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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. I didn't feel like reading through 14 pages so I don't know if it's been mentioned, but. The Eagles absolutely manhandled and mauled the Dolphins Week 7 in Philly and were flagged ZERO times in that game. The Dolphins tried to match their physicality and were flagged 10X. I have no love for the Fins but that was the worse case inept and one sided officiating I witnessed all season. It's hard enough to beat a talented team like Philly in their house as it is. It's impossible when the refs have already decided the outcome.
  2. With what he's dealt with as far as talent around him, I'll say yes. Give him a bona-fide #2 WR, an offensive minded coach and a D that can put the clamps on an opposing team on their final drive in a one score game and he'll be a perennial MVP.
  3. No. But he has made Harty an overpaid afterthought.
  4. Agree 100. He didn't try getting cute and forcing to get the high flying passing attack going. The run game was working. The screen game was working. And when the O got stuck for a loss he didn't try getting it all back on the next down. Solid Bills OC debut for him.
  5. What did he say? That tends to happen when there's no passing game to go up against.
  6. I liked that drive because their D came out pumped and physical and still got walked down the field for the TD. That's gotta be demoralizing
  7. This is what happens when you ease up on an opponent. Coaching?
  8. Phillips and Oliver can really drive you nuts with those stupid plays.
  9. Josh is absolutely clueless against this secondary.
  10. Josh just has no answers against this defense WTF!
  11. That would be one for the books, statistically that is. Would go down as the weakest offensive #1 seed in history.
  12. If they lose this game, in whatever fashion I don't see McDermott as our HC next season.
  13. That Jets game was Bledsoe's debut with Buffalo. Chad Morton started and finished that game with kickoff TD returns. Game winner was in OT.
  14. Dallas was a Monday night game where the kicker had like 3 chances to make the game winning FG after a series of unfortunate plays that preceded it. The NE game, UGH! Remember that one. Me and my best friend were dancing like school girls after the go ahead TD.🤣 When McKelvin took the ball out on the kickoff instead of downing it I swear me and my friend looked at each other and simultaneously said "Oh No! Being Bills fans we subconsciously knew what was about to happen.
  15. 6-3 loss to the Browns. Memorable because I believe Jauron got fired after that one. I also recall a game against the Jags, Leftwich was the QB. Jags completed (4) 4th Downs on the final drive, including a 4th and 20 something. Won it with a TD on the final 4th down as time expired. That was a kick in the crotch
  16. Stop! There at least 25 other HC's and GM's that would kill to have JA17 over their current QB situation. There are so many other factors that have contributed to this mess of a season, not just Josh having a down year.
  17. I understand completely. My wife also gets upset when I score too fast when I'm in her endzone.
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