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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Just sayin'. Maybe a little change-up in the mojo would work where all else has failed. Actually, just for stevestojans and giggles, what is the win-loss breakdown in wearing the monochrome unis vs. the blue-white?
  2. Touche. I did the college thing b/c my knees wouldn't last 10 minutes in Basic Training. My brothers have, tho. And they both say that while the Iraqis and other -istan country's denizens aren't the brightest bulbs in the bunch, it's a combo of training and OTJE. You need to put asses on the street, just like on the football field.
  3. Funny, b/c that's prol'ly what Gore was thinking with the "sighs" that were blown way out of proportion. Like "nation-building" that was the worst of evils and after 9/11, magically became our one way to solve the world's ills. Who was right about that one?
  4. Actually, the DoD itself says there's only been 50,000 and I'm not sure if that deducts those men who've been blown up by car bombs. The training is not going anywhere near as fast as it can or needs to.
  5. Where did you get the draft talk from? Rangel, who himself said it was a ploy on his part to generate a look at the racial makeup of the military? Kerry has never said he would institute a draft and is opposed to it. But Kerry wants more troops to volunteer. That's about more recruitment by offering better incentives and advancement into those special forces. You're putting words in his mouth, like a lot of people have done. Bush would like to keep the military all-voluntary, which is tactical in being able to avoid putting guys in a war who didn't want to be there. If we continue to overstretch, the draft may be a matter of necessity, tho.
  6. You mean like the 1,000 Polish sharpshooters who put six bullets in Malcolm X? I joke. I joke! Omitting Poland as a partner in Iraq isn't a major gaffe. How often do you hear about Poland in the news? It's U.S., England, Australia. And you try to give a speech watched by 50 million people in 60 seconds. I've done it in front of 20 people and it's damn hard. Both of them made some minor mistakes; I'd say it's a wash. The real story in the debate is on the big issues, not SO much on the minusule detail.
  7. Bush slammed those water glasses under the podium pretty hard, too. Frustrabation..... And the (without a smile) didn't exactly define patience at listening to what other people's ideas are. It's much easier living with Yes-men, isn't it?
  8. Bump. Sorry it took so long; made a trek to Maine to see an uncle who isn't doing well. When did I say that Kerry "wears flipflops"?! Read the first sentence of the fourth paragraph. Kerry wants the war fought more effectively and for the Iraqis to be trained faster to take care of their own damn country (something they should've done in the first $%^&ing place 20 years ago, so what makes you think sinking more money and lives will change the results?...). Does a natural belligerence get in the way of what the words say? Good debate tonight, I thought, tho I was disappointed that Kerry didn't fully explain the same thing that this thread deals with. Then again, the time limitation didn't much allow for it. God forbid the media ask and actually AIR this.
  9. Et tu, ICE? Whatever happened to 'Relax, TD knows what he's doing'? 'Course, all of the usual suspects are now going to start numerous "JP just bought a..." threads. B/c as we all know, this isn't a place where we discuss the betterment of the team, it's a virtual church where we bow to the Bills braintrust. Nice that you've seen the light. But I don't know if it'll be that soon. Maybe you can meet up w/ MM next to the Fieldhouse and give him a What For.
  10. JP's sig is actually pretty cool how the J works into the P which works into the L. Nice how he actually tries for the first few lowercase letters, but then gives up and goes for a straight line to finish. Some of the others do that for the whole thing... I looked at a lot of celebrity signatures a few months ago to get ideas for my own. I could never put a straight line for my name. I've tried to see how it would look and I just can't seem to do it. *Above conversation reflects the mere observations of UConn James, and in no way should be construed as a handwriting analysis suggesting that designee J.P. Losman, though the recognition stands that Drew Bledsoe sucketh mightily, will or will not become the Buffalo Bills starting quarterback in Week 8-12.
  11. I think the key word you forgot is "yet." Rest assured, when more of the baby boom generation reaches retirement age, it won't be solvent. Both ECON profs I had in this, who had this as an area of focus, said it will likely happen in the next 10-15 years. I think the only reason it's being kept about is that it's hard to stop a government-sponsored Ponzi scheme (this is from both sides, only Dubya has the subgenious idea of putting it all in the stock market, an even bigger Ponzi scheme). The people who paid into the program are going to want their money back, tax-free and w/ interest. Gov't knows it can't do this, both b/c they're dependent on the free accrued interest for other programs and not w/o upseting a lot of people who have the highest voting percentage. I'm not really going to be saddened to see it go. People should invest more on their own in concrete assets rather than rely a gov't handout where the potential for abuse is high and w/o a guarantee of return. Wouldn't be surprised to either see SS taxes increase for the working generations or a reduction in benefits for seniors. Either way, a group of people are going to be pi$$ed off.
  12. In case you missed the news flash, there's a LOT of disaffected, alienated Republicans (myself included) who are not voting for Bush. Whether it's cast for Kerry in people who want Bush out of office or for a 3rd party candidate for people who simply want to send a subtle message and hope it gets through where others have failed. And quite a few Rep. Senators have gotten vocal saying that Bush is running the war irresponsibly. In private, many more are prol'ly asking where Bush is taking the GOP. Myself, tho, I don't really care if someone has "Sen.", "Pres." or "The Rev." in front of their name. Blind idiocy comes in all shapes and forms.
  13. Good God, I need to simplify this even more?! New Balance, friend. New Balance is the metaphorical Well-planned, well-designed and Cheaper war b/c not much is spent on the frills and advertising. True evidence that we read into things what we want....
  14. Just be sure to be on time for your noon duel next to the Reflecting Pool. I rather prefer logical arguments to ad hom attacks, but in this case, I'll just save my breath and use my time productively and say that guy is an angry old coot.
  15. Bush needs a new pair of shoes to keep his feet safe from pebbles. Congress, John Kerry included, gives Bush the go-ahead that he can work in more ways to do his own research and come back when he thinks he klnows what kind of shoes would work best (b/c Congress is kind of busy doing other things too). Choices include: the sandals, which are free and airy; the stalwart New Balance, a good shoe at a great price (and American made!); or the Nikes, a so-so shoe at an outrageous price. And then Bush comes back saying he REEEALLY wants the Imitation Nikes that Kerry has learned is all flash and the soles fall apart within 3 months. The Iraq funding vote "flip-flop" was tantamount to telling your kids to choose the New Balance before you give them the charge card. And telling Bush to roll back some of his tax cuts for the rich to pay for the war --- rather than send us into fiscal straits --- is tantamount to telling him if he wants the Knock-off Nikes, he needs to get his own (!) job to pay for them b/c middle class families can't eat a shoe. (Besides the fact that the Nikes didn't have nearly as much pebble-protection features as Bush said they had.)
  16. Highly probable, but like everything else in this war, the inconvenient facts get hidden. Problem is that whatever money's paid to these f%^ks simply finances 100 more kidnappings. I heard on the radio they were released on condition that 15 Iraqis (civilians, they say) who need serious surgery will be taken to Italy to have it done. There probably was some green involved too.
  17. Speaking as an observer not a fan, but yeah, it's time for him to be watching from a respected position in the stands, and perhaps act as an adviser to the program. I believe he has a lifetime contract, if not in writing then at least tacitly. It's a lot like Calhoun or Geno here, but I can tell you that in these types of situations, the coach always hangs on for longer than he should.
  18. I think MM tried to do that by fining him in TC. I read that Bledsoe yelled at him to stay in the Raiders game when he said he hurt his foot again --- along the lines of "Be a man, take some Pepto Bismol!" To Big Mike's credit there, he stayed in and apparently made a good block later in the drive. Surprised it took this long for someone to say it. Let's see if the tough love treatment will motivate him. Too bad Matt Foley isn't around to tell him if he doesn't suck it up, he's "going to end up eating a steady diet of government cheese and living in a VAN.... DOWN BY THE RIVER."
  19. Well, I rather think this would be an issue much like the Moon Mission. Issue a challenge to America's scientists and businesses as to where they put their resources b/c it's important to the national interests. AD, I'm sorry but if your political aims don't include being elected President, or if we have 126 candidates like S. Africa, you're NEVER going to be voting for someone you agree with 100 percent of the time on 100 percent of the issues. The system requires a candidate have so many electoral votes, which, if divided among more than three candidates, the House elects the Pres. But there's another thread for this.... So, you do a cost-benefit analysis and choose the candidate who most nearly accurately is in line with your own views when you balance all and bring all to mind, to borrow from Yeats. Kerry has a consistent voting record on energy independence. Provide more funding now to acheive independence by 2010, including to get 100,000 hydrogen-powered cars on the road by that year. Voted not to de-fund solar energy tax credits. Look at Bush-Cheney's proposals and actions and it focuses on drilling in ANWR and tribal lands that wouldn't net any oil for 25 years (if any is there), letting the Clean Air Act disappear into the wind, and trying to de-fund sloar energy credits through Republican Senators. The problem w/ alternative energies is that the monolpolistic oil industry doesn't have a monopoly on hydrogen fuel, solar power, wind energy, etc. Bush's employment history doesn't lead me to believe he wants to change things.
  20. I think they actually did that in the redesign.... I can't say I notice it, but it's probably something nuanced that you'd have to be up-close to really see. Cleveland said they were going to do that to the orange in the helmet, supposedly to match with the sheen on the pants and it's the same deal. I have some issues with the unis, but this isn't one of them.
  21. I don't know if I would. I'd have to hear exactly what HIS positions are on the issues. Being where he is, he tows the company line even though it was said quite often that he disagreed with decisions that were made, tho he always denied this. Re-read the comment Keillor made in his last paragraph about people who stand by and say nothing.... And it's also too bad that if Bush is back in the White House, any moderating forces like Powell isn't going to be asked back. That's how much of a Yes-man environment Bush wants and isn't good for the functioning of any organization --- See: NASA. They're also saying Rumsfeld will fade to black and Wolfowitz will take the post, which doesn't really comfort me any.
  22. Could we maybe take a break from the constant ad hom one-liners that have been cut and pasted a thousand times? Seriously, it adds nothing to the debate.
  23. Uhm, I rather thought that was a level-headed list of the policy problems that have waylaid the interests of the many versus the interests of the few and well-connected. For "angry," you're going to have to have a duel with Zell Miller, after you stand in line with all the other people he's lunged at. I think that man was Wes Clark, unfortunately he wasn't enough of a name candidate. He supports Kerry, and would probably serve as the Secretary of Defense. About the only guy left who was the leader of a sustained and efficient force in modern warfare. My brother served in the NATO coalition under him in the Boz. I think that would be a great change from the current staff of men who fight wars on paper.
  24. I once considered myself a Republican, but this excerpt hits that nail on the head that it's the economic and war/security paranoia side that's had the old Republican Party pack its bags and move two blocks to the right. Clinton, Gore, Lieberman and the DLC were created before '92 as a moderating force to a too-liberal Democratic Party. And with all the aftermath of the past 4 years, many Dems up and moved to the right as well, which has made them more in line with the old GOP than most current Republicans. We just suffer the ad hominum attacks, complaints and shouting of the current age. I hope we get some good debates this time where the ISSUES are discussed rather than the men. B/c if Kerry does and takes a stand to this "Flip flop" charge, he'll show Bush for what he is.
  25. Nope. Just like she doesn't have the right to tell him to not get a vasectomy. I honestly don't know where to stand on this issue b/c for every A there's a B. However, there was an interesting case... I'd say five or more years ago, where a man kidnapped the woman and kept her locked up until she could no longer have an abortion. It being time out of mind, I think I remember the judge was sympathetic to the man's plight. Don't know what came of it, tho. Roe v. Wade? Try www.findlaw.com
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