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Posts posted by MJS

  1. 3 hours ago, BuffaloBillyG said:

    Not really. He moves up for one of the last remaining players with a 1st round grade. Of  course I believe the Allen trade was different. That's a lot different than saying "I need a ....." and moving up to where they are being taken. He has pretty much stayed true to his board and that's why people here keep yelling about certain picks at spots.

    The Elam pick was clearly him targeting a position, in my opinion. And you can make the case for others as well, like Groot and Oliver. I'm sure they had high grades on those players, but they were also positions of need.

  2. 1 hour ago, mushypeaches said:

    At this point, no one should be surprised by the combined greed of the Shield coinciding with their complete disregard for player safety or the fans

    Cry me a river. Stop watching, then.


    They are a business. They prioritize making money and providing a product that people want. There is rabid demand for their product.


    The constant butt-hurt attacks by "fans" like you are really getting nauseating. Go choose another form of entertainment, because you clearly don't like this one.

    • Like (+1) 2
  3. 1 hour ago, BuffaloBillyG said:

    It really shouldn't be much of a shock. That's been the way Brandon has run the draft almost every year since he's been here. 

    Not really. He trades up for the guys he wants. He seems to target specific positions of need. He doesn't appear to draft BPA or focus on just player value to me.

    • Agree 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Brand J said:

    I thought putting it at the 35 was great, but owners amended the rule to put it at the 30, only five more yards given.

    Oh, I didn't know that. 35 would have been better, but I think the 30 still makes it so kickers don't want to kick it out of the end zone.

  5. I think the thing that makes this really interesting is there are no fair catches. If the ball rolls into the end zone, they have to chase it and down it or take it out. If they down it they get it at the 20. If the ball rolls out of the back of the end zone, they get it at the 35. So, kickers are incentivized to keep it in the field of play, and returners are incentivized to return it.


    I actually like this change. It takes a play that is useless 90% of the time and makes it more interesting. Kickers and returners just got a lot more important. No longer can kickers just boot it out of the end zone. They have to be accurate. The only thing I don't like is that there is no longer an option for a surprise onside kick. That's pretty lame.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  6. 4 hours ago, FireChans said:

    Can’t wait to watch plays like DK Metcalf chasing down Buddha Baker be called “hip drop” personal fouls.

    That was not an illegal tackle then or now. Go watch it. He drags him down without performing a hip drop tackle.

  7. Beckham was really only elite with the Giants, and that's because they moved him all around and threw him the ball a TON. He was heavily featured there.


    So, it has been a long time since he has been a player to fear.

  8. 1 hour ago, hondo in seattle said:


    Sure.  But when you tackle, do you think, "This is a hip drop" as opposed to "This is a swivel hip drop"?   

    I understand the risk of injury and the need for a rule.  But I also think most defenders are just trying to get the guy down, not trying to hurt anybody.  And the NFL rulebook keeps getting longer and more complicated.  

    The way you do it legally is you drop your butt to the ground instead of launching your body into the player. It is just as effective and does not injure players. You see it in rugby.


    The clear indicator of the illegal version is if you leave your feet and pull yourself into the player you are tackling. It causes a really awkward twist of the player and you usually land with all your weight on one or both of their legs. The allowed version you don't see them leave their feet like that.


    This is an actual technique that people do on purpose. It is not generally something that just happens by accident. It is a relatively recent technique that players are using.


    Here's a good video:


    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 56 minutes ago, FireChans said:

    We have seen this happen before, it’s going to be a “point of emphasis” and will be called all the time, largely wrongly. 

    @MJS do you remember the stupid “can’t put body weight” on the QB rule? The one that was a reactionary rule change because Rodgers broke his collarbone getting piled driver? They called it a bunch for two years, then the NFL community and refs realized how absolutely stupid it was and it’s basically never called now.


    This penalty will go the same way (if they even assess it as a penalty.) it will be a hot topic for 2 years, ruin a couple games, everyone will realize it’s dumb, and it will go away.

    No, I think it will be like the horse collar tackle. Players will adapt and stop tackling that way, except rarely, like the horse collar.


    And I think players adapted to the body weight rule (which I do think is ridiculous and should be removed. A QB should be able to be tackled just like any other player. I'm not a proponent of protecting QB's. I think all players should be treated roughly the same. I'm also not a big fan of the defenseless receiver rule, apart from head shots. Head shots should be illegal regardless of position). You see guys try to let up instead of driving them into the ground like they used to. So, I would say it had the intended impact, even though I don't agree with it.

    12 minutes ago, JerseyBills said:

    What are the odds this penalty goes against the Bills in a big game? 

    Very small if the Bills tackle correctly. Very high if they tackle illegally.


    I do wish that this is reviewable, however. But it won't be, since it is a penalty.

  10. 54 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    The hip drop wasnt even a thing 2 years ago and now half of you are acting like its part of the fabric of the game.

    Exactly!! People just don't understand what this is. I was skeptical at first, but then I researched it. Now I'm convinced this is the right move.

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  11. 17 minutes ago, FireChans said:

    It wasn’t dirty. Allen is a giant running full speed. If your QB is acting like a runner, he should be treated like a runner. Joey Bosa shouldn’t be forced to grab onto his hips and let him carry him forward 4 more yards for the first down. 

    Hip drop tackles are illegal in multiple sports. Bosa can't tackle him with a horse collar tackle either, even if that might help. He can't tackle him by the face mask, even if that might help. He also can't pull out a gun and shoot him.


    So yeah. If it means he gets dragged for more yards because he can't employ every possible means of stopping him, tough luck.

    1 minute ago, Buffalo ill said:

    Anyone who supports this garbage is likely just trying to help get football replaced with lame ass soccer.  You should be ashamed.  Leave our beautiful sport alone.

    Really, because hip drop tackling has been pretty rare in football until pretty recently where it has started to be more widely used.


    Anyone who doesn't support this just doesn't understand it, I think.

    • Like (+1) 3
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  12. 7 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    He was a victim of it by Joey Bossa I think, but fortunately didn't get injured (idk how because the replay looked ugly.) That was an infamous play that season where we heard on the replay Bosa saying "how else am I supposed to bring him down? He's too big."


    I think it was Bosa. Or maybe Watt.


    The Bills Oline took exception to it and was yelling at him.

    You beat me to it. It was Joey Bosa and Allen came up limping after the play. Bills olinemen went after Bosa after it happened.


    For those who don't know, the hip drop tackle is an actual technique. You have to try to do it. It doesn't happen naturally, usually. It is not that common in the NFL, but in recent seasons is has been growing in popularity. Better to ban it now before it becomes standard.

    • Like (+1) 2
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  13. This is a good move, actually. It's an extremely dangerous play, isn't necessary, and should be banned for the same reasons horse collar tackles are banned.


    And believe me, I'm usually on the side of fewer restrictions.

    5 minutes ago, FireChans said:

    Very dumb. Tackling a guy from behind is simply “grab player, drag him down with your body weight.”


    So if the player is a 5’11 running back, and he’s grabbed by a humongous DT, he’s gonna get pulled backwards and roll. The only way to avoid that would be to let him fall forward and gain more yardage. 

    Really stupid. 

    No, this prevents you from grabbing them and swinging your body into the player to cut his legs out from under him, usually causing you to land on their legs and causing injuries.


    You can wrap up and drag a player to the ground and it is legal as long as you don't do what I mentioned above. This has been a rule in rugby for a long time and it is pretty simple. You can tackle just as effectively without being a dick and injuring them.

    • Like (+1) 5
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    • Thank you (+1) 1
  14. Well, I disagree. I think the team is a little worse. Nothing too drastic, but the offensive line is clearly worse. Worse depth and a backup from last year is now penciled in as a starter. Bates is gone and he was quality depth.


    Hyde and Poyer are gone. They weren't the best last year, so maybe it's a push. We're worse at edge rusher without Floyd. No depth at defensive tackle.


    The only position that appears to be stronger is wide receiver, which is good.


    However, we're still in the middle of things. The draft hasn't even happened. Beane will sign more players before camp. I have no reason to believe the Bills won't field a very competitive team that is as good or better than last year's.

    • Like (+1) 2
  15. This game was my earliest Bills memory where I was actually a fan and cared about the team. Before that I kind of cared because my dad was a fan, but this was the first season I was actually invested myself.


    I was introduced to the heartbreak early. It was excellent conditioning for a Bills fan.

    6 minutes ago, Steptide said:

    Nfl network has been showing alot of heart breaking bills losses lately. Music city miracle, Vikings game from 2022 and Arizona game from 2020. Surprised they're not killing us with 13 seconds 

    It would be interesting to rank each team's most noteworthy heartbreaking games. I bet the Bills have the longest list.

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