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Posts posted by leonbus23

  1. I think the Bills are better at QB than they were last year.


    #1 Dennison's offense is taylor-made for Taylor (yes, pun intended). I think this season will bear that out. In addition, Taylor has another year under his belt as a full-fledged NFL starting QB. That has to count for something. In fact, it should help to boost his confidence and allow him to be much more of a leader of the offense.


    Carucci says that it will hurt Taylor that the Bills haven't committed to him long term. I could just as easily say that it could work to the Bills' favor because he could play with a chip on his shoulder and out to prove that he deserves to be the starting QB for the Bills and to be paid the big money long term.


    #2 Manuel turned out to be nothing but a big tease. He just doesn't have what it takes upstairs. Yates is easily an upgrade over him.


    #3 Peterman gives the Bills something they haven't had in a long time.......a young QB who has a real chance to develop into a long time starter. Yet another upgrade.

    I totally agree. Just as a side note, it's "tailor" made.

  2. ---------------

    Sour grapes? No. Did you not see his expression on draft day? Buffalo made him an instant millionaire that day but he looked like someone ran over his puppy. Did you not see all the finger pointing at other DBs when he got roasted by #2 and #3 WRs? Did you not see the patented Gilmore shoulder hit on receivers that allowed them to bounce off his rubber body for big gains after the catch because he didn't actually want to tackle? Sour grapes are reserved for players you actually want to retain by leave anyway. No one wanted 5 more years of what Gilmore was putting out with the Bills. Will he perform well in NE? I have no doubt he will because the whiner got what he wanted. Money and a chance for a ring. I said in the first line of my post he has all the tools. I want players that want to be here. Genuine players get paid, whiners and quitters get sent packing.

    That about sums up Gilmore. I suppose it is maybe what we didn't see. Perhaps qbs not throwing his way because of his coverage. I don't know. I never liked the guy.

  3. It wore off for me after Tennessee. I stopped watching NFL altogether from 01 to 09. Returned to it because my girlfriend from Colorado got into tbe Tebow thing. In fact, I was wearing my Bills gear (which she bought me) when the Bills beat Tebow late in the season. I was with about 25 Bronco fans. One by one they left the room until I was the only one left. It was a fun season to get me back into football. Went to 3 Broncos games that season. Now I reflect on those 90s teams and wish we could get back to those days. I was a young teen those years and enjoyed watching Bills highlights every week on Sports Extra and Prime Time.

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