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Straight Hucklebuck

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Posts posted by Straight Hucklebuck

  1. You listen to Sal and the fans yesterday and they immediately jumped to Dareus not fitting in, being a bad example, too much salary, not buying into "the system" - fans calling up and talking about McDermott has changed the culture and direction. 100% support the move.


    I do agree that the team works harder than under Ryan, that it's more about the team, and doing your job.


    But they are 4-2, not 8-2. Basically we've seen this model of gutting talented players who make money before with McDaniels Broncos, Mangini's Browns. That's what Beane has done here. Saving numerous large contracts, at the expense of top talent. We better hope that 2018 is a Draft for the ages.


    It's really early to say Beane and McDermott have turned it around when this team has paper thin depth everywhere. As the year gets deeper, the intensity picks up, injuries mount and this is where the Bills usually fade. They now have next to nothing to show for the last 7 Drafts outside of the 2017 Draft.


    4 solo tackles and one sack in 6 games says otherwise.



    Where did those so called stars get us?


    Cap trouble and and a mid pack team.


    Let these guys do their evaluations and carry on scrapping the dead wood.


    Trust the process.

    We were 4-2 at this exact point last year.


    As this season gets deeper, as the intensity picks up and the injuries mount, this is where the Bills usually start fading.

  3. Gaines and Matthews + a 2nd ,3rd were great trades.. Thompson ,immediate impact, potentially a great pick up..

    D had 1 rough game out of 6.

    Our DL is actually very good depth wise. Ryan Davis and Thorton can play, Hughes is fantastic,Shaq is very good, Kyle is playing great, Alexander also plays DE, Shaq will be kicked inside I'm sure, Worthy and Adolphus can play. We are fine on the DL

    He unloaded one of the worse contracts in the NFL! We saved 11 mil this year and next year combined and are off the hook after! Dareus was barely playing for a 16/mil a year player, it's fantastic we got rid of the guy...

    Sammy has been typical Sammy in LA - he flashes, but generally has 3 catches for 30 yards in a good percentage of games. Gaines, although always on the edge of injury, has been good, no denying that.


    I don't think the Darby trade was smart. 6 games in now and Matthews is a 2-3 catch game guy, who has made next to no impact over the scrubs below him on the roster. With Darby the Bills would have had a young, cheap, top flight CB pairing. I never liked that Matthews trade. It's not in your face now because Darby immediately got hurt.


    Dareus, I am a fan of talent and think this Coaching Staff is too carried away with Special Teams grinders, but he was out of shape and not plugged in.

  4. I think we have to see.


    I think the worst case is the Bills lean too far on character, work ethic, worried too much about Special Teams and getting into 3rd and manageable to ever really make enough plays in big games to win. Right now they are getting by with Mike Tolbert, Ramon Humber, Vlad Ducasse, Jordan Matthews as the number one. Does this Staff/FO overrate brotherhood and underrate talent over the long run.

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