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Royale with Cheese

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Posts posted by Royale with Cheese

  1. 11 minutes ago, hondo in seattle said:


    In the army I hated calling cadence, the call-and-response songs we sing to keep soldiers in step when marching or running.  So once when I was stationed in Korea, I learned some Korean cadences from the Korean soldiers serving with us.  Korean cadences sound odd and unrhythmic to an American audience.  And that's what I sang when the commanding officer called on me to sing cadence.  He never called on me again.    


    My dad was stationed in Korea and I lived there for a few years.  Yongsan?

  2. 8 minutes ago, Matt_In_NH said:

    The key is to do this slowly so its not noticed, I would suggest 2 inches per year over 24 years to get to the final of 72 iinches.  If you try to go faster than they someone will catch on.


    To really catch them off guard, I would say 1 inch per year over 48 years. 

    17 hours ago, Beast said:

    I can’t keep them to myself any longer, damn you!


    My new rules would be one of two things.


    1- shrink the distance between the uprights. Kickers are way too good.


    2- if not 1, then anything over a 40 yard FG is only 2 points. I don’t think a team that drives to the opponent's 5 yard line and kicks a 22 yard field goal should be rewarded the same as a team that only makes it to the 35 and kicks a 52 yard FG. 

    Or, do both #1 and #2. 🤓


    5 points for a ball greased up with KY Jelly.  

    • Agree 1
  3. 5 hours ago, CodeMonkey said:

    Most who have "considerable wealth" didn't get there by blindly and stupidly allowing themselves to get raped by businesses.


    They had a small business owner on the news here recently who has 8 box seats seasons, has had them for years.  His ticket rep told him the PSL for him would be $400K, which his business could not afford.  The owner asked if there was some kind of discount available and was told no.  The choice was to pay or give up some or all of the seats. The rep did offer up the contact info for a place to take out a loan (from which I suspect the Bills get a kickback). 


    That's what the NFL has come to, pricing themselves out of reach to blue collar fans.  The NFL has shown its insatiable greed for some time now, but I (probably stupidly) was expecting more from a team in a blue collar town like Buffalo.  

    As do the teams themselves.


    Bottom line, if you don't like it don't pay.  That's all the NFL cares about quite frankly, when it affects their bottom line. 

    A little dramatic.  Every business is affected by their bottom line.


    So anyone who buys a PSL is getting blindly and stupidly raped?   

    You have your right and opinion to not like it and also not go.  But since the NFL continues to grow and this is supply meets demand again…and the NFL has no reason to change.


    I am not going to like paying more but I understand it is what it is.  I bring my son up there every year and this won’t stop me from doing it.  Plane tickets, hotels and game tickets are expensive for me but I will continue to do it because its worth it to me.


    If its too financially hard on you, it sucks, I really do feel bad for you but this the result of something that is the biggest sport in the world revenue wise.  

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, Ethan in Cleveland said:

    Well to keep using your analogy you can choose not to get poked in the eye. 

    Nobody is forcing someone to buy the PSL.

    If you want the team to stay in Buffalo this is the price you pay. It's the world we live in. 

    No less than five other cities would take the Bills and their fans would willingly pay for the PSL.

    Cleveland and northeast Ohio is about to put up 500 million just to renovate their broken down stadium or get shilled for $1B or more to build a dome. 

    Can't have it both ways. You want the team you have to pay. 


    As for me I'm still going to get club level tix a few times a year and hit a couple away games a year. I still work too many weekends to justify season tix even if I'm only under 3 hours away now. 

     100% to this post.

  5. 28 minutes ago, Einstein said:


    That extra fee is why it’s not comparable to most other businesses (even in entertainment). The extra fee isn’t there for concerts, magician acts, car shows, etc etc etc.


    That’s the entire point.



    The growth has no correlation to the PSL. The PSL’s do not contribute to growth because they directly subsidize the stadium rather than the P/L of the team. This is what the owner of the team should be paying.


    Not to mention, the NFL has seen consistent growth for over 100 years and PSL’s are a relatively new part of the equation, and for less than half the teams the majority of that time. The vast majority of growth is attributable to media rights.



    Was this Country Club paid for by taxpayers? If so, name it. It should be publicly shamed.


    The entire point is sports entertainment operates differently and the NFL is the most in demand so they will have an extra fee which is the PSL.

    If the PSL was losing money or hurting their revenue, they wouldn't do it.  


    Okay Johnny Drama...they should be publicly shamed lol?  

    "Did you hear these mega millionaires have to pay extra fees with their memberships and have to buy more to get more after??"

    "Are they forcing them to have these memberships?"

    "No, it's up to them if they want to live there or not.  You don't have to live there, you can just sign up too but it costs more."

    The public outcry would be close to the Boston Massacre.


    The club is paid for by the members.  It's a private club inside a gated community and the people who live inside pay for it along with other members.  Through membership fees, revenue from the restaurant and bar and the additional memberships to use other amenities.  But if you don't live there, you can still have a membership but not sure what the qualifications are.  So in your extra scenario, it plays out 100% to your Taco Bell comparison.

    Quoted by you:

    "Taco Bell building, then paying to enter the building they paid for, then paying for the tacos themselves"



  6. I am starting to get the feeling that Beane gets aggressive and we make a trade to be the biggest story of the draft.  

    Our 1st round picks are always in the mid 20's and later.  Those are harder and harder to find playmaking difference makers.  Yes it does happen but it's not often.


    Use those picks to move up high and get the guy that can be the Marvin Harrison to Peyton Manning.

    Subliminal message in there....

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  7. 12 hours ago, Einstein said:


    The PSL’s are the problem for most, so removing that comparable item necessarily removes the point of a comparison.




    Posters really need to read and understand the context of a post or discussion before responding.


    1) PSL’s = / = Ticket Fees.


    2) No-one is arguing that this is not rare circumstance in sports. We all know billionaire owners made PSL’s common in sports. This discussion originated from saying that it is not common in general BUSINESS. An analogy was made to taxpayers not paying for the Taco Bell building, then paying to enter the building they paid for, then paying for the tacos themselves. That is what spawned the post you responded to.


    PSL is a fee and we are talking specifically about additional fees to watch the game.  So yes, PSL is the major discussion of this but as my point still stands, you pay fees for entertainment, there is just an extra one for football because of it's demand.  As someone who apparently runs a business, in this scenario, the business owners who have implemented these plans have seen growth....how is that not a successful business model?  


    The really high end country club across the street from me, members first have to pay an initiation fee which is a lot.  Then they have annual membership fees every year after that.  That just gets them in the door of the country club.

    Does this membership fee include food, drinks, golf, tennis, swimming etc?  Nope, just gets you in the door to where you basically can hangout.

    If you want to play golf, swim or other activities...another fee.  Guess what pays for the building?  The members.


    My best friend and his wife do well and they're part of a country club and their set up is the same except their membership fees include the pool.


    It happens in a much smaller setting than the NFL. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Einstein said:


    Where did you pay for the right to buy the tickets in this example? To meet the qualifications of our situation, the example must include:


    1) You, the taxpayer, paying for the venue.

    2) You paying for the right to buy the ticket (PSL).

    3) You paying for the ticket.


    If any of these are missing, the comparison is not valid.

    Comparisons do not need to be 100% the same to be valid lol.  That would mean you can’t compare anything because nothing is 100% alike.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Einstein said:

    By entertainment venues do you mean *only* football (or soccer in Europe)?

    Because I cant think of any other entertainment venue where you pay for the building, then pay to enter the building, then pay to sit in the seat.

    - You dont do that at concerts (unless its at a FOOTBALL stadium).
    - You dont do that at comedy shows (no PSL, and taxpayers didnt pay for the venue). 
    - You dont do that at magician acts (no PSL, and taxpayers didnt pay for the venue).
    - You dont do that at medieval times (no PSL, and taxpayers didnt pay for the venue).

    - You don't do that at festivals (taxpayers *might* have paid for the venue, but no PSL).

    It's only football (or soccer). 


    What is successful about it? Do you mean that a few billionaire owners are successful at taking money? 

    No I don’t just mean football.  As I have said, sports entertainment is different.


    Who paid for State Farm Arena when I watched Elton John, Bill Burr, Jo Koy and other entertainers?  I had to pay for parking in the parking lot my taxes paid for.  I had to pay for the seat.  I had to pay the ticket fees.


    You are a businessman and you’re telling me that financial growth doesn’t mean success?  This sport is bigger than all other US sports combined and it will continue to grow.  People are buying the product they are selling.  Its supply meets demand and demand is high.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  10. 3 hours ago, mrags said:

    The point was if the Bills haven’t announced it it’s not official. To say it like it was happening might have been correct but just like Von saying he’s recruiting players like Hopkins and OBJ and none of it Happened. So just wait until the team official announces it before we assume anything. 

    Pretty sure I’ve expressed how much I don’t want to talk with you. Like ever. No need to reply to me. Enjoy your life. 

    Why do you get so defensive about any criticism of your strategy?  Im not the only one who has pointed out its impossibility and then you get upset.

  11. 4 hours ago, Einstein said:

    Not many businesses exist where the fans (taxpayers) pay for the building and THEN get charged to enter the building and THEN get charged to buy the product.

    Imagine if YOU (the taxpayer) had to pay for new Taco Bell building. And THEN when the fancy new Taco Bell you paid for was all constructed, management made you pay to enter the building you just paid for. And THEN once youre in the building you paid to build, and paid to enter, you had to then pay for the actual tacos.

    Your analogy doesnt wash because 99% of businesses... this would be thought of as insane. Which it is.

    It is not even remotely close to passing the cost of doing business onto the customer.


    That is pretty much the case with entertainment venues.  A restaurant franchise operates differently than a sports entertainment franchise.  It doesn't matter if 99% of businesses operate differently.


    I don't think you can call something insane when it's a very successful model.


    If I want to go to a football game, comedy show, concert, festival.....all the above is what people have to do.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Just Jack said:


    There was a guy here several years ago, was able to get his monitor off, because LEOs were lazy and would just call him when they got an alert that his monitor was being tampered with and tell him to stop it.  He went to a local mall, tried to get a young girl and killed the woman that was with her.  


    These people have a mental issue and they can't control urges.  The damage they do to children, to me, is as bad as homicide.  

  13. 46 minutes ago, mrags said:

    I don’t care about other nfl teams. I want this team to win the Super Bowl once 

    Yup. Finally acknowledged by the Bills. 3 days later. 


    Did you know there has never been a team to win a Super Bowl with having nothing but 25 year olds?  Why do you think your plan wins a Super Bowl when it's never been done?

    2 hours ago, Warriorspikes51 said:


    Absurd.  This player is 30.  No NFL team has a roster full of 25 year olds 


    It's crazy to me that they are criticizing something that is unrealistic.  They make up a scenario that won't work and then criticize Beane when he doesn't do it lol.

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  14. 12 minutes ago, YattaOkasan said:

    I think what youre missing is younger in regards to our big contracts.  Yes we still have the same average maybe but the cuts had bigger contracts than the people we replaced them with. 


    Also "hope to get the best out of them" seems like a terrible plan.  I (and seemingly McBeane) would rather pay a bit more to get known quantities while were competing for a championship, that little bit of extra money will likely not move the needle for a difference maker.  if we were rebuilding then sure throw a UDFA out there (Levi Wallace), but now that were contending you need to not play a UDFA (if we can help it) that can be exposed.  Heck our 3rd rd LB got exposed by the giants and patriots and you wanna just hope for the best with a UDFA. 


    We'll see about the draft but I think they will prioritize the trenches.  


    Yes and it's the reason why there isn't a single GM who has ever or will ever do that.  It's not a terrible plan, it's unrealistically bad.

    The majority of your roster is going to be players under $3 million in base salary.  Its not just the McBeane, it's every single roster in the history of the NFL.


    I think teams average about 2-3 UDFA making the 53 man roster.  And we want the majority of our roster being that??

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 2 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    He has some talent but I think he has been slightly overhyped by some in the process. He is very quick, but for someone with so much speed he isn't open as often as he should be and the reason is he is not a good route runner - often imprecise and gives up leverage willingly. I think some of that is coachable, and there has been some improvement in his hands but he is early 3rd round in terms of grade for me. He is in a little cluster with Ricky Pearsall and Javon Baker for me in my kind of 4th tier of receivers (would be a 3rd tier in most drafts) and I think I like him the least of those 3. 


    If he's that fast and quick but doesn't separate, he probably rounds his routes or telegraphs his cuts.  If someone isn't a separator then I would prefer to have size.

  16. 4 minutes ago, SoTier said:


    I disagreed with you because it's not "insane" to wait until somebody is actually convicted before penalizing him/her.   Even perverts have rights.


     I understand there is a judicial process.  But I do believe it doesn't need to be so black and white, especially in a case like this.

    He was caught red handed with a lot of material.


    There needs to be a process in which someone at this level shouldn't be allowed around children.  


    • Like (+1) 1
  17. Just now, BBFL said:

    You know what’s f-d up? I have a similar situation. Guy down the road from our home was in the same thing; sting operation @ 4am when I was loading my truck up for work. Saw the blues and thought wtf, when I drove past there was 2 police trucks and 4 undercover cars. 

    Fast forward once the gossip got out he was in a sting for CP… His bail was only $10k. Meaning that if he or someone posts $1k he’s out on the street. Which he was. 

    Fast forward 2 years later after checking the PA Docket he’s still awaiting trial…


    How do you allow someone like that to still be out on the street. That bust isn’t a random thing and if indeed it was a mistake of IP identity then it still wouldn’t be a pending case. 

    Absolutely disgusting. 


    Do you know if he has to wear a bracelet or monitor?  If not, allowing this guy to have unmonitored until his trial date is unacceptable.

    These guys who have this child predator/sex mindset do not have the ability to control their urges.

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