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Riverboat Richie

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Posts posted by Riverboat Richie

  1. No one is even sure that there is ONE starter in the group and there is going to be a top ten run? I don't think so. San Fransico needs a starter now and the Jets would be no better off than they are now at QB. Cleveland can wait til their second pick. AZ and Buffalo don't need a starter for this coming season so they can sit a guy for the year. It would surprise me if one was picked before the Bills pick.


    Whew... Thank you. I feel better now.


    The other guy just told me there was no magic QB machine where you could pay a quarter and get a QB. THAT blew my mind.


    But YOU gave me a twofer! Really a "three-fer" if I wanted to stretch it a little: Not only has the 2017 draft NOT happened yet, but the team has NOT passed on a QB AND the fans don't decide what the team does!


    I think I've gained a whole damn pound today with all this knowledge I'm getting!


    Thank you so much!


    I don't think you have.

  3. Winning 10+ games every year, playing in prime time, selling jerseys and sponsorships, playing playoff games and contending for Super Bowls is a luxury. Just draft a CB and let's play out the 6 win season!


    Yeah but it might FAIL though! Let's draft a safety instead!


    So many people are married to the first person they dated, I'm impressed! After all, if it doesn't work out you just quit trying.


    You do understand you are crying about something that has not happened yet, right? You also understand that what the fans post about has nothing to do with what the Bills actually do, right?

  4. Not exactly sure what some people are looking for. Yates is now a veteran. He brings some experience behind Tyrod, and he'll get a chance in Camp to show if he can make the throws. If you're waiting for the Bills to sign Tom Brady in free agency...don't hold your breath! The NFL is woefully short on back up QB talent.


    Come on. No one thinks the Bills are going to sign Tom Brady in Free Agency. They think they are going to draft him.


    People who keep comparing this QB class to EJ Manuel have no idea how to evaluate an NFL QB prospect. Period. End of story. It is in no way, shape, or form, the same QB class. All you need to do is look at the stats and watch a few minutes of film to see that there are at least 3 QBs, probably more, in this draft who are miles ahead of where EJ was when he was drafted. Watch EJ play at FSU, he had terrible accuracy then too. It's not even close.


    Is that what the scouts do? Watch a few minutes of film and look over the stats? Interesting.................



    Yeah probably.....the level of indignance amongst fans on the subject is telling of their fears though.


    When Brady and Russell Wilson say that the offseason buy-in is the foundation of winning it's probably self-serving bullsh*t but I'd like to see what happens if the Bills all bought-in for once.


    That's why I would eliminate McCoy from the equation by telling him to stay home and make the focus on the 100% of the rest of the team who did show up to the coaches very first ever OTA.


    I do it nice-like though. :thumbsup:

    NFLPA would tend to disagree with you:

    • WORKOUTS ARE STRICTLY VOLUNTARY; Club Officials Cannot Indicate Workouts Are Anything Other Than Voluntary


    Who are you to tell another poster what's right and wrong?


    Millennial, right?


    Do you see the irony in your post?

  7. Hes the only one not there on a tesm that's desperately trying to undo losing ways and turn this franchise around. You dont think a millionaire athlete could have held his childs birthday party a day early in order to take part in team activities that has been arrainged for a while now? Also its 4 hours how long is the birthday party all day? He could have done both in the same day.


    And some people don't have to post from work. Are those people that are using their employers time and resources terrible people?

    you think he doesn't care about the team? Name one time from since he's been a Bill where he show that he didn't care while on the field. Did he ever mail it in? Why would that change now?

  8. You know this how?

    I am not debating that Chad Kelly has some growing up to do


    Im just saying that JIM Kelly had some growing up to do when HE was a young qb for the bills......I am sure a lot of you have heard the stories.

    It has nothing to do with Jim Kelly. It has everything to do with Chad Kelly. Each being their own man and taking responsibility for their own lives. I really hate the way the Jim Kelly connection is being used like it has some kind of affect on how Chad turns out.

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