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Posts posted by gobills1212

  1. 5 hours ago, lxxenigmaxxl said:

    After looking at this article I see names of guys I was rooting for the bills to draft. Its amazing how many of these guys flamed out. It even more amazing how many first rounders flame out. The reason I bring this up is there are potentially 5 guys in this draft that could make it big. If you look though history it seems the only consistence is the first quarterback taken off the board usually pans out. After that it seems to be a crap shoot. So should we sell off multiple picks for for 1 crap shoot?  I really don't think there are any ways to tell which of these guys are going to be a franchise QB. After looking at this article do you still feel the same about moving up in the draft?




    Good read, thanks!

  2. 6 hours ago, Steptide said:

    How can it not? I can't think of any qb we can sign in free agency or draft that could be automatically the starter. 

    Bc we don't know what the field is yet.... unless this is just an exercise and another tell everyone who you want their qb to be thread- how can anyone make a pick/argument when no one can see their actual choices??? 

  3. Thread is like a bad movie. It starts out ok and you think they might be on to something and it will hold your attention.... only to have the ending  be bad and confusing which makes it a complete waste of time. 

  4. 49 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

    The issue isn't really if the fans want Foles, Rosen or whomever. It's the draft, FA and trades. All have a price to pay , opportunity cost possibilities etc. it really comes down to what does the Bills FO value most, who do they believe in or not, and what is the path they choose to get the franchise to the promised land? I think there are a few different ways they could go, but no idea what way they will ultimately decide is right. 

    1000000% agree. Hit the nail on it's proverbial head

  5. 43 minutes ago, USABuffaloFan said:

    There are plenty of QB's to get that add upside to Taylor and won't cost everything. I would rather give up a 1st and 4th rounder to Eagles then all our picks to get 1st pick and our choice of QB. Foles will lead you to playoffs were that is not a guarantee with any QB in this draft. If the Bills are a playoff team next year Foles can do the job, proven that already. This is the smart choice. If Buffalo wants to keep all it's picks then get McCarron, Bridgewater, McCown and draft Jackson or Baker 10-21, move up if needed but not to top 4.

    Yeah, EJ, Losman could play too but winning is another question.

    Could they though? One was a trade up to get in the party and the other was essentially bc they decided they needed to draft a qb. When you can trade down and still get the 1st qb off the board it's not exactly awe inspiring.  Kirby summed it up pretty well w his thoughts imo

  6. 4 minutes ago, MOVALLEYRANDY said:

    If we could All just be like you

    Hey man, to each their own. While not actually offering something of substance at least you were original. If you dig more clicks to find grounded and well informed/new takes and discussion be my guest. More power to you! Me? It's pretty evident there are some EXCELLENT posters and takes here. Ya just need to know where to look to find them. This thread is not one of em. They've been doing it for years and continue to do so. Thankfully of course bc with out them it just wouldn't be worth it. 


  7. 30 minutes ago, JinxedBill1 said:

    This staff is too smart to not have a plan for both.  Have to think they have a FA or trade QB right now that's an upgrade from Taylor to trade him.


    Draft your QB of the future.

    This is obvious and evident but does bear mentioning as you have. Theories abound and everyone has their favorite so inivetibly there will be some form of disappointment to varying degrees but no way do these guys cut their starter (even if only in name) and not have multiple fall back plans for different senerios. I'd be shocked if this wasn't the 1st step to get to point B and move that plan along in that they don't seem like the type to move unless there is already something else in the works nearing completion. 

  8. 4 hours ago, BuffaloBaumer said:

    How many stupid, repeat threads until it stops?

    Right? Surely the op couldn't have thought this was an original/fresh post rather than looking 2 threads up or down. 

    That said, it's got all the key elments of a classic dupe.

    The potential trade senerio (Duh..)

    The fan boy subject of the trade up

    The innocence/ignorance of the thread 

    And finally, the invitation to discuss what's already being discussed in every other thread as if there is an original spin.

    Yearning for social interaction makes the fingers type some crazy things...

  9. 3 hours ago, Badthingsman said:

    I'm not saying that QB is not the most important position.  What I am saying is there is not enough talk about the game changer on defense.  JJ Watt is a great example.  Khalil Mack is another.  Suh was an animal.  I'd also like to add that (forget Maybin) the odds on a stud defender working out are WAY better than a QB.  Just look at the long line of loser first round QB's like Couch, Manziel, Barkely, etc.    

    So why even bother to try? (He said sarcastically)

  10. 13 hours ago, Tipster19 said:

    1. First off the QB position isn’t our only need. There’s several positions that are either aged or totally lacking of top caliber talent. Plus the cost of moving up in the draft would not only gut this year’s picks but would more than likely tap into some of next year’s as well.


    2. How many times has it been stated that the best way to build a roster is through the draft. A team can’t do it without and/or minimal picks.


    3. It appears that we are plugging holes with FAs, especially with prove it type contracts.  Here’s the thing though, don’t lose sight that these will become holes to fill in the near future (2019?). That is why it’s important to retain our current top draft picks and use them on up and coming players with cap friendly contracts. The holes that Beane is filling today are holes that going to be filled tomorrow so to speak. Don’t be surprised that these are going to be the same positions that we draft for. We need better contracts with younger players and this is how you do it.


    4. I would like to see us to keep on following this blueprint of plug and play veterans that give us roster depth for the time being until we can get through these next 2 years (2018 and 2019). Furthermore I think that the Bills should use this philosophy also in securing a QB (Keenum?) that replaces Tyrod. 


    5. To elaborate more on the contract mindset just look at our DT position as an example. I’m paraphrasing here so bear with me, my numbers may not be completely accurate but this is really more about making a point. An aging Kyle Williams is still up in the air and we have 1, possibly 2 unproven DTs on the current roster. If I’m not mistaken Ndamukong Suh is going to count something like 26M towards Miami’s cap. The Rams’ Aaron Donald is up for a new contract, hence the Rams trading off some of their top defensive players (Alec Ogletree and Robert Quinn). They are prioritizing, creating cap space for re-signing and retaining some of their current players at other positions, Donald, Watkins etc etc. The Bills can’t afford contracts like Suh’s and soon to be re-signed Donald’s. Some of the reason for Dareus being traded was due to his absorbent contract, it was way out of whack.


    In closing I want to point out one last thing. Beane inherited the current affairs, he didn’t create it. It’s going to take some time to turn things around and balance not only the caliber of player but also the caliber of their contracts. It’s a business and our books are in somewhat of a shamble. We haven’t had a real GM in God knows how long, it seems like it has been run by a committee for almost as long as I can remember. Now I don’t know how good of a GM Beane is or if he’s the right guy but at least this administration/front office is finally getting structured the proper way.


    With all this being said I can hardly wait to see what the Bills are going to do in free agency and the upcoming daft!


    Go Bills!

    I worry about 11 rep points in just under 4k posts (4 of which are on this post alone) but it seems you have really thought this out so I gotta give you credit for that....

    BUT I fundamentally disagree with the majority of this. 

    Getting a QB that works out allows as well as forces a team to build through the draft.

    As previously noted, drafting a QB means he comes FROM the draft.

    Lasting success is generally achieved via a lasting star QB who tends to make others rise to his level and can make nobodies stars.   

    Fluke years aside, w/o a qb you are just spinning your tires.

    Many of the above points were tried both ways during the last 17 years to varying degrees of success but all fell short bc (say it with me now) we were unable to draft that franchise guy.

    No matter how great or poor the roster was, the lack of qb to put it over the top made it a moot point.


    game, set, match.

  11. 19 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:

    There's no such thing as an inordinate amount of focus on the most difficult position in professional major sports when a team hasn't had a viable long term solution since 1996.

    end thread


    God i cant wait until the draft is over so the daft threads and the weak sauce takes stop.

    Its always amazes me how many "fans" and self proclaimed "educated enthusiasts" are willing to come to a web site and publicly attach their name to nonsense.  

    i guess there is always something to complain about - but if you could add JJ Watt or Aaron Rodgers to your team (both great players so credit where its due) but outside the 1 guy who wants to be difficult and different EVERYONE else picks Rodgers.

    Maybe the equivalent to each isnt even IN this class but ya gotta at least try for the right answer to the above question....

    and YES there IS a right answer 

  12. 1 hour ago, Buffalo Bills Detective said:

    Like who?  Adrian Clayborn? Kony Ealy?  Alex Okafor?  Maybe we'll get lucky and Demarcus Lawrence will hit the free agent market and sign with the Bills.  NOT!

    Hahahahahahahaha did you really just 'NOT' dude?? Yikes

    Anywho, I like Jerrah, and I hate that it opens a hole but simple logic suggests if you have a qb who can just light it up and put up points galore and carry the team on his back to victory -the kind of qb who you move to #2 and CAN become a franchise guy- IF you hit on that guy you are golden and a hole could be a bit more plug and play. 

    You seem to be more of a play it safe kind of guy, but I'm more of a sock of middling it for the last 17 yrs and would like to see a future HOFer playing the position again. If that's the cost then do it up with out a 2nd thought. 

    Meanwhile, have fun with your Tyord or Keenum taking you to the Superbowl....


    NOT!!!! Lol



  13. Then half to two thirds of the fan base will be happy, and half to two thirds will come around. Same as every decision that happens. I personally want them to do whatever it takes for their guy (who I hope is Rosen, but if they are in love with another, they've dug deeper in film and are better scouts than I) and if it doesn't work out- at least they tried. It's always a bit of a crap shoot and even when it isn't, things still aren't a guarantee ah la lucks current situation. That said, ya gotta be in it to win it and I'd like a whack at a top guy rather than the next best like Losman. I'll be happier if he turns ELITE,  but just trying is the 1st step

  14. 1 hour ago, bills6969 said:

    I think he's the best QB in the draft.  Has an arm like Rodgers.  Only thing I question is his football IQ?  Hard to dissect that on tape.  Assuming that is good,  i'd say trade up and pull the trigger on this guy.

    Only thing is his football iq? 

    Respectfully, have you been paying attention to this year's SR Bowl and combine? 

    It's not being hilighted often, but are you aware if his shoulder and it's history?

    I assume you've seen his completion %??

    I mean jeesh... if we are going to start a discussion, let's at least try and get the facts on the tangables straight..

  15. 6 hours ago, gjv001 said:

    I would be very surprised to see Beane trade both 1st round picks for a QB. Would not be surprised to see him move for a QB, they covet, who falls to a point that only one 1st round pick and some other mid-level draft compensation is required.



    Do you know Beane?

    Do you know McD?

    What do you know that makes this insightful in the least? 


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