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Eric Moulds on my A**

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Everything posted by Eric Moulds on my A**

  1. Now that would take some balls but if we pulled it out, it'd be perfect to me.
  2. I'd wanna be Fitzpatrick. Not only does he continue to get job after job. But almost every single time he ends up making a start. I knew Winston would get hurt last year. It's really incredible.
  3. I always try to bring myself back to the Tre pick last year. That is the type of player he wants to a T. Production, Coachability, Leadership. He's tossed out his ticket on the hype train for any player. There were other picks he could've gone with but that was the safest. I still think Zay could end up a good player, lots of pressure for him to perform last year right out the gate. But again, production... Zay had it in college, an NFL pedigree and was close enough to our pick to reason for the trade up. He is NOT gonna bet the farm. We needed that type of thinker making the calls for a long time.
  4. Now this I do agree with, what that officer said was a personal opinionated comment, certainly doesn't align with innocent until proven guilty.
  5. Yep. Can only **** on people for so long until your musk smells of crop dust.
  6. Beanes heavy with the Smokescreen. I really have no idea who they covet. The only player I don't think is on our radar is Baker Mayfield. I like him and hope they don't take his competiveness as arrogance but McD really values respect. Respecting others and yourself. Hope the crotch grab and other antics didn't leave a bad impression with them. I'm willing to admit I'm in the dark... but I love it.
  7. I'm not against drafting two QB's. The Redskins asses were saved by that line of thinking when they drafted Cousins, they still somehow F'ed that up. I sure as **** wouldn't do it with our first 2 picks. 4th or 5th rd, sure.
  8. I feel ya. Like I said, I'm in the opposite line of thinking and hope we get OUR guy with 12. Either way we are sitting pretty come draft time and I'll sit mesmerized by the telly for atleast the first 3 rounds.
  9. “He said, ‘You all must not know who I am,'” Acevedo said of Michael Bennett. “‘I could own this [place]. I’m going onto the field whether you like it or not.'” He did? No Way! How do these peasants not know of the great Michael Bennett, the axis in which our world turns?
  10. Snowflake... nice! Triple digit IQ and you keep recycling the same jab. Youre a wonder Boyst.
  11. For me, the accuser... the injured paraplegic elder NRG employee. For you, the accused..a filthy rich, overexcited football player. Right?
  12. You would be willing to spend 10 years in jail if you were him? And I'm angry? You're becoming (or have already been) unhinged. Because I feel sympathy for a victim? Alright, you win. I truly get angry over bickering between members that monopolizes a thread. So to that effect you're the king of the moral high ground, I submit.
  13. Get chills thinking by about it. Watched it with a buddy who's a huge Ravens fan. Too Sweet.
  14. Brother. Read back what I've written and what you've written. Your soap box is a sugar packet. Sit out a few rounds, it's getting embarrassing.
  15. You're suffering now? You're right. The victim isn't a paraplegic older women doing her job as she is run over by an EXCITED, enormous football player who can't be bothered to look where he is going or follow guidelines. Oh the suffering... It's not like you were ran over by Bennett. Yikes.
  16. Wow. Hey man, we've all got sides of the line to stand on. If this is what you wanna get behind, that's your prerogative.... but damn. You come off to me as part of the problem in this world. Was she injured, yes? Pay her$ End of story.
  17. Wow. The entitlement athletes feel is beyond my comprehension. To think anyone could feel like this is ok is outta bounds. He's not talking his way outta this one. And for someone who thinks it's tough to be black... try being paraplegic and elderly. Ageism and stigmas associated with a physical disability are tougher to overcome, without question. Karmas a B, look forward to seeing what the universe has in store for this POS.
  18. I like us at 12, am rarely interested in putting all our chips on the table for 1 guy, regardless of the prospect or position. I'd further like to take the BPA that fits our needs... IDC what position that is. QB is such a question mark and the cost would be steep to move to 2. Its such a risk for an uncertain outcome. None of these guys (Rosen, Darnold, Allen) are remotely close to sure things. Ik, Ik, nothing ever is a sure thing but are they THAT much better a prospect than L. Jackson or Rudolph or Mayfield... whoever falls to 12. I don't believe so. But what am I? Just a bum who loves the Bills. Counting down the days to this draft though, more so than most years.
  19. The tea leafs definitely spelt this out until the Jets made the move to 3. Now it's anyone's guess. Im higher on Lamer Jackson than most and odds are he is there at 12. Which is why I wanna stay put. Dalton has had some great seasons until playoffs. Works with the 1's every day. McCarron hadn't developed that chemistry and still was a fumble away from a playoff win against the Steelers. So the evidence AGAINST McCarron isn't there either. I get what you're saying but winning 2 Nationals Championships has to carry some weight, right? I feel bad for AJ, he's the Rodney dangerfield of QB's. Maybe he will finally get some respect after we make the playoffs with him slinging the pig skin.
  20. Did you believe that Tyrod would get us to the playoffs? In my opinion AJ is a better QB than Tyrod. So how can you state that AJ is in FACT only the bridge when he hasn't had the chance to compete in camp. We stay at 12 we can still get a promising QB prospect. Ya can't just state these assumptions as facts. You have no idea what Beane and McD's plan is. I respect your opinion but it is just that... an opinion.
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