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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. Ok.......... if you are McBeane.............. do you want him on your team? I know I don't because he SUCKS as a QB. Case closed.
  2. Are these pages really going to come out? It looks like it can be stalled all the way thru the mid terms. If the Dems take the House and the Senate, those pages will get buried. That is the game plan.............. any way.
  3. I am happy for you. And NFL executes agree a lot more with me than you. If it was just about being in the playoffs, Taylor would still be in Buffalo.
  4. Mostly black people shooting black people. Yet there is absolutely no outcry for that. Blacks are allowed to kill each other, but God forbid a cop (of ANY color) shoots a black man that may be justified. Oh the hypocrisy.
  5. Numbers don't even tell half the story. Taylor's numbers are good, yet the Bills want nothing to do with him. Trust me, if Kaepernick was even a decent QB, he'd be working in the NFL.
  6. Isn't Napolitano known as a staunch Trump hater? I am not saying he is guilty or innocent, but Bolling has his own troubles and he shouldn't be commenting on this. Why can't people just lay low?
  7. Seattle was close to signing him as their back up QB, but ultimately decided that a BACK UP QB isn't worth the headache. And Seattle is absolutely right.
  8. I will put it into perspective..................... If Kaepernick was even a decent starting QB like Andy Dalton.......... he would be starting in the NFL right now. It wouldn't make a difference what his beliefs are
  9. Karpernick doesn’t have a job because he sucks. Liberals are too stupid to realize this FACT. Trust me, if he was a capable top 15 starting QB, he would certainly be starting for somebody, no matter what his beliefs are. Since he is a garbage QB, no one is touching him.
  10. Corey Thompson would be the first guy you think of. He virtually has no competition for a LB spot on the 53. If he shows anything, he is on the roster.
  11. I love the fact that these clown Trump haters say Trump lies all the time when the complete opposite is so BLATANTLY true.
  12. $20 million and counting. That is the bill the citizens of this country are paying and continue to pay on the most USELESS investigation in the history of this country. Good job........... moronic Dems.
  13. If you didn't update us and if folks believe FOX is useless................... We wouldn't ever know a damn thing about any of this unless you go to independent outlets.
  14. What floats around inside Barr's head? It certainly isn't a brain. She might have cost her fellow co-workers further employment with her insanity. She knew EXACTLY what she was doing with her dumb tweet, so her apology rings as the most hollow apology ever. Even more so than that idiot Kathy Griffin. Joy Reid is every bit as vile as Barr is. They just come from two totally different perspectives. Simple translation...... Reid hates whites and Barr hate everyone else.
  15. The leftist media continues to outright LIE about things just to try and make Trump look bad when, in fact, they are the ones who make themselves look bad. I thought that the hatred of Trump would level off, but they are doubling down on their hatred cause they how the IG report is going to crucify all their love children when it comes out. The narrative now is to intensify the Trump hatred to district from the upcoming IG report. Pretty simple. Very pathetic.
  16. If the Dems lose the midterms, it's over for them.
  17. . Gay boy Don Lemonhead isn't consistently voted worst journalist of the year for nothing. I guess you can say that about anyone of these pinheads on that network. The next time anyone gives an insightful educated opinion on that network will be the first time. Sad, because CNN used to be a reliable sources for delivering REAL news before the Iraq War.
  18. I can't believe people actually care about this stuff. What makes these people's opinions better or more valuable than yours? When these kids suit up for the Bills, you can make your own educated opinion.
  19. I am sure they put a spy in the Trump campaign to protect him from Russians. Ok. And if that was true, then why didn't they try to help Hillary too by placing a spy in her campaign?
  20. If there was this super-experienced QB on the roster, I'd say that Allen would be sitting for awhile. But since the other two QB's are almost as inexperienced as Allen, it is a good bet that Allen will win the job right out of camp. Allen will show considerably more talent than the other two QB's combined, so Allen will be starting from week one.
  21. People like DR are bringing evidence to the table that what Trump is saying is going to come to light that it is true, while the other side has nothing.
  22. I can't believe that these hacks would rather protect the left than find out the truth. MSM thinks that you and I are complete fools and they WILL get away from that narrative. Pathetic and disgusting in every way. It's way more important to continue to resist and make Trump look like a fool than getting to the truth by doing REAL journalistic searches. Again pathetic and disgusting. REAL Americans are on to MSM, not their braindead sheep following though.
  23. Reading these posts tells me two things about some of the people in here........... 1. Short attention spans 2. Patience of a rattlesnake
  24. Trump wears the orange hair and the Clintons should be wearing the orange jackets.
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