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Posts posted by leonbus23

  1. The Dolphins will not sign Kaepernick. I lived in Miami for seven years. Two substantial population groups, who carry substantial influence in Miami social, economic, and political life (Cubans & Zionists), absolutely hate far left wing politics. Kaepernick will only be signed by a team in a region where leftists are, at the very least, tolerated. I am not exactly sure where that place is, but it is definitely not Miami.


    As a side note, I am not making any sort of political statement, personal or otherwise. This is simply an observation based on my experience in Miami.

  2. How can you be above average, yet not the 15th best QB or higher in the NFL in a league with 32 starters?



    I'll hang up and listen.

    It's simple. There is a distinction between an above average quarterback based on some kind of standardized criteria and a quarterback who is above average based on being ranked above 15 among the 32 quarterbacks.


    In other words, there can be 32 above average quarterbacks based on some standardized criteria if they are all assessed above what is considered "average."


    I didn't read all the pages. So, someone may have already explained this to you.

  3. It's pretty clear that despite fan's desires, the Bills are again in rebuild mode now. Lost more than they gained in FA. Drafted replacements largely. New everything, coaches, schemes, skill position players, etc. Don't have the QB yet although TT is very good. In the NFL, no QB, no playoffs, no media coverage, no interest outside of the local area; no great QB, no deep run in playoffs. So, what to do? Blind loyalty?


    I called DTV with the intent of haggling my way to lower the cost for the umpteenth time. know what I did? cancelled the Ticket. The media thinks the Bills suck and cover the team as a suck team. Hard to watch that, although its hard to argue with the consensus. The best case this year is TT goes down, they go 4-12 and draft Sam Darnold, which anyone with a brain knows is the best case. Who wants to watch that happen? Not me. So I think a little break is in order, watch the highlight shows, etc., maybe travel to the Carolina game mainly to see friends. Thats about it.

    How will you get through the rebuild??

    Just try to enjoy the games they win. It's fun to watch and be with friends. Shrug off the loses.

  4. This statement does not make sense. Please explain.

    I think the simple explanation is that the NFL's business model allows for more profitable teams to be successful. Basically, there is a correlation between marketability and team success. Seems like good business practice for an entertainment corporation.


    Moreover, the Bills, as a team in a 3rd tier city without any star players, are not very marketable to the masses and, hence, do not produce the highest possible profits for the NFL. Therefore, it is not advantageous for maximizing league profits for the Bills to win.


    I think that's what he is getting at (aside from noting the team's mismanagement and so on).

  5. Yes I did get that from one word. Sometimes I get all that from two words as others sometimes post "Super Bowl".


    And I believe I was completely correct because I do not believe you think he will bring a championship to Bills. Which then brings the question based on your answer that you kind of like him. Why go negative?


    I am not trying to be a smart ass. Just asking.


    Was not just you. This happens every time Bills sign a back end roster player and I was just wondering why. Do you know why?

    I notice this trend, too. Someone always posts "super bowl" or "championship". I wonder the same thing. It's sort of funny, but not really. It's kind of just retarded, but some find it clever, I guess. Oh well.


    Good to have Rambo back.

  6. Have you....watched Anquan Boldin lately? He's still a pretty good receiver and all, but you're not getting prime Boldin. If you're talking about prime Boldin, maybe you have an argument

    I guess I am going by consistency and numbers. Sure, he is slow now, but he catches a lot of balls, stays healthy, and has a strong presence on the field.


    Sammy is certainly faster, younger, has great potential and so forth (which is why I wrote "Boldin might be the best"), but hasn't played drastically better, and maybe only slightly better, than the 35-37 year old Boldin.


    Boldin is better than all the other WRs on our roster. That I can say with confidence. So, it's Sammy or Boldin.


    Maybe I should reword it to: Boldin might be the most productive receiver on the team.


    Prime Boldin is astronomically better than Sammy. No competition. No argument. Stats and intangibles support that. General football knowledge on that one.


    Of course, TT/Orton/Manuel vs. Warner/Flacco/Stafford makes a difference. But keep in mind, Boldin caught 100 balls with Jeff Blake as the QB in his rookie season. Jeff Blake.

  7. ...LOL....and now the lad could be in the next "Longest Yard Live from Rikers Island".....on a serious note, when you have NO respect for the game and those who were the founding players, consider employment as an entitlement versus a privilege (1,696 out of 300 million people are privileged annually), bad things are bound to happen.....and to think solid NFL guys like Seau, Alzado, Walter Peyton, Kemp etc gave their lives for garbage like this......

    Seau publicly made anti-gay remarks. Alzado was a roid addict. Kemp was a republican (you know,the party of health care and the wall). Values?

  8. That is actually not true (at least not for all of us)


    Its just that those same people that would say something like this also dont want to admit it could easlily get worse......


    Without Tyrod Taylor this last 2 years this offense (imo) is bottom of the league



    TT is like the Bret Easton Ellis of QBs. He does some good things, but you get what you get: the same old story.


    Would he be a .500 QB with this offense without Shady?

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