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Another Fan

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Posts posted by Another Fan

  1. Donald Jones- he had some pretty sick catches against the Patriots in his brief time with the team.  Enough so Belichick and the Patriots signed him briefly before he retired.  One of the most underrated plays/throws in recent Bills history imo is Fitz to Donald Jones for about 30 yards week 3 in 2011 to set up Freddie's near touchdown.  



    I couldn't resist Dan Carpenter as well.  Guy was a money kicker in 2013 & 2014 I think.  Then the year Rex was hired it all went downhill for him.  It seemed even trying to kick extra points was an adventure for him.   His frustration here at missing one 🤣



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  2. 3 minutes ago, HereComesTheReignAgain said:

    Years of living in the North Jersey/NYC area have made me a very angry driver.  If it is an exit or a toll booth with a long line of cars and some douche tries to cut in at the last second, I will not let them in under any circumstances.  As idiotic as it is, I would probably let them run into me instead of letting them skip the entire line.  I have had many close calls where the offender just expects everyone to move out of their way.  


    *I say to myself weekly, it would be so much better for my blood pressure and anxiety if I just didn't let idiot drivers get to me.  I just can't be the blissfully oblivious driver. 

    From my experience Central to North Jersey and NYC are the most aggressive drivers in the country.


    even Philly drivers aren’t as bad 

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  3. 22 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    I mean, wtf has happened to our youth?


    Man, they think they deserve a freaking handout for every life event now


    Getting married?


    Let's have an engagement party so people can bring gifts.


    Not a bachelor party with some golf, poker and a stripper...has to be a freaking weekend away with your wedding party! Don't worry, they aint gunna pay for, gonna invite all my lesser friends and family to a "stag" party to cover the expense.


    Course there has to be a wedding shower in there as well, with gifts required


    Wedding week? Let's have rehearsal dinners that run 50 people deep, photos all over gods creation, buses , who cares...they aint paying for it. Gotta be better than Betty's was and show the best on the Gram!





    Now, we having a baby...a shower is not good enough anymore ...now there's a freaking diaper party,  for the fellas only , so as not to hurt the poor young couple with the burden of actually  buying diapers for the youngin.



    Screw it, I am opting out of all this madness..you want to get married, PAY FOR IT! AlL of it


    You want to have a kid? PAY FOR IT..all of it


    Damn hustlers is all they are!

    Rocky Balboas wedding.  Only like 10 people there and life went along afterwards for all there.  And Rocky don’t use condominiums.  Lol




    While it’s a movie I take it this wasn’t uncommon in the 70s and 80s?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 2 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    I mean, wtf has happened to our youth?


    Man, they think they deserve a freaking handout for every life event now


    Getting married?


    Let's have an engagement party so people can bring gifts.


    Not a bachelor party with some golf, poker and a stripper...has to be a freaking weekend away with your wedding party! Don't worry, they aint gunna pay for, gonna invite all my lesser friends and family to a "stag" party to cover the expense.


    Course there has to be a wedding shower in there as well, with gifts required


    Wedding week? Let's have rehearsal dinners that run 50 people deep, photos all over gods creation, buses , who cares...they aint paying for it. Gotta be better than Betty's was and show the best on the Gram!





    Now, we having a baby...a shower is not good enough anymore ...now there's a freaking diaper party,  for the fellas only , so as not to hurt the poor young couple with the burden of actually  buying diapers for the youngin.



    Screw it, I am opting out of all this madness..you want to get married, PAY FOR IT! AlL of it


    You want to have a kid? PAY FOR IT..all of it


    Damn hustlers is all they are!

    I’m in my late 30s….  That post made me feel better about being a misanthrope 

    • Haha (+1) 2
  5. It’s a great song and one I feel a lot.  

    But I have a memory of a video of Bills fans randomly dunking opposing teams fans with a playground basketball set up.  This song was in the background.


    Im not a fan of Bills mafia antics but I thought that video was funny.  Was like 2014ish.  The song just added to the greatness of that video 

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. On 7/3/2023 at 10:42 AM, BillsPride12 said:

    I've had pizza in NYC, Chicago, Boston, and obviously Buffalo but I always hear CT Pizza is the best.  Is it really that good? What makes it so special??

    I'm subscribed to his YouTube channel.  Antonio's pizza reviews.  He is from Staten Island initially but does pizza reviews of places in NYC and New Jersey.  Occasionally he'll go outside the area.  I had to look and he did do one on a pizzeria in Connecticut.  It got a big thumbs up from him



    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. 1 hour ago, ChronicAndKnuckles said:

    That Bengals win was dramatic because it was the last game, but still would’ve affected the standings the same way during any week of the season. The point is Buffalo won the games they needed to win in order to secure a spot including beating Miami in week 17. 

    In still wonder if Tyrod would be here if not for that Bengals win.  Or at least would have started in 2018 is a better way to put it.  



    If the Bengals lose that game the Bills playoff drought would have extended.  McDermott still would have had a very respectable rookie season at 9-7.  But I’m not sure how that would fly drafting Allen at that point as there would have been more pressure to break the drought.  Not be patient with a rookie QB 

  8. On 6/30/2023 at 9:01 PM, SinceThe70s said:


    With every hit that Pham gets the pitching prospect we'll get in a trade for him gets a little bit better.

    I hear that.


    IMO it is more advantageous than ever to field young teams.  This is because with the push on analytics young players don’t have much tape on them to scout.  Case in point the Cincinnati Reds this year.  A very talented and high achieving young team.  But I’m still not sure they’ll hold up over 162 games.  

  9. My favorite performance was his running ability in the 2015 game against the Titans.  I know he converted on some 3rd and longs just with his legs.  It broke that Titans losing streak as well going back to 2000.  That and a game that same year against the Cowboys where he converted on like a 3rd and 8 play with his legs with some pretty nifty movies to keep the drive going and ice that game.  The win was meaningless that year but it still felt good to beat the Cowboys.  



    Tyrod was all right for what he was a solid backup/bridge QB.  



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  10. 34 minutes ago, SoMAn said:

    correct. Don't know why I was thinking Robert Forester. And yes, I knew about the singing. That was another bizarre scene. He acted very creepy towards Layla, but she either didn't notice or didn't care. She just went along with everything, even being kidnapped. Nothing bothered her.

    I agree.  

    Would have liked to hear her point of view more why she loved Billy.  I’m guessing she sees beyond the rough exterior?  Like with the Wendy balsam story 

  11. 14 minutes ago, SoMAn said:

    The whole movie is based on wide right! 
    Gallo’s character Billy Brown did time in place of someone else as a means to settle a gambling debt.  He’d lost a huge bet on Buffalo in the Super Bowl when ‘Scotty Wood’ blew what would’ve been a winning field goal.  
    Billy never had his mother’s love or attention. She’s an obsessed Bills fan who blames him for missing the Bills’ last championship win, thanks to his birth during the game played in ‘66. 

    Billy seeks revenge on Wood who cost him the chance to finally gain his mother’s affection.  

    Billy’s mother is played by Angelica Huston, and his passive father was wonderfully played by Robert Forster who you may also remember as the owner of the Vacuum Cleaner store in Breaking Bad. 

    the movie is bizarre in some scenes, but overall interesting and artsy. Don’t know if it’s more appealing for me because of the Bills story angle. 

    I think you got his dad confused, was Ben Gazzara.  

    Kind of a cool thing if you didn’t know the scene where he sings that song to Layla it’s actually Vincent’s dad voice Vincent Gallo sr 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. While I can’t stand this “enlightened era” or a lot of things about it watching the film itself recently I can’t help but think of Laylas perspective.  Like why did she like Billy?  What’s her back story?  The film is just seen through Billy’s eyes 

    14 hours ago, BillsPride12 said:

    I've never seen it.  Is it based on any actual events or places in Buffalo?


    Doesn't it have a nod to Wide Right in the movie as well?

    Way back in the day I rented it or my dad did for all the Buffalo nods like that.


    But it’s really not a movie to watch for feel good nostalgia or Buffalo Bills references which you know I’m all about.  It’s still a favorite of mine though 

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 24 minutes ago, WhoTom said:


    I hadn't seen it until someone here started a thread about it several years ago. In short, the main character is despicable, and when he goes home to visit his parents in Buffalo, you understand why he's that way. I had mixed feelings about it. It was gripping in a way, but uncomfortable. Some people don't like movies like that, but I find them interesting. It's not a "feel good" movie, other than feeling good that I was raised by much better people than his parents.


    I have a friend who's a psychology professor. She teaches a course called "Life Span Development," which she jokingly describes as, "101 ways to blame your parents." I suggested that she see Buffalo 66. I don't know if she did.



    It was probably me as well.  Lol


    I thought that's what made the movie great though as it progressed.  You see a little more beneath his exterior.  Although after watching it a few times Billy's behavior is just straight hilarious to me in the first few minutes.   Added as well that was Vincent's childhood home in Williamsville (I believe) where he knocked on the door 



    51 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofLeonLett said:

    Love that film!!!

    Love the use of Heart of The Sunrise and Sweetness in it by Yes 

  14. In my history I started a thread when the movie was 20 years old 5 years ago.  Back then it seemed to get mixed reviews on the site


    Now it’s 25 years.  So out of curiosity I’m gonna see if opinions have changed on it.  The Josh Allen era has happened since.   I do love the film and it’s probably in my top 10 of all time.  Although I’ll admit some of it looks a little dated watching it today.  

    The quote now that stands out to me is Mickey Rourkes character telling Billy if Buffalo ever makes it back to the big game bet against them.  



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  15. 7 hours ago, ExWNYer said:




    I keep telling myself I'm not going to watch them anymore this season but my addiction keeps sucking me back into watching. I did turn the channel when they got down, 5-1, on Friday and saved myself. I missed most of Saturday (the lone win) due to plans with friends but, unfortunately, watched all of the sh*t show on Sunday. The most disappointing thing to me is that they are not fun to watch. I like elements of this squad but there is nothing fun or entertaining about watching the highest payroll in baseball continually shoot themselves in the foot and invent new and excruciating ways to lose. There are too many talented players and coaches (Buck & Hefner) for this team to be an also-ran laughingstock sitting 15 games out of first place and eight...yes, EIGHT...games out of the LAST Wild Card spot in June. Holy cripes...


    Let me start off about Buck by saying that I like him...I wanted him as the manager. But he has frustrated me time and again this year with (IMO) his mismanagement of the bullpen. I am on record several times...you guys have seen it before. I know he's not managing with a full arsenal at his disposal but he's bungling what he does have. That said, he didn't go from winning 101 games and NL Manager of the year to not knowing anything about baseball but, as you guys said, he has always been known for preaching fundies and this is one of the most head-scratchingly bad fundamental teams in all of baseball. It's beyond perplexing. They don't have the margin of error for the kinds of mental & physical errors they are committing. Admittedly, Buck has forgotten more about baseball than I will ever know but, at some point, even the shelf life of the good ones runs out. This mess isn't entirely on him but he certainly should be held accountable for some of it. And a big "F*CK NO!" to Joe Girardi. I wanted him at one point, too, but have you already forgotten how putrid the Philthies were under his misdirection? They didn't take off until they canned his rigid ass and went in another direction. I'd rather stick with Buck or give Beltran his shot than bring in the crew-cut with the stench of both the Skanks & Philthies on him. That ship has sailed and is a hard pass for me. JMO


    Lastly, I don't think a managerial shakeup will do anything for this current rag-tag amalgamation of misfit toys. They are poorly put together by one Billy Eppler. I can't stand him and would welcome his firing today. He assembled this awful bullpen. There were better options still on the market but he chose to go with guys who had options so he could have the flexibility to call them up and move them down. How the fug has that worked out for you, Billy?? The 2023 NY Mess have lost 12 games already...TWELVE...when scoring 6 or more runs in a game. That is mind-blowing and the most in MLB. They have also allowed the most HRs in all of baseball. Between this Mets team and the constant infestation of trolls on the main boards starting 'Trade Diggs...he's a cancer' threads or 'McDermott sucks' threads, this has been a miserable sports summer. Have a great week, gentlemen. I'm headed to WNY on Friday for a much needed week of R&R with family.




    I awaited getting a notification with your thoughts saying how you really feel about the latest debacles.  As always you did not disappoint! 


    Enjoy the week as well 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  16. From any level of playing.  Can be personal or Bills related.


    I really do love this story below.  Tyson Taylor talked about Bob Hurley Sr and playing for him.  The day before the state championship game he went off on the seniors claiming they’d be the laughing stock of high school basketball if they never won a state championship at St Anthony’s.  



    I thought it was funny how nervous he felt that speech made the team.  And mentioned all being stone faced killers the whole day.  


    But then years later he saw that was all apart of coach Hurleys motivation.  He tricked us into being good.  It’s cool sometimes years down the line when the lightbulb goes off on what someone was trying to do for you 

  17. 7 hours ago, Draconator said:

    Ok. The back story. 


    I'm bipolar. Diagnosed and all that. Not a big secret as my life is pretty much an open book. Back in my 20's, 30's, and early 40's, any income I had went to bars, dinners, etc. Rent and such be damned! (Such as the life of one with Bipolar). 


    Fast forward to the mid-'40s, and I found a psychiatrist who authorized a medication I was aware of that had good success with others with the same diagnosis. Now 8 years on that medication, and I could actually pay rent and the like. Not only that, but I can actually hold down a good job for more than 3 months at a time. 


    So yeah. My wonderful wife and I are buying our first house together. She is a previous homeowner with her prior husband. But for me? First-time homebuyer. No time like the present yo. 

    Thanks for sharing.  

    Im in my late 30s with a diagnosis of autism recently and feel odd never owning or aspiring to own property right now.  But it’s something I want to do 

    • Like (+1) 4
  18. 29 minutes ago, Gugny said:

    Today’s loss had bad fielding and we lost because Buck left a pitcher in too long. 

    I wonder if Joe Girardi has the itch. 

    Yeah remember a few years ago in the Brodie GM days when we all wanted Girardi as manager and were upset he wasn't picked?    And Buck we or at least I thought there was never a chance as he'd laugh and having lineups forced on him by the higher ups.  Ironic much now?  

  19. @ExWNYer @Gugny @SinceThe70s


    I watched the highlights this weekend.  All I could say is it's like bizarre to me this team is a Buck coached team.  The mental image of him I had prior to this year was fundamentally sound baseball were his teams bread and butter.  And if you made errors in the field like the team did this weekend he'd sit you down to make an example.  I think I recall even Mike Francesa telling stories about him and his time with the Yankees that he drove the team nuts with his micromanaging the smallest of details like shoelaces.  



    Perhaps he's just at a point where he's burnt out giving as much as he did in his life to the game.  

    • Agree 1
  20. On 6/24/2023 at 12:51 PM, Alphadawg7 said:

    I thought CJ Spiller was on his way to being a legit top end starter after his 2000 combined yard season.   He seemed to be on a path that would have been similar to what Kamara eventually became later on for the Saints.  But nope, he flamed out immediately and was a one hit wonder the likes of Peyton Hills.  


    While clearly my biggest miss, I take solace that it came off the back of a pretty big season by him where he lead the league in YPC and had over 2000 combined yards.  But he definitely fooled me lol 

    I hear you.


    Which leads me to think Chan Gailey was a genius when it came to just offense.  

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