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Posts posted by CheshireCT

  1. The OPs point is really about balance of cash between the players, rather than how much the owners have to pay. If one player gets an insane contract, that means there is left for the rest of the players on the team.


    I would say when it comes to player salaries, the biggest shame seems to be that some of the hardest working players who come in without the high draft pedigree, and end up playing exceptionally well, often never get their fair value (for example former Bills RB Fred Jackson). The UDFA can play just as well as a 1st rounder and he keeps playing for a low salary for years trying to prove his worth, then by the time he proves it, he’s over the hill and never gets the deal he should have.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Joe in Winslow said:


    Gonna call bull on that.


    They HAVE a choice.


    They choose the loafer and vineyard vines wearing wine and cheese set.



    Well, one way in which I agree with you is that it’s all about money. Whether they’re worried about liabilities from drunks or if they want sell more of their stuff instead of people bringing their own, they want to maximize their profits. Maybe it’s both things....

  3. On 12/15/2019 at 5:00 AM, atlbillsfan1975 said:

    He just doesn’t get it. It’s really sad, but unless someone can talk some sense into him he won’t change. By the time he realizes the error of his ways, it will be to late to use his abilities. In this particular instance he has really alienated himself when it come to police officers everywhere.
    In the mean time I just hope his child isn’t exposed to any negative experiences. 


    From everything I've seen and witnessed I feel it's more likely that he's suffering from mental illness than anything else. This guy probably took the wrong shot to the head, it happens with football players sometimes. I know it seems young for him, but to me it's the most likely explanation. What he's saying and doing goes far beyond being a "difficult person."

  4. On 1/16/2020 at 3:13 AM, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    They should call him Fitz money ? 


    $65 mil journeyman QB on his eighth team. 

    Well done man... well done


    I say he’s earned every Penny. Fitz has played his ASS off for every disorganized and terrible team in the history of his career. Team a total disaster? Bring in Fitz to lay it all on the line for your team and create 6 spectacularly exciting victories.

    1 hour ago, LABILLBACKER said:

    He definitely was screwed and alot of his confidence has to be shot. I saw every single game he played at UCLA and he has talent. As you said he'll need a perfect fit team to give him a shot behind an aging qb. Or as many predicted he walks away and goes into politics? 


    Agree with you, but if he’s tough and determined, he will stick it out and get another shot eventually.

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  5. On 1/16/2020 at 2:50 PM, matter2003 said:

    This is just stupid...why would a team try to interview someone for a lateral move? As if the team they are requesting permission from is just going to be like "Oh sure, go interview him, we will just find someone else"


    Yeah, this is a situation where a lot people would be wise to "be careful what you ask for".  We don't know how much Daboll is responsible for Allen's progression from year 1 to year 2, but from people in the know its considered A LOT.  


    Replace the OC and you could see Allen regress and potentially regress badly from year 2 to year 3.


    Absolutely. And to continue that train of thought....I’m not sure Bills fans have EVER been happy with the OC. LOL

  6. 2 hours ago, chongli said:


    But if the player initiates, there should be no problem.


    The trouble with that is then the line gets foggy. All of a sudden offseason work with the coaches is "not required but highly recommended"


    In any case, although it seems silly on some level, if it's equal for all teams then it's fine. I imagine the coaching staffs also have good recommendations for the players as to where they should go and train and whom they should train with.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Ryanh said:




    First thank you for the supporters. Second thank you for the criticism. I believe someone should stand up for the weak.  Cyber bullies have made it so severe that their victims have actually killed themselves. To call me unstable because I wanted to stand up for those who can’t or won’t is just What Millennials would say. When I was growing up if you picked on someone you better be able to handle your ***** talking. I simple wanted to establish a conversation on why he thought his behavior was okay. 

    mind you..... I spent my money, my time, my resources. Not anyone else’s. I haven’t asked for anything monetarily, or anything crazy. I simple wanted to show Bullies can’t bully someone face to face. 

    just figured I clear the air.thanks.


    The internet, social media, and smartphones have created a societal crisis. A crisis in which we are losing connection to one another as we communicate from behind screens. It allows for people to avoid real confrontation and uncomfortable emotions because through a screen you can say anything you want and not see the reaction of the other person in front of you. This is why we have no problem fighting to the death on the internet, but greet those same people on the street with a smile.


    Honestly, I have no idea who this Coleman guy is, I didn’t see or hear what he said, and I don’t care. My opinion is that real inner strength is when some idiot can say something stupid and you can laugh it off because you know it’s bull####. But, I would also say if you want to confront someone, then the way you did it is the only way, and I admire your courage! The moment you lost was when you played his twitter game as opposed to just blindsiding him. Nonetheless I think you got your message across.




    An old millennial/young Gen X

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    • Awesome! (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 2
  8. 14 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    So, common sense has no place in rules interpretation? Can’t disagree more. The returner gave himself up and that was obvious, regardless of the technicality involved.


    NFL refs get so much wrong during the course of a season and it’s by far the worst officiated sport in the world, but every once in a while they get it right. 


    At first I accepted the overturning myself, but having watched a discussion on a sports show from former players, they all agreed that the rules should be followed strictly and gave some good examples - such as, what about victory formation? Is it ok if the QB doesn’t take a knee? What about the fake spike play for example? What if the Texans player was faking giving himself up in the end zone and then runs it back for a touchdown? He has to put his knee down, period.

    1 hour ago, Rocbillsfan1 said:

    So I’d like to talk about something other than the play on the field there are a lot of great threads discussing that and we will have all offseason to discuss.


    I gotta good laugh out of the thread about can the fans sue the nfl for the td call back  fumble play. While the answer is yes you can it obviously isn’t going anywhere as the nfl already stated they are just an entertainment business. But can the fans do anything else? Can we band together to demand some type of explanation or clarification to what exactly happened with the refs and how we can prevent this from happening in the future? I wonder what would even suffice and what could be said to fans to make it better? I don’t have a good answer for them. 


    I’ve thought for many years now that since goodell has taken over that the nfl has turned into the wwe and I think there are dozens of examples in the last two decades that would point to that. I think as a season ticket holder and fan that maybe it’s time we demand more from the nfl. I was upset with some of the in game calls that were made or weren’t made but usually when you get down to it there’s a lot of grey area when calling a nfl game and fans are never going to completely happy with the way a game is called. That’s to be expected but the nfl has gone completely off the rails. Experienced viewers never know when or if a penalty will be called and there never seems to be any consistently. It’s a joke. 


    However that isn’t my main concern. What is my concern is the obvious td callback. the rules make it 100% clear what you need to do as a returner when catching the ball in the end zone. It was the one time any experienced person that knows the rules understands that guy made a bonehead play that cost his team.  The refs as we know made the correct call and then something happened that I’ve never seen in my life. You had all these refs I’ve never seen in a game running onto the field calling a meeting. I’d like an answer for why were they allowed onto the field to and what initiated their decision to come onto the field. From what I’ve heard so far the refs in all black received a call from NY that there was an error of judgement made by the crew and that the call had to be overturned. Who is responsible for that and will there be any accountability for what they did? 


     My guess and I don’t even think this is conspiracy stuff is that the nfl wanted a competitive game because it was better for their ratings. They are in the entertainment business after all and the most important thing to them is ratings and guess what, they got it but at the bills expense. That is ridiculous if you ask me and something that should be taken way more seriously then what I’m seeing in the aftermath. ESPN didnt even mention the play anywhere on the nfl page. It’s still all about jj watt and Watson. But because it could have ruined the game ratings wise the NFL, not the game crew determined that we didn’t have to follow the rules anymore but instead use common sense. That is flat out wrong. 


    I know there will be tough tough guys stating things like just get over it or deal with it but if no one ever takes a stand it will just be more of the same. So maybe as fans there’s a way to group together not as a protest to the bills or the pegulas but in order to stand up to the nfl and say we aren’t renewing season tickets until you’ve admitted your mistakes and correct this so we never had to go through this bs again. Otherwise, just enjoy football like a slightly more entertaining sport than wwe because it couldn’t be more obvious that it is. 


    Any person has the power to make an impact when they believe in something.


    The question is how much do you care about this to invest yourself in it? Is it worth spending countless hours and days fighting this? For most people, I would say the answer would be no, there are things more important for them to fight for. Therefore it would be difficult to get a mass crowd to follow you in protest.


    But hey, you should go with your own feeling!!!

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Joe in Winslow said:

    Who'd you rather be a fan of today? The Bills or:


    The Patriots?

    The Jets?

    The Fish?


    And that's just in our division. I'd rather be in OUR position than any of theirs.


    OK, too small of a sample size for you? Well, how about we widen our search to the broader AFC as a whole:















    Even on THAT list, I'd probably only want to swap places with the Chiefs, MAYBE the Ravens (based on coaching alone),  and possibly the Titans. That's it.  By my reckoning, the Bills' situation is better than TWELVE other AFC teams, which puts them in a really sweet spot at the moment. I know that spewing bile and raw emotion is all the rage these days and that logic and reason take a back seat more often than not. But if you look at the REALLY big picture, the Bills are in a pretty good place today with Beane and McDermott. Blowing all of it up would be a blunder of EPIC proportions.



    You’re absolutely right.


    Most fans seem to view players like robots rather than human beings who need to learn their skills and abilities over time. Not only is the team young and with a 2nd year quarterback, the head coach is also just a 3rd year head coach and the GM is a 3rd year GM. Given the youth all-around, this team is ROCKING. In order to grow, they actually NEED failures like last night. When things are easy, you don’t get better. From that perspective, I’m totally content with last night’s loss, knowing this team will spring back next year and continue to work hard. I’m thinking more about a future DYNASTY.

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  10. No one seems to be mentioning the big defensive adjustment from Houston in the second half. They spread the d-line out to attack wide and brought 5 and 6 man rushes.  Allen wanted to run outside the pocket, but couldn't, and our o-line was getting owned by this technique. This adjustment totally took out our offense. For sure, it's something they weren't prepared for.

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