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Everything posted by gomper

  1. Thank you all.....its been a nightmare to be sure but here's hoping for better days
  2. Marino was outstanding but look at his demeanor and who he played for.....loved the arm.hated everything else Brady is as smooth as silk.he really does everything to the highest level. In a different class than Marino and dare I say Kelly as well.
  3. My God....must we do this again? OK.let me count the ways..... Superior gameplan by the Giants Unwillingness to adjust in time by the Bills Matt Bahr's tackle on Don Smith on the opening kickoff preventing a TD The tip on the Lofton 60 yarder that could have resulted in a TD Hoss holding onto the ball as Bruce and the boys smacked him down in the endzone. Reed hearing footsteps as he dropped a sure first down on a 3rd n 2 at midfield after the safety that might of had us on the way to a blowout. The 7 min+ drive at the end of the 1st half that got the Giants back in the game The 9 min+ drive to start the 2nd half the featured some of the worst team defensive tackling ever captured on film (3rd n 13 being the ultimate in how not to tackle) Not running Thurman more despite facing a 2-3-6 for most of the game The d-line wearing down as the 4th wore on. Bennett almost with an INT on the Giants go ahead drive Not getting closer (or in the middle of the field) for the final FG attempt Norwood not coming through despite the angle and length I'm sure I missed many other key moments...still hurts
  4. Thanks bbb...i really needed to hear that.
  5. Fav: Brady...lets be honest folks, he's as good as it gets.Big Ben, Peyton for obvious reasons, and Brees. Least: Marino retired so i,ll pass
  6. Thanks to all for your insight and advice Long road ahead but it can be done.
  7. Long story short my drinking career has reached massive levels and I couldn't handle it anymore. Started going to AA. Anyone have advice on how to stay sober? Please no wise cracks. Anything would help. Thanks.
  8. 12-4??? Sorry to be critical but.......are you out of your mind? 7-9 at best. We'll get out coached every week (as always) and if they can ever get pressure with a 4 man rush I'd fall off my bar stool. After trying to find a silver lining for the last 30+ years I have zero faith this season. Of course, I'll watch every down but this organization is a joke. Starts at the top.
  9. In California and stuck w/ Vs. for game 7. Anyone have a link to CBC sports audio so I can synch up Bob Cole n Greg Millen?
  10. Thank you!!! The North Star it is.....Go Bills!!!!!
  11. anyone know a good place in San Francisco to watch the game?
  12. Joe Buck is overrated. Like him for baseball not really for football. Jack Buck just crushes his son when it comes to play by play. Dick Stockton still remains one of the most solid ever. Switching to radio, I love John Murphy but he's limited. Listen to the Raiders guy Greg Papa sometime, he's amazing. Kornheiser needs to have his mic unplugged.
  13. Using 97rock.com feed and the commercial breaks are 7 minutes long which is screwing up my Tivo synch. Need to hear Murphy in California. Any other feed around? Nfl.com?
  14. TY "theesir" for enjoying my history. Please note that Brad, still........repeat....still.....is...................horrible. Love You
  15. As bad as WGR is, and it is that bad, Brad is just as worse if not more. What is so great about listening to a moron muse about things on the internet he thinks is funny? Brad plain and simple (I've never met him but....) is a horrible broadcaster and quite ugly. He and his show are whats wrong with radio these days. It's laughable that some find him an "alternative". What a joke!
  16. I have no clue as to why some of you think Brad is doing good radio. He sucks plain and simple.
  17. Mrs. Schoop?.......that is pretty funny. Please, Schoop is worse than Brad and thats saying something. GR and Brad are pitiful.
  18. God....I thought the best thing that GR did in many years was get rid of Brad. He gladly acts like a moron on the air and thinks it's cute. He has nothing original to say and his personality is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Idiot radio.
  19. Very good points by many of you. GR is horrible. Schoop, when not getting into idiodic tirades about the stupidity of callers, has no real sense or feel for sports in this city or nationally. He comes across as a pampered know -it- all. Which he is. Bulldog has been collecting his paycheck with a mask and gun for 10 years. How someone who can't verbalize has a career in broadcasting is beyond me. His responses that start with".....aahhh,...aaaa, eeeaahh" are legendary. Simon would be a really good reporter but he does not have the personality to propel a morning show. White is just plain brutal with no sense of timing. Making matters worse are the insistance of implimenting comedy bits into the morning and afternoon shows. Really, it's not funny and it just adds to the misery. Worst yet, they would play these inane bits during breaks on Sabres broadcasts. I think the idea of "anti-promotion" has been born. Many have refered to Brad on 1230 as being an alternative. Never really being a fan, I tuned in to see if the switch would provide a refreshing angle. It was the same thing. Doing some sports and then reading whatever he finds amusing from the internet and comments on it. He just doesn't have the sharp wit or personality to pull it off. In fact, he sounds like Bulldog on a bit of GHB. The night I listened he had Bob Gaughn on. Can you say "trainwreck"?. Awful radio. I love the idea of 1230 but if Brad is their big and only move, then its more of the same.
  20. It really is a shame that such a great team like the Sabres has to be covered by such a horrible station. We've gone round and round about this but the facts remain: it is not good radio. The hosts (especially that pos Brad) have a semi-coherent grasp of broadcasting. Yes, the Sabres are amazing, but you'll never hear any insightful analysis of the team. Listen to the comments you and your friends make while watching the game.........it's way better than GR. How Buttdog still has a job is amazing never mind the chumps in the morning. Poorly produced and poorly executed. Forget about any decent Bills coverage.......they dont know football at all. Let's not forget all those funny and insightful forays into pop culture. Homeland Security probably uses some of their segments to torture detainees. GR is awful......maybe another station will take them on again.....until then its just sad.
  21. In all seriousness....he gives potheads a bad name
  22. Rhodes. He's quicker and can catch the ball. Brown is a solid RB but his upright running style leads to too many injuries.
  23. Ummm guys...the rumor is the Pats are looking to add Moss not trade Brady. Trading Brady for anything short of liftime number 1's would be insane.
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