit rate at the top.

    These guys have a plan and this is their chance to realize it. Trade up, dont trade up, its their job- not ours. 

    There comes a point when people have to realize they root for the team NOT the player.

    People fall in love with guys and even if they trade up and get their guy some folks will be mad they didnt take the other guy.

    Personally, I'd rather they stay away from Jackson and would rather Rudolph if it came down to the 2. Im sure some people disagree.

    BUT if Jackson was the pick? Great. Im pissed for a second and then GO BILLS. Why? Bc what do i know?

    IM not the GM and its THEIR plan. The fact that there seems to be a plan is a step in the right direction bc if Whaley had a plan it seemed to change course a few times and wasnt very cohesive. 

    I'm all in on a trade up for the afore mentioned reasons. If you hit, you are golden for 10-15 years. The avg QBs that need support from everywhere to break .500 is an old trick and wearing thin. If not for a little luck last year we are staring down another playoff year. When you've tired everything else and you GM makes the comments hes made about the position AND they love a guy - just let them do what they do. Worst that happens is you endure 3 more years of the same old same old and someone else come along to take a kick at the can.

    Really, by thius point you've got nothing to loose.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Reed83HOF said:

    Nice post! Thanks for the great INsight and for sharing your thoughts!

    it does seem VERY organized and easy to read.

    All of which has been discussed, but it still amazes me how many are against this now that Tyord has departed.

    To me, it seems simple. People arguing that they cant give it all away bc of all the holes.... just flip it.

    Say you stand pat and 'fill holes'

    Next year when/if you have 90+ mill (when and how holes should be filled IMO) you cant go 'buy' a FQB with all that $$ and are still where we have been for the last umpteen years of trying to build a decent roster w/o/the FQB.

    I think it even offers a bit of a saftey net if they trade it all away and he busts.

    To each their own... but for those who argue dont trade up bc of holes..... i wonder if they are familiar w/the cap projections going forward

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 1 hour ago, simool said:


    Man I don't know Bandit, original thought on this board is a bit of a unicorn... We do have a crap ton on the speculative thought side though....

    Point blank, this is obv OT but is it bc the other board was shut? There was some good stuff on occasion there but this was far and away more informative and a better read. I'm not straight up blaming the influx as why the change has happened bc I don't know... but was it that? Was making the playoffs marking an up tick of people who wanted to discuss the team? Did board rules become less stringent where these posts wld just be merged before? It's not fair to say what it is when I don't know myself but the some or depending on time of year, most, of the posts act like it's a new discussion or an arm chair pov that hasn't had any research prior to posting are mind boggling. Its not fair also to lump all transplants in that group, but it was such an influx that i think it tends to. Many have brought great game with them and shoukd be/are respected.As I maintain,  there is great stuff and great posts but now it needs to be sifted through. There didnt seem to be as much stuff that you are shocked  someone actually attaches their name to.

  9. 4 hours ago, aceman_16 said:

    Would it not been easier to just say... "I don't like this hire"  versus rehash it MONTHS later in a passive aggressive undertone?


    Ps: His answer should be - " Tell me who my QB is and I will tell you my limitations!"

    Think about how much time went into writing it, and then how much time was taken up by all the people who read it. Damn shame, that time could have been spent arguing if it's smart to trade up or what FA qb is the best? Heck, it could have even been spent debating if our punter lost us the JAX game!!

  10. 18 minutes ago, simool said:


    Really?  No it did not fly over my head. At the point you have at least a dozen examples of this bs on the main board, I stick by my initial assessment of idiotic.

    Right, but when the thread is self aware it's at least different.  Its the posts like this that are serious that scare/amaze me

  11. 16 minutes ago, simool said:

    Another idiotic thread.

    Yes, see, but it's funny bc that's the idea.

    You see, this is a form of mockery.

    The irony of starting a crappy thread making fun of crappy threads is funny to those annoyed by said crappy threads. 

    Thank God for humor-am I right??

    • Haha (+1) 2
  12. I just don't understand how it can even be argued any other way. Now that Tyrod is gone, the #1 argument is they have SO MANY HOLES to fill and trading away the picks don't allow for them to be filled. 

    But the opposite is..... getting a FA guy drafting to fill holes... and then rather than filling holes w next yrs 90 mill in cap space - THEN we go try and buy a QB? Seems a little all too familiar. 

    IF you love a guy, go get him. Let him learn this yr and go fill holes next year. Maybe it just makes too much sense... Maybe people are afraid of change? Either way, this argument scares the heck outta me...

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