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Posts posted by Paulus

  1. yeah but eventually the status quo will continue to leave. Or we will go after him full bore

    I didn't know the ire had grown to that point. What exactly has been done to make it that bad? I think I'm missing something.


    For the sake of my entertainment, I vote the later.




    SaviorPete 2020

    On April Fools Day 2018 lets give SaviorPeterman moderator abilities for 24 hours and see what happens

    Honestly, I'd like to live in that timeline. I really don't see a downside.

  2. 24th rated backup, yet 1st place as a starter!


    In all seriousness, how can you rate someone who has never played?

    When the starter is TT...



    *I really don't understand the flippant way folks disregard the preseason. I get it, it is not the same as regular season. But, it does showcase skills and abilities against actual real time defenses. I mean, maybe the Saviorpete guy should see how many defenders he played against who are either starting or who have played an NFL game. And, those players were probably hungry in the preseason.


    I'm not sure what I read. (Just the few pages on the middle article and I gave up)


    I guess your one of them lesbians, huh?


    Okay, Boyst, I have read through this comment a few times now. Let me point out once again, because you have a hard time processing this — you are borderline incomprehensible, not because you're an undiscovered genius, but because you write at a grade school level.


    It looks like your argument is "this is bad journalism" and "the reason it is bad journalism is because Tyrod is criticized only for his play, if he won, he would not be criticized."


    So, first of all, no, it's not bad journalism. It's an interview. We're reading to learn what Tyrod Taylor thinks about different things. You think it's bad journalism because you disagree with what he's saying. Attack the messenger. "Fake News."


    To the second point, you are correct that players are criticized less when they are winning. Tyrod says this in the interview, by the way. But that's adjacent to the point he was making that is upsetting you, which is that black QBs tend to be labeled and perceived differently — historically, and yes, presently as well. Any sensible person can see that is true.


    You bring up the fact that there are more black QBs in the NFL now than in the past as though that means that perception does not still persist. You're correct that people are less resistant to the idea of a black QB than they were when Warren Moon went undrafted, but you are incorrect in assuming that there is no resistance or racism today.


    Tyrod was speaking from his experiences, and again, it's no secret that he's had to battle the idea that he's a "run-first QB" unable to pass from the pocket. Obviously yes, some of that is deserved — it's not made up from whole cloth. I haven't seen anyone saying Tyrod is a Top 5 QB — I think we all agree he's middle of the pack with strengths and weaknesses.


    It seems like you think Tyrod was suggesting he is only criticized based on race — that's not what he was saying. It was a more general observation about perception that he's had to deal with his life and career, and then he said he uses it as motivation to be better.



    Now, why this has upset you so much to post 20, 30, however many times you've laid your droppings in this thread... I can't help you with that.

    What does good grammar with no substance look like?

  5. What a pathetic joke this administration is.



    Meanwhile, the True Believers in this con man are sending him millions and millions of dollars because they like f'ning over our country.



    At least he hasn't weaponized the IRS, Intelligence agencies, DOJ, etc. against the opposing political party. I mean, the lack of concern for this really bugs me.

  6. No, I mean socialize. Lots of fantastic conversation there. Always a ball game on, owner makes a fantastic cup of coffee, etc.

    I am actually kind of jealous of your haircut and chill thing. Probably a relaxing and cathartic time. IDK, The lady who cuts my hair sometimes puts her boob on my face, when she leans in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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