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Rock-A-Bye Beasley

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Everything posted by Rock-A-Bye Beasley

  1. You don’t think we have the same defense as long as McDermott is here?
  2. I probably would have let some more clock run there before the timeout. Miami will have a chance to score if we don’t pick up the first now
  3. i thought there were a few seconds left on the play clock. Could be wrong.
  4. Not sure but they’ve been at the top of the league in missed tackles since McDermott’s arrival
  5. Two underrated benefits to building a dome 1) no snowballs 2) people stop talking about wanting a dome all the time
  6. That’s huge. Need to get them out of the run, it’s working too well.
  7. wow does that embarrassing run by Mostert mean the Bills aren’t going to win like some of you were acting just a minute ago? see how annoying that is?
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