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Riverboat Richie

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Posts posted by Riverboat Richie


    Romo was available.


    Just heard earlier the Cowboys are releasing him tomorrow unless they get a decent trade offer... Which means we could've just traded for him.


    People love to hate on Cutler but he's really not that bad. He has a big time arm, puts up a lot of passing yards, and is still only 33. He would've been a solid upgrade.


    No it means you could have asked about a trade for him. Doesn't mean it would have happened. I seriously doubt he would have agreed to a trade to Buffalo, They wouldn't have done that to him in my opinion. Dallas was going to treat him right by releasing him to go where he wanted to go. Cutler was talking about retirement a while back, What does that tell you about his mindset?


    They had plenty of options that would've been much better than Taylor.


    They could have pursed Romo, Cousins, Cutler....


    You might not like those guys but they are all better quarterbacks than TT.


    How do you know they didn't? Just because you wanted it it was suppose to happen no matter what the teams and players involved thought? It's not Madden. You can't make deals you like just like that.


    He's a putrid passer.


    We'll be lucky to go 8-8.


    This team is never going to win.


    What options did they have that would make you happy? What should they have done? I don't really expect an answer, haven't gotten one any time I ask anyone this question. But I continue to ask. Give me plan B. Or what you thought plan A should have been.

  4. Just when you think this organization is done making terrible moves, they go and do something like this.


    Tyrod isn't good. It blows my mind some people think this is a great decision.


    Russ Brandon was a better GM than Doug Whaley.


    The only good news is this pretty much guarantees Whaley being axed in the next 2 years. Hate it for the coaching staff but McDermott should've told Pegs and company first interview he wasn't going with TT.


    So you think letting him walk and leaving them with just Jones at QB is a great GM move? I'm not hearing any other REALISTIC options. I seriously don't know what some expected to happen. They took the best option they had.


    So another year not trying to take a QB in the draft...


    Why is everyone okay with this? I'm sick of, "this year's QB draft isn't great, wait 'til next year". I feel like I read that EVERY YEAR! Don't fall for that crap and take QB's! Why is this so complicated!?

    They were never at no time going to take a QB at #10, Not this year. They could still take one in the 3rd or 4th but not before and it depends on who is available at the time. They went with the best option, just like Bills fans want them to do. Choose the best option. I know you really were not asking them to reach and hope for a rookie to start this coming season were you? How was that going to work out? They played the best hand they had. It's not over yet.

  6. It's the 11th. If I understand it all correctly, the 9th is the start of the league year and Tyrod's bonus hits on the 3rd day (12th), so we need to know what we're doing with him by the 11th.


    Thanks for the information! No matter, I don't think they have anything planned in the extra days so. I think they keep him anyway.

  7. that's fair, but i mean this is the BBMB thread, no?


    we've got years to hash out. as long as it doesnt get vicious why not talk it out now?


    no bigs. just dudes talkin' football message boards. that's what dudes do, yeah?


    Talk about another message board on a new message board? OK, whatever. Sounds like crying about how some feel they were mistreated . But that's just me. Please let it go. We're here now. Nothing more to say.Back to actual football talk.

  8. An MRI is requested for various issues. Waiting sometimes means the ones ahead of you have a more serious condition or simple were scheduled ahead of you. Even if you are scheduled sometimes you get pushed back for a priority case, Of course being young and never having to go through it, he wouldn't understand that. The bigger issue I have is that IF he did say "Do you know who I am", which I question, it shows a selfish attitude and a me first type of mentality. Is he a team player or an I'm all out for me, player?

  9. I've brought this up elsewhere but since it's a zombie thread and will not die, once the League and the NFLPA found out about it your team would be in hot water for a while. Player incentives, those playing in contract years, coaches trying to advance in the ranks of the NFL and so on make it unlikely. I doubt any team could keep it that much of a secret that something would not get leaked. Great for headlines, not so much for the League.

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