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Posts posted by CheshireCT

  1. 3 hours ago, SCBills said:

    Meh… I thought it was kind of a dump.  Maybe it was cool years ago…


    In terms of football, It’s Atlanta on steroids with transplants, complete with a college team that owns the city (UGA/UT)



    I try to take off my homer glasses when discussing this stuff, but I truly think this point has merit.   Bills Mafia is the most iconic fan base in the NFL right now. 


    I really don’t think we have homer glasses! Sports is entertainment, and the small markets bring a lot to the table when it comes to that. And if the broadcasting and advertising brings all the cash, why should the league really care about ticket revenues? Sounds like foolish greed to me.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Chicken Boo said:


    They won't move the team.  I'm all but sure of that, but it makes a ton of sense financially, especially if said city is going to foot the entire bill for the stadium.  The value of the Bills would undoubtedly increase in a larger market like Austin, for example.

    I think something that’s being left out of the discussion is that it’s tough to discount the fan base in Buffalo. It’s good for the NFL and it’s good for business. No matter where you move a team, you can’t assume any kind of fan base, and even if the seats are full, will you get that Buffalo energy.? No. The fan base in Buffalo will literally never budge. Even if the ticket revenue is low, who cares. We see how the entertainment sector capitalizes off the lunatic, table busting fans, and that’s intangible. Now that fans will be back in stadiums, imagine the television coverage of a packed bills house for the playoffs. It’s gonna be nuts after the last 20 years we’ve had.

    • Agree 3
  3. 26 minutes ago, SCBills said:

    I get your sentiment, but have you looked at what your tax dollars go to?


    A football stadium for a team people care about would probably rank in the top ten of positive things taxpayers help fund.  

    I just can’t work up the moral outrage over this.  I’d rather the devil I know (PGSE) get rich off my tax dollars than the devil I don’t…. Or should I say “along with the devil I don’t”.  

    You absolutely bring up a good point in that there is money being wasted all over the place.  Nonetheless, when I see such a fiasco in broad daylight, it irritates me. LOL

    • Agree 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 40 minutes ago, Mango said:

    I am not against public spending on sports. I just look at it the same as stuff like the Albright Knox or the Philharmonic. They provided value but cost money. But if the Albright Knox was clearing $70M per year after expenses. (That is what GB cleared circa 2019) and told the city, county, and state, that unless they gave them an additional $1.5B (pandemic or not), they would pack up and go. We’d line the streets and wave them good bye and laughing as they jumped on the 90.

    You can’t put a multi-gajillion sports industry in the same category as not-for-profit arts and culture which exist purely to enrich the community. Furthermore, these cultural institutions receive VERY LITTLE public money in America and survive primarily on private donations.


    a sports stadium should get $0 in public funding. That said, I completely understand why the Pegulas are asking for it. It happens all over the place, and if governments have given out such money before, why wouldn’t they ask for it? On principal however, it’s totally absurd to see tax payers financially supporting people making millions and billions individually.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  5. 17 hours ago, JGMcD2 said:

    There are two really loud Christian Wade factions…


    1) The group that believes Christian Wade is a NFL running back right now and needs to make the roster and the Bills are doing him a disservice by keeping him on the practice squad.


    2) The group that believes Christian Wade is not good at all and will never be good and is wasting a spot for someone else and they’re tired of hearing about him (thanks group #1). 

    Both sides are out of touch and don’t understand the purpose of keeping Christian Wade around. 


    Exactly, no one could possibly have any clue what level of skill or talent this guy possesses. Only the team knows that. 


    There are just two things that are clear to me:

    1. He doesn't take up a roster spot, so he's sort of like a free RB option.

    2. Time and energy are the most valuable assets, so he must be showing the team SOMETHING that makes them want to invest in him. He's most assuredly not just "a guy."


    And this is speculation on my part, but I would believe that since he doesn't take up a roster spot, that demotivates the Bills to move him out of his current designation, as long as he qualifies for the program. Personally, I believe he would have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he's better than Singletary and Moss to make the roster right now.


  6. 5 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Er....he did need to learn the game of football.  I hear that sometimes takes a bit of time.


    And of course, no one on an NFL practice squad ever developed, made the regular roster, and became a starter.


    Exactly, they're keeping him around for a reason. And furthermore the NFL is a business. Wade currently represents a very cheap extra running back. I think in order for him to make the roster, he would actually have to be better than all the backs on the team. In that respect, he's at a disadvantage.

  7. 37 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    He's painted himself into a corner. What a waste of a great situation with the Bills. It wasn't too long ago that he was unhappy with his situation in Dallas.

    I actually don’t know anything about what happened in Dallas? What was that about? I mean if it’s for competitive reasons I understand if a player is unhappy, but then again when he came to the Bills, there was no sure fire indication they would be this good.

  8. 1 hour ago, Motorin' said:


    Part of me thinks he's going to push his "no restrictions" attitude inside the building when camp starts and will refuse to follow the rules setup for unvaccinated players during Training Camp.


    I hope not, but it wouldn't shock me.

    That’s pretty much what he’s been saying he’s going to do. In that scenario, the team has no choice but to cut him, since they would likely be held responsible for him breaking the protocols. We’ve all seen what the league does in those circumstances. They start with fines, and then they start seizing draft picks.

  9. 10 minutes ago, HalftimeAdjustment said:


    They should deal with it, as much as possible, by focusing on football and avoiding getting drawn in. Beasley's social media behavior is 100% on him. At some point you just have to say, hey his views are not those of the Bills organization and should not be attributed to anyone (player, coach, etc) other than himself and move on. It is obvious at this point that he's not going to change his behavior and so the best approach is to give it less attention. This "show some leadership" idea ignores the fact that he's an adult who holds his own opinions and can speak about them.


    Now, the team could decide his social media behavior is so bad/detrimental that it warrants cutting him (but they should not, IMO). I am sure that many people would lose their jobs if they become a national-scale irritant on social media. However, at this point it's just not in the Bills' best interest to do so; the line of bad behavior has not been crossed. There is a line at some point, however. I won't indulge in hypotheticals, but there is always a point where the negatives for the team outweigh the positives. If Beasley were a bubble player, he'd probably already have crossed it.


    I think you're spot on with your assessment. Where it gets dicey is that you have an employee is speaking out publicly against his employer. If you're going to bite the hand that feeds you (and feeds you A LOT), you better feel certain that there are serious misgivings going on....

  10. 7 hours ago, CorkScrewHill said:

    He has proven to be a very team first player up until this point. Played on a bum leg throughout the playoffs, great chemistry with the team in general. He is not an anti-vaxxer as portrayed he is just concerned about this particular vaccine. It would be a big hit to lose him.


    Totally agree with you, and I wouldn't have any desire to get rid of him.


    The trouble I see is that he's up against a big machine, and he's not going to win that battle. So far he's not backing down and he's just going further and further. If he doesn't accept the situation, I don't see it playing out positively for anyone.

    • Agree 1
  11. 1 hour ago, transplantbillsfan said:

    It's just Beasely. And as much as I love him as a player, I'm reaching the point where I won't be upset if we cut him. I view Sanders as an upgrade over John Brown and I think Davis will be better than last year. Maybe our WR corps takes a step back without Beas, but I don't think it'll be a huge one. And maybe this is finally the year our TEs make up the difference.


    The team is better with him on it, but as we've seen with every egomaniac that puts himself first, no individual is greater than the team. Sad, but since he's doubled, tripled and quadrupled down, it doesn't seem likely that he throws in the towel at this point. It seems likely that he won't be on the team this season.

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Sad 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    Nice 🤮  to hear that the most important Chiefs players and the Chiefs in general are all getting vaxxed up




    Dolphins, New Orleans, and now Chiefs.  Wonder how Tampa Bay is trending?


    The Bills do seem to be "unique" among top teams and our divisional competition in regard to how much "distraction" they are managing to bring upon themselves.  😥


    seriously…after all these years we finally have a super bowl contender and they have to distract themselves with a VACCINE CONTROVERSY of all things? What nonsense…..


    I would have honestly never predicted that this would happen. I would assume that such a successful and focused team would vax up 100% and get to work on football. The “vaccine culture” in professional sports is a real head scratcher…….


    I have a performance based career that was completely shut down by the pandemic. Everyone in my industry was begging for the first chance to be vaccinated. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 16 hours ago, mushypeaches said:

    Every year, I become a bigger fan of Beane's team building strategy


    Free Agency is to plug immediate holes and find plug & play starters and high snap count rotation players


    Draft is for development, depth, and future backfills


    Obviously there are some exceptions, especially in the first round of the draft, but this is exactly how you build a sustainable, competitive roster.


    Once you begin to "need" the draft to find multiple starters each year, it means that your current talent isn't performing or you're top-heavy vs the cap


    I enjoy not being in that boat any longer

    Exactly, and it also allows them to take the best player for the team, regardless of position. Plus, I don’t care how talented a rookie is, he’s gonna make more mistakes than the vets. That shows up in big games.

    16 hours ago, mushypeaches said:

    Every year, I become a bigger fan of Beane's team building strategy


    Free Agency is to plug immediate holes and find plug & play starters and high snap count rotation players


    Draft is for development, depth, and future backfills


    Obviously there are some exceptions, especially in the first round of the draft, but this is exactly how you build a sustainable, competitive roster.


    Once you begin to "need" the draft to find multiple starters each year, it means that your current talent isn't performing or you're top-heavy vs the cap


    I enjoy not being in that boat any longer

    Exactly, and it also allows them to take the best player for the team, regardless of position. Plus, I don’t care how talented a rookie is, he’s gonna make more mistakes than the vets. That shows up in big games.

  14. 1 minute ago, YoungBillsFan25 said:

    I would definitely rather have Fred Jackson in the backfield the cj spiller. Although speed out of the backfield is what this team needs Fred’s all around game and ability to catch passes and pass block would be more dangerous and helpful to JA.


    Fred Jackson was more versatile for sure. If i were to go for an all-around back from those years, I would go for Lynch, though. 

    • Like (+1) 5
  15. Ok fun game for something different. Think about the roster as it is now, and then think back to the approximately 20 years in a row of missed playoffs. If you took a player in their prime from those years and plugged them into our 2021 roster, who do you think would have a big impact?


    My choice might seem strange, but I would go with CJ Spiller. He wasn't always healthy or consistent, but if you threw him into our current offense and gave him 10 touches a game, I think he'd be dangerous. Kyle Williams is an obvious choice of course...

    • Like (+1) 3
  16. 10 hours ago, Bakin said:

    Don’t get me wrong - I LOVE the draft. Always have. Always felt like the team needed me to mock really well!  I needed to be on top of all the prospects and team needs, etc...
    This year, I have so much faith in Beane that I don’t even know what day the draft is. 
    First time I can remember. 
    Not sure if I’m the only diehard psycho who feels this way. Maybe it’s the stupid covid?

    Right there with you. When your team sucks, the draft is the only interesting thing to pay attention to. Where this team is now, anyone we draft is likely to sit and learn for a year to two anyhow. Not a bad place to be. This year it's the kind of draft where maybe those players show up on the field two years from now and we're like "who's that guy and where did he come from?" haha

  17. 2 hours ago, GunnerBill said:

    I know the thread is looking for positives but the most memorable moment of this season for me was the final 2 minutes of the Arizona game. From nervousness when driving down to win it, to joy when Stef caught the touchdown, to despair on the Hail Murray. I imagine I will remember the ending of that game for a very, very long time. 


    Joint second the two Taron pick 6s to break open the games against Baltimore and Pittsburgh.


    It turned out to be not so negative. After the game, the team really rallied and put the petal to the metal for the rest of the season.

    • Like (+1) 1
  18. Ok, just for fun...something different.


    When you look back in 10, 20, 30 years as a fan - What will your biggest memory of the 2020 season be? I know I'll remember that clip of Stefan Diggs flossing in slow motion on the sideline forever. To me that summarizes the good feelings of this past season.....the players kicking ass, cruising into the playoffs, and having fun while doing it.


    What about you guys? What specific moments will you remember?

  19. 10 minutes ago, RichRiderBills said:

    From PFF today in ref to best free agents left:



    Once looking like a future star, Watkins has leveled off as a complementary receiver over the past few years. He’s never gotten back to his career-high 89.8 grade in 2015, though he posted solid grades between 69.0 and 74.0 from 2016 to 2019 across three different teams. Watkins’ 64.4 overall grade in 2020 is the lowest of his career, though he always seems good for a couple of dominant games per season, and last year it showed up at the right time during the Chiefs’ Super Bowl run. 

    Contract Analysis: Watkins agreed to an incentive-laden pay cut before the 2020 season to run it back with the Chiefs for another shot at a Super Bowl. Otherwise, Kansas City would have moved on from the receiver it originally signed to a three-year, $48 million deal back in 2018. 

    Watkins was the top wide receiver on the market that year, with Allen Robinson II coming off a torn ACL being the next best available. 

    Watkins won’t have that same luck this time, as he’s way down the list of top free-agent wide receivers. Nevertheless, the former No. 4 overall pick is still a serviceable player when healthy and will be only 28 years old. 


    Prediction: Three years, $30 million ($10M APY): $21 million total guaranteed, $16.5 million fully guaranteed at signing


    I'm not a fan of signing Watkins for that, not in a million years, and generally not a fan of him as a WR 5 in Buff.


    I more like the potential upside of Kumarow and Hodges. 




    whoa honestly shocked to see those contract numbers thrown out there.....

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