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Everything posted by HoofHearted

  1. Oh good you do. Now Google how RPOs work, or Power Read, or go to the 4th and 2 thread and watch the highlight of the tight end screen I described.
  2. With that type of response I’m unsure if you even know what misdirection is.
  3. It's more so that the end was lined up in a 9 tech. If he'd have been a 6 or a 5 Knox could have just chipped a down block and then release and the end probably wouldn't have re-directed.
  4. He read the screen, yeah. All comes down to block recognition. Bills ran Long Trap action up front. Dawkins blocked down - if it were truly Long Trap Knox would have hinged the defensive end to that side, but instead he shows pass set which leaves the end unblocked. Most teams teach those guys to squat and squeeze because of all the QB read game now so that's what he does. Pretty easy for him to dissect from that point.
  5. Just watched the highlight on here. Looks like Allen tried to adjust the throw to Gabe and just threw a dud… that was awful.
  6. It’s possible. The play is set up to get McKenzie open, but Josh may have very well been trying to thread one to Gabe. Need the endzone shot to know for sure.
  7. Every RPO we run. There’s been quite a few. Plus a lot of our QB run game stuff has misdirection. The Tight End screen on the 2nd down call is pretty much exactly what you described the Vikings did - ours just didn’t work because they were in man. It’s there if you look for it.
  8. Better tackling fundamentals is not an adjustment you can make in game. Putting a Safety in the box is completely dependent on the offensive formation. And if you are out of phase with a receiver - meaning your shoulder is not on top of his DBs are taught to play the hands.
  9. They should have ran on 2nd down. I have no issues with the 3rd down call.
  10. I agree. Have to look at the All-22 - can't see how close the defender is in that broadcast view. Regardless though - the design of the play was not the issue - there was a play to be had there.
  11. This required no precision as far as route running - just run to the green grass. He has zero field awareness. I'd much rather see Shakir in the role at this point. Shakir needs to be utilized more.
  12. They were atrocious because they didn't work. The play designs were fine.
  13. This is what pisses me off. McKenzie is in on the play and just watches Peterson return it. He made absolutely zero attempt to try and tackle him. Inexcusable.
  14. The third down play to Lil Dirty was there if he just flattens the route instead of drifting - which is why Josh double clutched it.
  15. Hold a team to 23 and create two turnovers in the process. In this day and age that's a solid defensive outing. The issue was we turned the ball over 4 times.
  16. Their a zone team - we'll be fine. We've struggled against gap scheme teams. Take away the big run and we held the Vikings to under well under 3 yards a carry yesterday.
  17. The vast majority of our blitzes are fire zones, actually.
  18. My point is we brought pressure and played man behind it yesterday and got burned on it multiple times. At the end of the day the jimmy's and joe's have to make plays. Calling out Frazier for a lack of execution is bizarre to say the least.
  19. We bring fire zones all the time (which is this "middle ground" you speak of).
  20. This statement, which I have seen from many posters here, is mind boggling to me. You guys do realize that by blitzing it's going to put us in man situations more often than not, right? If you're sending any more than 5 you have to play man coverage behind it... with back-up DBs. If I'm Frazier I don't have any confidence in doing that either. At some point the guy/guys who are getting paid to rush the passer have to do their job. Rosseau being out has been a huge hit to that.
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