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Another Fan

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Posts posted by Another Fan

  1. On 9/2/2023 at 8:33 PM, SinceThe70s said:

    @ExWNYer @Gugny @Another Fan


    Mauricio trivia.....answers further down:


    1) He had two hits in his Mets/MLB debut. Who is the last Met to do that?

    2) He went 3 for 4 in his first Mets/MLB at bats? Who is the last Met to do that?

    3) He went 4 for 5 in his first Mets/MLB at bats? Who is the last Met to do that?




















    1) Steven Matz

    2) Luis Guillorme

    3) Jake DeGrom

    Tbh 0 for 3 on your quiz 🙁  Good trivia though.


    The discussion on Matz made me look him up.  Seems he's with the Cardinals and is doing okay for himself I guess?  Got a recent 4 year 44 million dollar deal there.


    I liked Matz but if I recall right he wasn't like mentally strong to be a starting pitcher?  Or at least not yet in that point of his career.


    Nonetheless I liked him and wish him well.  But yeah even when more recent guys like Canha I like get traded the are out of mind out of sight for me for the most part 




  2. 16 hours ago, SinceThe70s said:

    @ExWNYer @Gugny @Another Fan


    In his first at bat Mauricio purportedly hit the hardest ball a Met has hit all year. I saw the at bat (RFer was frozen) and watched him get stranded at third. Looks like a big dude - surprised he projected as a SS let alone 2B.

    I was just a teenager then but I never really quite got over Jason Phillips in a way when it comes to getting excited about late season call ups.  I thought he was going to be like for sure the next big thing.  I think the Mets brass then did as well as they wanted Mike to play 1st base to make room for him as catcher going forward.  I also thought the whole Buddy Holly glasses he wore made him seem him even cooler.  But it didnt quite work out 😞.  Damn that was 20 years ago already.  


    Just two other notes:


    I mean DeGrom I would have been cool with but what was the deal with the Scherzer tribute video.  Just seriously....  



    His passing was also almost 20 years ago today.  Sean Kimmerling.  





    I still remember being upset about that when I heard it.  If I recall correctly he was a sideline reporter when the Mets used to be on Channel 11 WB.  He seemed a nice, handsome, healthy guy.  I mean still kind of stunning in a way thinking about him.



    But there is a Cancer memorial named after him




    And I feel Sean himself would laugh at that 1st picture on that site!  A serious topic in a light manner there 






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  3. @ExWNYer@SinceThe70s. @Gugny


    I've just been following the box scores of late.  Just checking in here with you guys and some thoughts:


    - While Dan Vogelbach is like the least of the team's issues,  I can't help but notice he seems to only hit home runs when the Mets are up big or down big.  Dean Palmer was the king of that I thought. A Rod as well I used to joke was always good for hitting home runs with the Yankees when the game was already decided.  


    - Again I think I mentioned I would have still kept Verlander (I have not followed him at all since he left the team though) I am okay with a youth movement.  But I guess I'm of the opinion in New York you still have to sort of field or give the appearance of fielding a competitive team with what the tickets costs are for the Mets?  I understand you really cant compare the cost of living in Cincinnati or Milwaukee but they are 2 teams now yielding competitive teams where tickets costs are significantly cheaper.  I mean I went to a game this year first time since 2015.  Just not sure sentiments of season ticket holders shelling out their $$$


    -While I was pretty disappointed with Buck overall this year I didnt think he deserved to necessarily be fired.  But I am 50/50 on bringing him back.  To me more than anything this year the thing that frustrated me the most was the team looking unmotivated/undisciplined/could care less.  I have to think a little of that falls on the manager.  But I mean to be fair I'm not sure if fiery managers even exist in baseball anymore in 2023?  I just dont know enough about other teams besides maybe the Reds and Yankees.  And Aaron Boone doesn't exactly strike me as someone who puts much fear in his team.  With how baseball is set up these days is analytics/ the number guys the king?  

  4. 38 minutes ago, boyst said:

    Turned over to stern this evening. He has a guy calling in asking about his girlfriend... A trams woman.


    Stern was incredibly polite and encouraging to the guy vs make any type of jokes, not even about trans. A guy called in pretending to be the guys girlfriend. 


    Still, it was dull. 30 years ago he would have had jokes for days that still wouldn't go beyond the limits of modern cancel culture.

    I recall and this has to be 20 years ago already (wow) the subject of that topic came up on his show.  He made a joke there should just be a separate bathroom with a big question mark for transgender people.  It got laughs from Artie and the crew


    Time has changed 

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  5. On 8/11/2023 at 4:53 PM, Draconator said:

    Got this idea from the Johnny Manziel thread on TSW.  I shared some of my Bipolar journey there but thought it wouldn't hurt to start a new thread specifically for Bipolar. 

    I am an open book when it comes to this. So if you had any deep, dark questions about Bipolar in general, feel free to ask me anything about it. I'll give you an answer from my real life experience having been diagnosed with it for 16 years now. 

    I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 with Rapid Cycling in April 2007. What led me to my diagnosis was the break-up with my ex. I didn't take it well, and seeing a doctor at the clinic I was going to, what I was going through clued him in that I may have BIpolar. So I met with a county psychiatrist for close to 2 hours. That's when she diagnosed me with Bipolar 1 with Rapid Cycling. Bipolar 1 is the more severe form of Bipolar. Rapid Cycling is you have manic and depressed events 3 or 4 times a day, as opposed to 3 or 4 times a year with someone with BIpolar who doesn't have rapid cycling.  


    What is it like to live with Bipolar? You spend a LOT of money while manic. It's nothing to drop that month's rent at the casino, trying to pay for rent. You already have it, but you feel you need more money for it. You drive like a lunatic. Like 75 in a 35 is no big thing. You want to have sex a lot and will ask any female to have sex with you. I didn't resort to abuse thank goodness, but having a lot of sex is a form of mania that many bipolar folks have. You drink a LOT. In my earlier days, I would spend $150 to $200 a night at a bar, buying drinks for random strangers. I still do have about 2 to 4 drinks a night. But I am not drinking in order to get hammered drunk. In fact, I hate being drunk. I know I joke about my drinking here, but I do drink more than my fair share. When I'm feeling a good amount of buzz, I'm done or take a long break between drinks. 

    With my now wife, I was living near Oakland, California, and her in Buffalo when we reconnected. We went to high school together, and we were in show choir, chrous, orchestra, musicals, and plays together. We however didn't say more than 5 sentences to each other. She had her own group of friends and I had mine. We reconnected via Facebook. Facebook messages turned into phone calls. On our second call, I told her I had bipolar. Not wanting to hide it. Her response made me think she's a keeper. She said, "How can I help you with it"? She still helps me. Whenever I feel like I'm entering a cycle, I tell her exactly that, and she immediately sits me down and we talk about what I'm feeling, and how I can make it through it. Thankfully, I haven't had any real cycles for a few years now. Her help and the medication I am on have made a tremendous difference. For those playing at home, I take Latuda as my main medication. Last winter I was entering a depression. I spoke to Jen my wife who encouraged me to see my PA. She diagnosed me with severe seasonal affective disorder. So she also prescribed me Trileptal which back in 2011, was my main bipolar medication. Back in my time in California, I was seeing a county psychiatrist. She could only prescribe medications that were approved by the county. So Latuda was not an option. When I moved to New York, I was in the Erie County Medical Center psych unit the first month after I arrived, because I didn't have a doctor at the time and was off medication. Jen worked with me after I was released (thankfully after 2 hours instead of the mandatory 72-hour hold), helped me find a doctor, and got me back on medication. I was taking different medications with screwy side effects. I was on Geodon, which gave me daily mini-seizures. Also, while on Geodon, I could not drink alcohol, at all. I had a glass of champagne at midnight on December 31, 2013, and passed right out 5 minutes later. The most common side effect of bipolar medication, and true in my case, is excessive weight gain. When I started on medication, I was around 205 lbs. I'm currently 280 lbs. I don't tend to lose any significant weight either. I was at my lowest 240 lbs a few years ago, while working out every day and intermittent fasting. Once I stopped fasting and working out daily, the weight came right back. 


    More as it pops into my head. Feel free to ask me about what I stated above, or anything about bipolar in general. Or go ahead and call me tubby. I'll just sit on you and fart in your general direction. 

    Is there any sort of fear with you people with the disorder get pathologized?


    Thats one part of mental health that bothers me.  People are just treated as labels and all their “quirks” are because of such and such.  

  6. 17 hours ago, muppy said:

    Props for sharing your mental health journey with us.  I have been under professional care for my own mental health issues for years as the result of having been the victim of a violent felony crime.  Mental health issues are also caused for many others due to traumas of all different kinds.  Chemical imbalances, injury, abuse, many reasons to cause it even hereditary within your family


    Although mental health illnesses are often stigmatized  I have often felt that was unfair. If someone has lupus or say type 1 diabetes it would be wrong to chastize or snide them for having a physical illness. Why are diseases of the brain not thought of in the same manner. Both physical and mental disease deserve serious consideration and treatment.


    My own issues have been treated for which I am very grateful. I feel the same way for you hermano. I'm glad you found your spouse and are clearly healthy enough to have shared something as personal as this. 


    I will say the quality of the professional is Key to receiving an accurate diagnosis AND treatment plan.  God speed and blessings to you and yours xo m

    This.  Although I like the phrase different more than disease per say.  



    I cannot tell you how many times I got made fun of growing up for not speaking.  In front of whole classes as well and in family parties.    But really to me I make the same comparison as somebody with a broken leg being made fun of because they can't run fast.  People just wouldn't do that.  



    Internalizing a lot of that over the years turned me into a bitter, jaded person.  

    • Sad 1

    3 hours ago, Draconator said:

    Got this idea from the Johnny Manziel thread on TSW.  I shared some of my Bipolar journey there but thought it wouldn't hurt to start a new thread specifically for Bipolar. 

    I am an open book when it comes to this. So if you had any deep, dark questions about Bipolar in general, feel free to ask me anything about it. I'll give you an answer from my real life experience having been diagnosed with it for 16 years now. 

    I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 with Rapid Cycling in April 2007. What led me to my diagnosis was the break-up with my ex. I didn't take it well, and seeing a doctor at the clinic I was going to, what I was going through clued him in that I may have BIpolar. So I met with a county psychiatrist for close to 2 hours. That's when she diagnosed me with Bipolar 1 with Rapid Cycling. Bipolar 1 is the more severe form of Bipolar. Rapid Cycling is you have manic and depressed events 3 or 4 times a day, as opposed to 3 or 4 times a year with someone with BIpolar who doesn't have rapid cycling.  


    What is it like to live with Bipolar? You spend a LOT of money while manic. It's nothing to drop that month's rent at the casino, trying to pay for rent. You already have it, but you feel you need more money for it. You drive like a lunatic. Like 75 in a 35 is no big thing. You want to have sex a lot and will ask any female to have sex with you. I didn't resort to abuse thank goodness, but having a lot of sex is a form of mania that many bipolar folks have. You drink a LOT. In my earlier days, I would spend $150 to $200 a night at a bar, buying drinks for random strangers. I still do have about 2 to 4 drinks a night. But I am not drinking in order to get hammered drunk. In fact, I hate being drunk. I know I joke about my drinking here, but I do drink more than my fair share. When I'm feeling a good amount of buzz, I'm done or take a long break between drinks. 

    With my now wife, I was living near Oakland, California, and her in Buffalo when we reconnected. We went to high school together, and we were in show choir, chrous, orchestra, musicals, and plays together. We however didn't say more than 5 sentences to each other. She had her own group of friends and I had mine. We reconnected via Facebook. Facebook messages turned into phone calls. On our second call, I told her I had bipolar. Not wanting to hide it. Her response made me think she's a keeper. She said, "How can I help you with it"? She still helps me. Whenever I feel like I'm entering a cycle, I tell her exactly that, and she immediately sits me down and we talk about what I'm feeling, and how I can make it through it. Thankfully, I haven't had any real cycles for a few years now. Her help and the medication I am on have made a tremendous difference. For those playing at home, I take Latuda as my main medication. Last winter I was entering a depression. I spoke to Jen my wife who encouraged me to see my PA. She diagnosed me with severe seasonal affective disorder. So she also prescribed me Trileptal which back in 2011, was my main bipolar medication. Back in my time in California, I was seeing a county psychiatrist. She could only prescribe medications that were approved by the county. So Latuda was not an option. When I moved to New York, I was in the Erie County Medical Center psych unit the first month after I arrived, because I didn't have a doctor at the time and was off medication. Jen worked with me after I was released (thankfully after 2 hours instead of the mandatory 72-hour hold), helped me find a doctor, and got me back on medication. I was taking different medications with screwy side effects. I was on Geodon, which gave me daily mini-seizures. Also, while on Geodon, I could not drink alcohol, at all. I had a glass of champagne at midnight on December 31, 2013, and passed right out 5 minutes later. The most common side effect of bipolar medication, and true in my case, is excessive weight gain. When I started on medication, I was around 205 lbs. I'm currently 280 lbs. I don't tend to lose any significant weight either. I was at my lowest 240 lbs a few years ago, while working out every day and intermittent fasting. Once I stopped fasting and working out daily, the weight came right back. 


    More as it pops into my head. Feel free to ask me about what I stated above, or anything about bipolar in general. Or go ahead and call me tubby. I'll just sit on you and fart in your general direction. 

    My dad and uncle were diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  I just tended to think of them as moody at times more than anything growing up.  The one time he had an episode that reminds me a little of what you talk about is when he impulsively bought a new car which he found out was like a bad fit for him weeks later and he wound up turning it in.  At the time I didnt really think much of at all...  I'm a very sort of people are people kind of person and if you're not doing something to harm someone else it's more or less whatever.  


    My mom's cousin I am told has bipolar.  This came about when I was at a wedding with him and he said some things like really inappropriate to me like out of the blue.  It totally shocked me as the image I had of him was like a sort of jolly loves life kind of fellow.  I just attributed it to him being really drunk.  But when I asked someone what the hell was that about I'm told his daughter has bipolar and he most likely does as well.



    I imagine like autism though it's kind of a spectrum disorder in how severe you have it?  I got officially diagnosed with autism last year.  While no one else in the family was diagnosed officially a fair amount of relatives have similar traits to me where I never really stood out so to speak.  

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  8. 5 hours ago, boyst said:



    listened daily from like 99-2017 or '18. he just got too political, too lazy, did not have the same fun. his tirades became old angy man yells at cloud Imus style nonsense.


    he has literally become what he railed against for years. he's proven to be a hypocrite.

    I can understand people change and evolve as they get older.  But he really did a 180 to make me sorta go what a fake with certain things.....


    Like for example for years he would obsess and beat up Rosie O'Donnell on his show where I thought he would go over the line sometimes.  And now they are like best friends.  


    He spent like 30 years beating up and hating on Kathie Lee Gifford and now he says this is because she is everything he isn't.  Pathetic




    • Agree 2
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  9. Last night I was watching when Crazzie Cabbie fought Stuttering John from 2002 in Atlantic City.  The whole thing was a laugh riot.  Bettlejuice as well coming out in the ring with Don King.  


    I was never a big fan but I would listen to him occasionally in the Artie Lange days and knew all the players and wack packers on his show.


    But since he went to satellite radio, became pretty pc, and seems like more of an entertainment reporter today I lost interest.  

    How about you? 

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. I saw a bowling alley I went too quite a bit growing up closed recently.  While I hadnt been there for years that did make me feel a little sad.



    In middle school we had a club in school where we'd go to the lanes after school like twice am month or something like that.  Fun times.  We used to even have other kids birthday parties at the lanes sometimes.  Bowl, play arcade games, and watch MTV.  Back at the age well before teenagers lose their innocence.  



    It's a hobby I wouldn't mind trying to take up again someday.  I have heard though Buffalo is/was a big bowling town with a number of alleys?  

  11. 14 hours ago, SinceThe70s said:


    Getting swept three by a bad team after the team got gutted should have nothing to do with your faith in the owner.  


    If you believe Cohen shouldn't have gutted the team I can respect that. But I'd be interested in what you think they should and shouldn't have done.


    By Tuesday morning I thought the best course of action was to hold onto Verlander - and I'm still not sure that moving on from him was the best move, but I appreciate the boldness AND the fact that Cohen used his financial might to try to improve the team by spending to build the farm system. AFAIK that's unprecedented.


    Cohen's stated strategy is to build a pipeline of talent AND win a WS within (I think) 3-5 years. He tried to use his financial might to win the WS through free agency and it failed miserably the first few years so the 3-5 might not work out.  Instead of doubling down, he shifted his resources to the farm system this past week.


    Folks are getting their panties in a wad over next year, but I still expect Cohen to spend this off-season and I expect they will field a competitive team next season. Let's not forget that we have Diaz coming back, a decent core (Alonso, McNeil, Lindor, Nimmo) and promising young talent (Alvarez, Baty, Mauricio, Vientos).  Starting pitching for next year will need to be addressed and the bullpen is pretty much a crapshoot for every team.










    A horrible season for sure, although to be honest in many ways I consider last season worse. But that's useless hindsight.


    How do you feel about the moves they made and prospects for next year and beyond?

    I would have held onto Verlander but am all right with the other moves. Tbh though I know nothing about the prospects to have an opinion on them.


    Cohen initially said he would take 3-5 years to make the team into a winner.  These last moves tell me he’s throwing in the towel for this year and well next year.  If he wants to start a more youth centered movement I’m okay with that.  But have the balls to tell that to the fanbase.  


    With The Wilpons I at least know where they were coming from even if I wasn’t a fan.  Same deal with Yankee fans with George.  He was out in the open with his feelings.  

    Anywho that’s the angle I was coming from with not trusting him quote 

  12. 20 minutes ago, Gugny said:

    Bad Boys is one of my favorite movies. 

    He also played the father in a movie based on a true crime book about a young girl who killed her step mother after her father talked her into it. 

    I think the book was If You Really Loved Me. 

    Pretty sure the girl’s real name is Cinnamon Brown. 

    Not in a good place to google facts. 

    Anyway. Great call. 


    Horowitz you're talking about?


    The only other movie I recall him being in was Author! Author! when he was a kid with Al Pacino.  He played I think Al's son in the movie.  Was an okay movie.  I think its largely unknown outside of Pacino fans.




    But yeah that Horowitz character is definitely a very memorable one to me.  While I have zero chance of ever crossing his path in business, I can see myself going all Chris Farley on him on a conference call.  You remember when all the prison guards had to detain you?  😅

  13. @ExWNYer  @Gugny   @SinceThe70s



    Wow.  Just an epic suck job by this team.  Getting swept by one of the record wise worst teams in major league history.  In this order walk off balk, 4-0, and 9-2.




    I know we have an owner now willing to spend moolah and eat it if necessary but I've lost all faith in him for the time being.  

  14. Who says you have to be Taylor Swift or even Josh Allen in the entertainment or sports world to have an interesting story?


    These two for me:


    Sean Rooney- was a state champ basketball player under Bob Hurley at St Anthony’s.  But he’s more known or semi known to the world as Bettlejuices manager from the Howard Stern show.  He was the guy that discovered him.  Too bad he died in jail 😢


    Eric Gurry- was Mighty Mouse or Horowitz in the old Sean Penn movie Bad Boys.  But today he is a venture capitalist with an Ivy League education.  I still wouldn’t be able to look at without thinking of that radio package that blew off Vikings ear or that big blonde guy in that movie 



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  15. 2 hours ago, Gregg said:

    He was definitely an original. He is right there with the likes of Andy Kaufman. IMHO

    When Andy was in college he had a show called Uncle Andy’s Funhouse or Playhouse.  Can’t remember but he did think of Andy as an influence 



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